Page 20-Wednesday, May 2, 1979-The Michlgan Daily Nuelear plant repairs delayed SOUTH HAVEN (UPI)-Con- sumers Power Co. said repair crews trying to put the Palisades Nuclear Power Plant back on line yesterday un- covered another problem that could keep the facility closed for days. "There's another problem. We don't know what it is yet," said Bob Wisch- meyer, a utility spokesman. Asked whether the problem had anything to do with the plant's radioac- tive parts, Wischmeyer said, "It's possible. We don't know. We do know that it will be more than just another day before the plant is brought back up." PALISADE'S NUCLEAR generator shut down automatically shortly after midnight Monday when a faulty voltage regulator tripped the plant's main tur- bine generator. Plant officials had hoped to have the plant running again within 24 hours. "The way the system is hooked up, once there is that kind of malfunction, the whole system automatically shuts down," another Consumers Power spokesman, Mike Koschi, said. "THEY'RE RUNNING a series of tests and those tests take the better part of 24 hours." The emergency shutdown was the sixth this year at Palisades. The utility's other Lake Michigan shoreline nuclear plant, Big Rock near Charlevoix, is shut down as the result of a leak of radioactive coolant water in the reactor vessel April 20. CONSUMERS HAS scheduled a Friday news conference at Big Rock to discuss preliminary findings make by a special task force appointed to in- vestigate the leak. Big Rock has been closed since Feb. 2 when it went down for refueling. The Palisades plant shut down shor- tly after midnight Monday, less than 72 hours after coming back on line following a similar occurrance last Wednesday that kept the $185 million plant closed for 42 hours. "We don't know what caused the malfunction yet," Koschi said. "Con- ceivably that will remain unknown." UTILITY OFFICIALS have noted, however, both shutdowns occurred while it was raining. Since the Monday shutdown, Con- sumers has had to buy 350,000 killowat- ts of power from two other utilities, On- tario Hydro and Detroit Edison, to fill customer needs. Committee rejects Carter's rationing plan (Continued from Page 1) for the second time in a week to win committee approval of it. "It is a simple matter of common sense for us to do everything we possibly can do to reduce our vulnerability to another oil embargo," Carter said at a press conference Mon- day during which he urged committee approval. CARTER NARROWLY avoided another possible rebuff when the com- mittee was hastily adjourned before a vote could be taken on a proposal seeking to prevent the President from implementing his decision to begin phasing out the price of domestically produced oil on June 1. In proposing extension of controls, U.S. Rep. Tony Moffett (D-Conn.), said Carter's windfall profits tax plan - which would offset tax excess profits by oil companies resulting from decontrol - was "a figleaf ... a smokescreen." The congressman's words were the same as those used by Senator Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.), to attack the President's proposed tax Monday. IN HIS PRESS conference, the President dismissed the Senator's comments as "a lot of baloney." Despite the House committee's vote on stand-by rationing authority for the President, energy subcommittee chairman John Dingell (D-Mich.), said approval by the House was "possible." "I think it faces a hard fight. But, I think it (approval) is possible," he said. MANY COMMERCE Committee members opposed the rationing plan because coupon distribution would be based on car ownership, thus favoring well-to-do people with more than one car. $ Last Wednesday, the House Com- merce Committee tentatively voted down the rationing proposal by a 22-20 margin. But administration allies, buoyed by approval of the proposal one day later by the Senate Energy Com- mittee, had hoped to turn the vote around. Despite Carter's direct appeal and the heavy White House lobbying cam- paign, only one vote was switched in the intervening week - that of Rep. Timothy Wirth (D-Colo.). WIRTH SAID he first voted against the plan because he felt it was unfair to Western states with their large driving distances. But Wirth said a later promise by the White House to make extra quantities of gasoline available to Western and "caused me to change my vote." However, that promise alone wasn't enough for Rep. Henry Waxman (D- Calif.), whose vote the administration had also hoped to switch. "I just don't think the plan is fair," Waxman said. But he parted wit other opponents by agreeing to support a motion to send the plan to the floor without a recommendation. WAXMAN'S VOTE enabled the rationing plan to go to the floor by the slimmest of margins. ENERGY. We can't afford to waste it. In another development, House Speaker Thomas O'Neill predicted that the House would strengthen Carter's proposed "windfall profits" tax and that Carter, when told this at a White House leadership breakfast, had com- mented, "the stronger the better." O'Neill also said that Kennedy was mistaken in accusing Carter of caving in to oil industry pressure in decon- trolling oil prices. "I'm on the same team as the president," O'Neill said. AND THE SENATE Energy Commit- tee approved 12-6 its own substitute ap- proach to Carter's request for standby power to close gasoline stations on weekends. Under the committee bill, Carter would set conservation targets for each state, and the states would develop plans to meet them, Only if a state failed to meet its goal could the president order conservation steps. Last week, the Senate Energy Com- mittee approved the plan by a narrow nine-to-eight vote after the White House modified it so that more coupons would go to rural states where driving distan- ces are greater. The two committees rejected two other fuel-saving measures proposed by the President -- weekend closing of gas stations and restricitons on adver- tising lighting. But they approved limiting temperatures in public and commercial buildings. THE DREAMS OF DONALD ROLLER WEE AOf Dent school to give new exam to students by DONALD ROLLER WILSON Haunting, hilarious, unpre- dictable, undefinable-the work of an authentic American master of surrealism. Admirers of Dali or Magritte-or anyone who takes a slightly different view of the world-will enjoy this beautiful, oversized paperback. 61 illustrations, 57 in full color, $8.95, paperback. HAW THORN BOOKS 260 Madison Ave., New York 10016 (Coritinuedfrom Page 1) "I think that this represents a dif- ficult situation," Doerr said. "At what point does legitimacy become ENTER MEDICAL OR VETERINARY SCHOOL IN AUGUST "Pay on acceptance only." WHO. Recognized Orientation by Matrilted Student For application and informa- tion, write: PROVEN MEDICAL AND VETERINARY STUDENT PLACEMENT SERVICE: 100 LSad St. No wYe:, N.Y.10027 or ccli' (212)865-4949 dishonesty? It's not clear-cut; there are no black and white answers." Among dental students the consensus seems to be the situation was not han- dled properly. "From what I hear, it could have been taken care of long before graduation," said one dental student, who wished tQ remain uniden- tified. Most dental students said they believe the incident wasn't as serious as administrators and the press seem to think. "It Wasn't outright dishonesty," a student explained. "It certainly isn't dishonest, but I wouldn't call it cheating," another said. Several dental students said they considered the incident a joke. One felt that the students who had "cheated" were "getting back'" at computers. "We've been computerizedl to death," he said. "This was the last test and it was optional for the course. I think being graded by the conputer kind of buged them"