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July 17, 1979 - Image 11

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Michigan Daily, 1979-07-17

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The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, July 17, 1979--Page 11
'M aide Harris selected Penn AD

University of Pennsylvania yesterday
announced the appointment of Charles
Harris of Michigan as the new athletic
director, the youngest man and the first
black ever to be named to the post at an
Ivy League school.
Harris, 29, served five years as
assistant athletic director at Michigan.
He will assume his new post on Sept. 1,
succeeding Andy Geiger, who resigned
last October at Stanford University.
HARRIS, A 1972 graduate of
Hampton Institute in Virginia, said he
never considered his age or race to be a,
handicap in the nine-month competition
conducted by a university search com-
"I never thought about it that way,"
he said at a news conference. "I didn't
L._ _ .. t. ... -C .

'historical commitment to the ideal of
the student as athlete and scholar
duplicates my own ideal."
"A number of things went into my
decision," he said. "I started at a small
private school in Virginia from an

athletic standpoint. Michigan is a fine,
fine institution that offers a lot of great
things at different levels.
"The kind of program Penn offers,
with the Ivy concept of student athlete
competing at all levels, I believe is the
future of college athletics."
In making the appointment, univer-
sity Provost Vartan Gregorian called
Harris "energetic andsensitive to
athletic needs and academic standards.
"Two faculty-student panels singled
out his leadership qualities," he said.
"Our national inquiries reinforced that
judgment. For someone so young, he
leaves a distinguished record of ac-
complishment at the University of
Under athletic director Don Canham
at Michigan, Harris held respon-

sibilities for the implementation of af-
firmative action and compliance with
Title IX, as well as administrative fun-
ctions and business affairs.
Harris will oversee the function of 33
sports-18 men, 14 women and one
coed-at Penn, The Quakers' basket-
ball team won the NCAA Eastern
Regionals and participated in the final
four of the national collegiate cham-
.Harris joined the sports information
department in 1973, was appointed ad-
ministrative aide to Canham in 1974 and
named an assistant athletic director in
"Charles has been a valuable part of
our operations here and he will cer-
tainly bring some new ideas' and en-
thusiasm to his position at Pen-
nsylvania," Canham said.


me here with any of those con-
derations. I don't feel my involvement
th Penn at the outset had anything to
with age or the fact I'm black."
Harris said he felt the university's
Lytham jinx?
Watson, Jack aim to end
U.S. drought at St. Annes
LYTHAM ST. ANNES, England (AP)-The Lytham jinx, which has
stymied Americans from winning the five British Opens held here since
Bobby Jones' year in 1926, is in evidence again.
As the field of 152 started gathering yesterday for pre-tournament prac-
tice, the U.S. quartet of Tom Watson, Ben Crenshaw, Gil Morgan and Mark
Hayes all ran into travel troubles.
First Watson, hurrying to catch his plane at Kennedy Airport in New
York, picked up his wife's passport by mistake. "It doesn't look much like
you," said the airport checkout woman as an embarrassed Watson got his
wife to send his own passport from Kansas to New York. Then his Concorde
flight was fog-bound, he missed his connection in London, and had to finish
the final 250 miles to Lytham by road.
Fog-bound Kennedy also snagged Crenshaw's plans for an early arrival
here. His flight from Texas was diverted to Newark, N.J., Airport and
after a long cab journey he arrived
in New York with only 10 minutes
to spare to catcn his plane.
With him on the same flight were
Hayes and Morgan-and their
luggage, including their clubs, went
astray when they arrived in London.
Luckily, both sets turned up yester-
day in time for them to get in a
couple of practice rounds.
Meanwhile, Jack Nicklaus, last
year's winner at St. Andrews, had
arrived in plenty of time and without
incident from Berlin.
Nicklaus, who hasn't been having
much success since his dramatic
Open victory last year, said he
hadn't been putting well for around
18 months and was feeling downright
Nicklaus uncomfortable with his putter. Then,
said son Jackie in a practice round,
"You're breaking off your stroke-you're not finishing through the ball."
After that, said Jack, "I feel I should be able to putt better this week."
Both Nicklaus and Crenshaw singled out Lytham's 201-yard par 3 12th,
the only short hole on the back nine, with the green ringed with traps and
angled so it slopes across the pattern of the hole.
"It's one of my favorite holes in Britain," said Nicklaus. "It's a unique
design and I've used the principle a couple of times in designing other cour-
Nicklaus is rated a 7-1 shot in the betting to win for the second straight
year, but the leader of the pre-tournament odds is Watson at 5-1.
Watson reckons that if anyone is entitled to beat the Lytham jinx, he's
that man-after his victories at Carnoustie in 1976 and Turnberry in 1977,
he's hoping to keep up his sequence of winning here every other year.
Brushing aside his disastrous experience in the U.S. Open, where he
didn't make the cut, he said he felt his game was on the up-grade now and his
driving-a problem in recent tournaments--had been pretty well corrected.

Bostock trial extended

second trial has been set for Oct. 1 for
the man accused of killing California
Angels baseball star Lyman Bostock.
The first trial ended in a hung jury
last week.
Leonard Smith, 32, of Gary, Ind., had
pleaded innocent by reason of insanity
in the slaying, but two court-appointed
psychiatrists testified they found him
James Kimbrough declared a mistrial
at about 5 a.m. last Friday when the
nine-man, three-woman panel ended
seven hours of deliberation by announ-
cing it was hopelessly deadlocked.
"We are naturally disappointed. We
are looking for a successful completion
of the trial at the next setting," Lake

County prosecutor Jack Crawford said.
Deputy Prosecutor James Oszewski
said he believed jurors couldn't decide
whether Smith was insane when
Bostock, 27, was shot to death while he
sat in acar on a Gary street Sept. 23.
bullet that killed Bostock was meant for
Smith's estranged wife, Barbara, who
was seated next to the baseball player
when the shooting occurred.
Nick Thiros, Smith's attorney, said
his client was insane and was driven to
commit the crime by his wife's in-
Dr. Lee Periola of Valparaiso, Ind.,
one of two psychiatrists who examined
Smith, told the court Smith was
emotionally distraught over the failure
of his marriage but was sane at the
time of the shooting.

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