Page 8-Tuesday, July 17, 1979--The Michigan Daily
D alrl s i i d FEMALE VOCALIST-Loking to torm/join rok/
D a i y la si f acountry/folk band. t'm flexible. Call Robin. 002- 1976 CORVYETT jE
2015. dF72l L-4O engine~P.S.,P.B. Tip Tilt Telesopic Sloeriog,
__...._. T-Tops Stereo, Electric Steeriog, Windows; toll 1
_____________________________________________ ANGRY MU'FFLER? Replace witb first quality, leatberre interior, rear do-icer, silver color, mint
77 lifetime guaranteed, lowext priced Mufler from Ann condition. 16,00 original mile-. $900 firm. 437-
_______________________________ Aro Muffler Instalers.Cull FREE Price Quote. 2505d
769-5913 ~t
LOST -Female Norwegian Elkbound.Sto lr
no tgs.Reward. 93-7125 ,5A719 GRAND OPE'1NINGBOFFSETSANDRXEROX
Brand oem bnmes mitb fireplace, catbedral ceiling, COPYQUICK-?fi9-056i0 T PN /ID
ART DISPLAY BOOTH-Quirk set up, Indor/nut- Iwo-car garage ilk automatic 0opnr, tour bed- 1217S, University T PN /IDN
dr. Resonable. 0952320. 77B721 rooms or three bedrooms, and family..rom, full cFtc* Dissertations
* Theses/Term Papers
10'73 YAMAHA RD-350. Good condition. With tmo basement, largemod deck, use of tennis court}..___hlesadsriemna.$5.Cl66-26 anhetdpo.Apo.12misfomcpu SIEEFCTOMrehn100uedSFils."Bies tes!sms
afters5-00 p.m. 720710 off W. Liberty. Dablm:'7y Apts. Ld., 761-7600. Buy ours, sell yours. or trade.*Lea
_______________Ctc USED BOOS-We buy single boks, libraries, or Julie Birdsall 665.9843
WATERBED ilk frame, beater, and liner $1011LL CAM USestates. UE HE UI 1 .Frs ut
'all David orJudy: 663-901. 67B717 F L -A PU8ODHETMSC615Ioes7ut
S We are currently lousing our remaining fem effi- cJtc
FO ETciencies and 1 bedroom, modern, furnished apart- THE DAWN TREADER BOOKESHOP -
moots for nest Full. Slop by or call Dahlmann 525 E. Liberty, inside Bill's Bindery. THE SECRETARIAT
SANS SOUt'I Apartments, 543 Church, 761-7600. Mon.-Fri. 9-5.- S -bOcFtc Term PapersTheses & Dissertations
Large I and 2 bedroom furnished apartments re E AT ORATWOE Typing, Copying & Binding
available for immediate and fall occuponcy. Apart- HURON VIEW Aprtmsents is nom accepting appli- T WeMibiANTaiYisOnsoARing WOR cnet02!ul tt~t
ments including beat, free parking, and large rations for fall residency, Applications can be picked Trhe cianualyARiporinSUPPLoeEcntes 1Allh tt Sre
balcony or polio. Located access from the UM up at 031 Green Rd.. No. 201, Ypilanti. Any further fsubmissionuldARbeFAIcReSPLETlverpsntl f9043504 0-4 Mon -Sa1
Stadium. Bus service to and from central campus quesions, cll. 403-60117 fromii90am. until 5 t~m. sbslivelyshomldpbere udatie rArent9aionToe cJlc
dily. Call 405-2372 aftr 6:00 p.m, for information 0710 h ieyamshr ouda h R AR h TYPINGl
Located on central campus. Efficiencies, I and 2 THlE MICHIGANENSIAN YEARBOOK CIOMETH: By appointment. Call 760-0502, leave name and..
bedroom furnished aportments available for tall And its timrelto gel your copy. Available at bhe numberatlPhoto Desk, dF tc WRITING SERVICES. Creative, Technical, Editing,
occupancy. Atractive, modern buildings and Student Publicalions llldg., 420 Maynard Si., Ann TEMCIAESANYABO OEH Research. Typing. Fxperienced Professional.96
furnishings.'ubs-aseaailable including laundry Arbr, for only 112100. d4 And ICHImAESIAN etYoEcoyARBOiKblETH 056.lbt
facilities, air oditioning. fall 665-2289 tor no- ....-....- A di' ie ogtyu oy vi ea h
es-lion orupoinment. r~le PLAYWRIGHTS interested in forining mutuaI Student Publications Bldg.,42 Maynard 'ft. AnnTIK S
_..... _ .._ upprt/discus-uiongroup, -end doscription of goals, Arbort or onlyt$12.00. dF
Daiy bfrirf samples oxlworb UCSASE forlretrn', tI:
Join 'e D iocAne Kiss. P.O. Box 7601, Ann Arbor MI 40107. dAKE 1iIVE Sill WAll CALL RIGHT NIOW tor Iwo FOiREIGNER lickets,
_________75F718 Ii ilgood for o i ss }August 516 at Pine Knob, Price negotiable.Joanne,
Edited by Margaret Farrar and Trude Jaffe
E7 1974 Lmt Aplnn ThMm. Sy4lsl
ACROSS 56 Old-time wagon 24 Croat's cousin
I Part of MVP 57 The D~evil 25 Welsh man's name
S Wander over 59 Noun suffix 26 Wine center in
9 Part of SAR 60 Partner of go California
134 Tributary of the 61 Indeed: Irish style 27 Dugouts: Fr.
Mississippi 62 Exigency 28 Blobs, as of
14 Sawfish saw 63 Eucalyptus cream
IS Think, old style 64 Jumble 29 Russian porridge
l1i Rather good: DOWN 32 Highway sign
Collotq. phrase I Belgian city 33 Withered
101 Eastern queen founded by 34 Saurel
19 harvest bundles Julius Caesar 36 Drew off, as
20 lDaughters 2 Double excla- liquids
22 Never, in Berlin mation 37 Author of "The
23 Ptrinciples 3 Locale Conquest of
24 Dismisses without 4 Accessible Peru"
delay 5 Umps' relatives 40 Brie-a--
30 Stowe heroine 6 Sphere 43 Gully
31 Not guilty 7 Al -, wall be- 44 River into the
35 gavel sounds tween heaven atid Fulda
37 Ordinary language hell, in the Koran 45 Words of polite
38 Cu. official 8 Proceeded apace denial
30 Jewish snterna- 9 Repress 46 City on the Nile
tional fraternity 10 Papal cape 47 Tropical plant
41 Name meaning 11 Composition for 48 Cost
"watchful" nine instruments 51 Swan genus
42 Ballyhooed 12 Cheese tray 52 Verb suffix
46 Greek letters favorite 53 Existence: Fr,
49 Edible Japanese 14 Lullaby word 54 Drillmsasters:
herb 17 Rara - Abbr.
50 Hlot, oppressive 21 Aramaic word, 55 Man's name:
wind written on the Abbr.
52 Basic part mall 58 Proper
1 2"' 3 - 5 6 7 b 10tO 11 12
13 1t- 15-
16 1 7 1
19 - - - 20 21
24 25 2 27 2 29
30 30 32 33 3
2 434 5
46 47 48 -9
50O 51 52 53 5 5
'6 57 5
- -hO-----1_ -_: It -
12095. nierit
MOVING Tf) SEATTLE in early August? Share
truck rental, gas, driving. Inexpeosive. 764-6307
(days); 99f5-3506 evenings). 760720
STUDENT JANITOIR(must be U-M student: Inc
remaindec of summer and nest fall/winter term.
Approx. 2 hours daily (mornings), Monday through
Friday in summer, and Monday through Saturday
in the tall. Hlours flexible. See Arch Gamin at
Student Publications Bldg., 42 Maynard. dHtc
RESPONSIBLE PERSON needed to be a pact-
time currier supervisor at the Michigan Daily.
Some desk mok-some field mock. Call Maurice
Rinkel at 764-0550 between 10 am. and I p.m.. or
leaveoa message. ___ dH7t9
DOtOLEY'S is looking for kitchen workecs. Precious
kithen experience requiced. Apply between 3:46-
5:006p.m., Mondaylthrough Friday. 681-718
NEEDED-Approximately 10-20 hours sewing mock,
following simple patern. Call Andrea, 995-3760.
The Allergy Division at the University of Michigan
needs volunteers ago 10 or over to porticipote in a
study to determine the effectiveness of a new treat-
mentlfor ragweed hayfever. The medicine 10 be
used has been employed for other conditions for
several years. Subjects must bane ragweed hay-
fever, be in the Ann Arber area most of August and
September and not be receiving Allergy extract
injections. Call 763-3141 or 764-6145 for further
details. 65H719
And it's time to gel your copy. Available at bhe
Student Publications Bldg., 420 Maynard St., Ann
Arbor, for only $12.00. dU
VOLVO 1175 245 DL Wagon. AM/FM stereo/tape
air conditioning, rgular gas, automatic, extrax.
03500. Call 663-1075. 73N717
F OR SALEK-Fisher XP-75A st~ree speakers, 0360
now $20 now-negotiable. 996-2550. 74X717
-The DA ILY' S
Billing 764-0550
Circulation 764-0558
Classifieds 764-0557
Display 764-0554
News & Happenings
Sports 764-0562
ATOMI C GE A DLEDaily Class ifileds
W 1 R TA PPH NG EBring Results
H 0 N ES T I R K S H R E All K-8 grades, Lose income Catholic
A T I P T O E S H e w schools in Texas, Small monthly stip-
TI E SC OR ES ALlI end, furnished housing and basic
A RC U14 E HO T I 01N A L needs provided. Begin Aug. 12, Write
P A L, C R T I 0 A L W A V C Volunteers for Educational and Social
I N N E E Z 0 ET 0 Services, Boxt N, 3001 South Congress,
Ati~n -Texas 78704.