Carter calls for (Continued from Page 1 to a sense of unity again." country on a consistent basis, and that's Carter spoke briefly, then answered the voice of the president of the United questions from delegates who had been States," Carter said, selected before the speech. Many questions dealt with the. THE AUDIENCE t president's voluntary wage and price appeared to be guidelines, which ask that workers set- impressed with the tough new tone the tle for wage increases at or below seven president has adopted for his energy pr cent annually. addresses. "We're with you," CWA pre DRWapasefoy President Glenn Watts told Carter after CARTER DREW applause from the his question-and-answer session with union members by endorsing cost-of- delegates. "I believe we're on the road living-allowances. He suggested that the wage and price The Michigan Doily-Tuesday, July 17, 1979-Page 7 national unity guidelines, often violated in recent con- ter and would provide for compensation tract settlements, could be interpreted to those who cannot meet the rising cost with "flexibility." of home heating oil. Carter indicated tha tthe a d- CARTER YESTERDAY pledged to ministration is re-working the wage increase the amount of money ear- and price increase in the wake of con- marked for heating oil compensation to sultations with labor leaders during Carter's recent 12-day Camp David the poor - from the $800 million now domestic summit. proposed to "double, or even triple this amount." CARTER BLAMED the . Carter told the delegates that the Organization of Petroleum Exporting nation's space program would continue Countries (OPEC) for inflation over the in a more routine manner than in the seven per cent mark. past, with the introduction of regular "I take the responsibility for a lot of space shuttle flights. things, but I don't take the respon- He said the first priority of space ex- sibility for the increase in energy ploration was "defense and increasing prices," Carter said. our nation's intelligence." The president also used the occasion " The president said he would push to drum up support for the package of for reformed labor laws but he was not energy bills he outlined on television specific. His announcement came in Sunday night and in a speech in Kansas response to a delegate who questioned City earlier yesterday. why the government continued to buy CARTER PROPOSED Sunday night from the J. P. Stevens Company, a tex- to cut in half the amount of imported oil tile manufacturer which has resisted used in the United States per day. unionization. "I don't know," the To reach this goal, the president has president replied. Loud applause- proposed legislation that would create followed. an Energy Security Trust Fund that Carter'said the government could not would receive money generated from a enact legislation to forbid the gover- windfall profit tax now before nment to buy from non-unionized com- Congress. panies. Carter also outlined uses for money - He said that he would act to cut generated by the windfall profits tax. taxes if unemployment rose too much, "THIS MONEY, which is a lot of but that he planned no tax-cutting money, will be used for three basic pur- proposals at present. PRESIDENT CARTER continued to carry his energy message across the country yesterday, and stopped at Cobo Arena in Detroit to address the Communication Workers of America. A residents agree: National confidence low poses. The first is financing the development of our own energy resour- ces, which we have right here to use..." A private corporation, the Energy Security Corporation, would oversee the development of new energy resour- ces. Carter said he hopes to have the Energy Security Corporation established by late this year. "The second reason to wield the win- dfall profits tax is to improve the quality of our public mass transit system-buses, subways, trains, and so forth." "AND THIRDLY, is to give special allocations of financial help for the very poor of our country, who must depend on energy to heat their homes, in par- ticular," Carter said. In response to other questions from convention delegates in Detroit yester- day, Carter made the following points: " He outlined the purpose of a home heating oil act. The act would stockpile 240 billion barrels of home heating oil for this win- 5th Avenue at liberty St. 761-9740 Formerly Fifth Forum Theater By BETH PERSKY Many Ann Arbor residents crossing the Diag yesterday agreed with President Carter's prognosis of a lack of confidence - but while some said they lack confidence in America's future, others claim a lack of confiden- ce in Carter himself. "I think the nation is just lacking con- fidence in everything," said University Engineering Senior Greg Mathamel. A FEW expressed sympathy for the president. "It's not so much a lack of faith in Carter as in the ability of anyone put in that position to cope with that problem," said Steve Ullmann, a graduate student in economics. "It's not that people don't have con- fidence and think America's great," countered Ann Arbor resident Yvonne Malone. "They don't have confidence in him (Carter)." Joe Lepgold, a student in the Univer- sity's Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research, claimed the American public sees Carter as an unsuccessful president. But, he added, people will listen to him if the threat to the nation is severeenough. "THIS REALLY is his (Carter's) last chance," Lepgold continued. "I think the problem is sufficiently severe that most people will give him a chance." Special interest groups, such as the highway lobby and oil companies, which have much at stake, and "those people who've decided he's a loser," might be the only ones to disregard Carter. . . But public opinion polls have in- dicated that those who think Carter is a loser may be in the majority. "So far he hasn't doen too much at all about anything," said LSA junior Greg Oniu. CARTER'S PLAN to reduce the nation's dependence on oil sold by OPEC countries was greeted more warmly. ~ "We can put a lot of reason for in- flationary and fuel problems on OPEC," Ullmann said. "The only way we can fight OPEC is to reduce our demand on OPEC." Lepgold agreed. "It is essential we stabilize imports. OPEC will be able to decide at what level the economy progresses. Carter correctly has said the first thing we have to do is lessen reliance on OPEC," he said. PSYCHOLOGY graduate student Ralph Ward said Carter's proposed measures to fight energy and inflation have come "too late." "Inflation at this time is really out of control. The measures he proposed are again coming a little too late," Ward said. He added that the American public, which has borne the burdens of conser- vation and inflation, sees escalating energy prices as "related to increased profit by industry." "America is traditionally a country in which we waste a lot. It's very dif- ficult to adjust in terms of conserving - that's the crunch people are into." THUMBED BY DADDY CHICAGO (AP)-Manager Herman Franks of the Chicago Cubs was reminiscing about Connie Mack, who was still managing the Philadelphia Athletics in his late 80s and who had as his first-base coach, his 65-year-old son, Earle Mack. Connie always sent Earle to the mound to remove a pitcher. On one oc- casion, the startiig pitcher, who wan- ted to stay in the game, got very vehement in his opposition to Earle's message. He did not budge the younger Mack, "I don't care what you think," Earle said, "but you'll have to come out. Daddy says so." GEORGE BROOKE BURNS SHIELDS JUST YO U AND ME, KID Fri, Sot, Sun 1:30, 3:15, 5:00,7:45, 9:30 1 Fri. Sot, Sun 1:00, 3:30, 7:00, 9:15 TICKETS: Adults $3.50 Child $2.00 ---- - - -7 - r - evenings 3.StO, ctld $1i50 j Wed-Sot-Sun 1 ts~how $1.50 (tilnoproxnt:30) matines $2.50 t 5:30 * enings$3.50,chldit.50