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July 17, 1979 - Image 5

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1979-07-17

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The Michiaan Daily-Tuesday, July 17, 1979-Page 5
Midwest gas prices shouldrise
INGTON (AP) - Many This also will help officials monitor
s will pay up to three cents prices and enforce the new regulations.
a gallon of gasoline but other F e rde al rules to boost profits SOME GASOLINE prices also will
will see prices decline under Stations have the option of putting the margins currently range from 14 cents decline because the new rules eliminate
ral rules effective yesterday to ceiling into effect immediately; it to t6gcents per gallonbut the retailers "banking," a loophole that has allowed
some service stationprfs. becomes mandatory on August 1.'s many sta tions - primarily high-
soesriesainprofits.' bcme anaoy o uut group puts that figure closer to 12.5 cen- volumegsadooult-tocre
nergy Department regulations That limit can be raised every six ts per gallon. oet, gas-and-go outlets - to charge
y should boost gasoline prices months, beginning in December, to This means that under the new far more than currentceilings a less
uth and Midwest, but make lit- allow for inflation and governors can syse manservic tstns can n-w thnde knsan therlglpoisw na olie
rence in the East, said the raise profit margins as much as an ad- crease their prices about three cents than their legal profits when gasoline
I Congress of Petroleum ditional ten cents per gallon to account per gallon; others a lee aonts was plentiful and competition stiff, can
, which represents 60,000 in- for local economic factors. and ma ll ber, a lesser amount; later recoup that money as motorists
nt service stations. Western Under the new, uniform system, their charges. pay virtually any price to get tanks
s could benefit the most from Energy Department officials hope en- To help motorists keep track all ser- filled.
ges, the group said. forcement will be easier than it has et must post trcared Risque Harper, spokesman for the
1ULES SET a uniform profit been under the outgoing system that vice stations must post their declarede National Congress of Petroleum
f 15.4 cents per gallon for in- allows a variety of profit margins. t margins and the legal price per Retailers, said banking is most
nt service statinn ntinnidi THE DEVPARTME.NT v nrfit gallon, the Energy Department said. See E UAIOS- P o

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McGovern proposes

WASHINGTON (AP) - Sen. George
McGovern proposed yesterday that the
SALT II treaty include a freeze on the
nuclear arsenals of the United States
and Soviet Union and a commitment to
enter immediate negotiations on actual
reductions of strategic weapons.
McGovern offered his proposal
during the Senate Foreign Relations
Committee hearing on the treaty.
The witnesses, as the committee
began its second week of hearings on
the treaty, were three former
negotiators, all of whom said that while
they wished they could have obtained
greater reductions, the agreement
represented a meaningful step in the
disarmament process.
PAUL WARNKE, who became chief
SALT negotiator after President Carter
took office, responded to McGovern
that "you can't get nuclear disar-
mament ina single step."
Gerard Smith, chief negotiator in the

to SAL T
SALT I talks, said, "We have been
proposing reductions since the
start . . . the Soviet attitude is you have
to curb arms before you can consider
U. Alexis Johnson, who negotiated
the Vladivostok accords, said "The
ideal would be an agreement so com-
prehensive, so perfectly balanced, and
so well-anticipating the future that we
would never again have to concern our-
selves with the ominous shadows that
these beasts of nuclear weapons cast
over our lives.
"HOWEVER, we must deal with the
world as it is, not as we would wish it to
McGovern has criticized SALT II as
failing to result in meaningful reduc-
tions in the U.S. and Soviet nuclear ar-
senals. He also has said he might vote
against the treaty if President Carter
proposes higher defense spending in an
effort to win support for the agreement.

Women's caucus 'more
disciplined, more focused'

CINCINNATI (AP) - Patty Backson
admitted she was surprised by this
year's convention of the National
Women's Political Caucus.
A resident of Chevy Chase, Md., she
hadn't been to a caucus convention sin-
ce the first such affair in 1973. She found
her group had come a long way in a lot
of ways.
"When I walked into this meeting, I
thought I was in the League of Women's
Voters for a minute," said Backson,
who recalls how she was one of the few
Republicans to attend that first
meeting in Houston.
"THAT FIRST meeting was attended
by much more unsophisticated,
idealistic, and very angry women," she
recalled. "Now the group is much more
disciplined and much more focused."
The group, which considers itself the
political arm pf the women's
movement, organized seminars to
teach the 2,000 delegates how to become
delegates to party conventions and how
to run for political office.
Newly-elected caucus president Iris
Mitgang, or Orinda, Calif., talked of
building grassroots support for the
issues they care about.
"WOMEN ARE ready to flex their
muscles in ways to show their new
toughness," Mitgang said. "Women
have learned how to take their gloves

Backson.and other delegates noticed
this year's convention, which ended
Sunday, was less splintered with more
of a focus on a common goal.
But while the feminist movement is
learning how to make its numbers
count, it has also been forced to deal
with a counter-offensive from opponen-
ts of the Equal Rights Amendment.
"BECAUSE WE had a majority and
because of the early support, there was
a slacking off of effort," said Gloria
Steinem, a founder of the organization.
"The fight has caused everyone to
reorganize and to learn once again that
you don't win a fight by fighting one
fight, you win it by fighting ten times."
Although they are anxious to show
their strength at the upcoming political
conventions, some women here were
hesitant about tipping their hand too
soon about whom they would support.
Former New York congresswoman
Bella Abzug urged the caucus to go to
the conventions with blocks of uncom-
mitted delegates.
MEDFORD, England (AP)-Student
Mohammed Dadesh tested the water,
then ran back to his red car to hide his
$2,800 under the front-seat carpet
before going in for a swim.
Dadesh later discovered he had put
the money in the wrong ear.

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