Page 2-Tuesday, July 17, 1979-The Michigan Daily HIGH-PLACED SOURCES SAY SOMOZA MAY RESIGN Supporters in business, gov't leave area GOVERNMENT sources said MANAGUA, Nicaragua (AP) - Somoza met in the bunker with junior IN SEVERAL buildings in the children. They have not had Frantic officials and business national guard officers including his headquarters compoudn, government six weeks ... and the govern associates of the dying Somoza regime son Anastasio, a lieutenant-colonel, and employees were removing files and selling food to people who have were packing their bags, jamming legislative members of his Liberal tearing up papers. A tripod-mounted able to work and don't have any airline counters and going into hiding Nationalist Party. .30-caliber machine gun was placed in When the Sandinistas get here, t yesterday as government sources A party member said Somoza and the the lobby of a building near the com- give us food." reported President Anastasio Somoza legislators discussed convening a joint poudn entrance. Other people jammed in arou might resign as early as today. session of the 100-member Congress On Managua's streets, many agreed, shouting a choruse In an unexplained move apparently this morning to name an interim Nicaraguans seemed eager for the im- Somoza epithets. The civilw linked with preparations for his gover- president to receive Somoza's pending victory by Sandinista largely halted agricultural an nment's collapse, Somoza fired more resignation. He said Francisco Urcuyo, guerrillas and the end of the 42-year-old production in Nicaragua. than 100 top officers of his national 54-year-old president of the 70-seat Somoza family dynasty. A high-level government sou guard. House of Deputies, appeared to be a "Long live the revolution," shouted a this is Somoza's final week in pe Rumors swept Managua that Somoza "shoo-in." one-legged man, waving his crutch as had fled when he left his downtown However, it appeared doubtful that he waited with hundreds of other people "WHETHER HE leaves on7 bunker complex by helicopter, but he the majority of legislators required by in a line to buy food at a government or later in the week depends flew to his nearby hilltop residence, the constitution to make the presiden- distribution center. details being worked," he said. conferred with top aides and returned tial change could be mustered for a "WE'RE STARVING," said another What we're trying to avoidi to headquarters minutes later. joint session in the bunker. man, Roberto Perez. "I've got six just falling apart when Someza African foreign ministers cite East-West split An AP News Analysis THE EVASION of intractable ' The countries that remain theoretically allowing the gue MONROVIA, Liberia - African problems is usual. "We tend to seek culturally, economically, or militarily call on Cuban, East German foreign ministers, in 10 days of often- African solutions for African tied to their former colonial masters in outside military support. heated debate behind closed doors, problems," explained an OAU Western Europe. They include Moroc- The pro-West group, backed1 have underlined the sharpening con- spokesperson. co, Kenya, Senegal, Ivory Coast, and of the neutrals, would prefer frontation between African friends of "That is why we look for conciliation most of the other former French summit call on the Patriotic the Soviet Union and countries oriented rather than sharply defined decisions." colonies. make a new effort to negotiate to the West. In practice, however, the conflicts " A group of so-called neutrals, led by current bi-racial government The ministers, preparing for today's refuse to go away. Nigeria, Tanzania, and Zambia. babwe Rhodesia. opening of the annual African summit, The bitter Moroccan-Algerian con- ' African leaders and OAU officials " In South African-controlle failed to resolve any of the most flict over the former Spanish Sahara dislike outsiders pointing to these con- West Africa, there is a similar divisive problems - from the western has been debated fruitlessly at annual flicting lineups. Some blandly deny over supporting all-out guerrill Sahara to Zimbabwe Rhodesia - on OAU summits for the past four years. they exist and attribute them to "im- the leftist South-West African. this continent of conflict and rivalries. The Rhodesian war has disclosed as perialist propaganda." Organization or calling for a They did agree on issues not in many differences among the African In reality, however, these groupings tempt to seek a negotiated se dispute among African countries, such countries as within the black population - with isolated variations from one based on a Western-backed pla as theneed for economic development, of Rhodesia itself. issue to another - have emerged in the or East German involvemen and non-recognition of the "internal' THERE ARE three main power discussion of every major inter-African likely there because of warin settlement" in Zimbabwe-Rhodesia. blocs: dispute inside and outside the OAU risking a military confrontat But on matters affecting the interests of . The countries that receive much of framework. South Africa. the rival power blocs that are in- their weaponry, technical aid, and a In Zimbabwe Rhodesia, the pro- " In Chad, Nigeria has joini creasingly prominent in African af- ideological inspiration from the Soviet Soviet group has urged formal with the entire Soviet-backed fairs, the decision-making was either bloc. They include Libya, Algeria, recognition of the Soviet-backed denying recognition to the Fr sidetracked or passed on to the summit Ethiopia, Madagascar, Angola, and Patriotic Front guerrilla movement as ported regime. of the Organization of African Unity Mozambique. the legitimate government, thus (OAU). THE MICHIGAN DAILY 'U'PROFS PREDICT: (USPS 344-900) Volume LXXXIX, No. 45-S " Tuesday, July 17, 1979 Tueda, uly17 179Carter's popularity will be brief is edited and managed by students at (Continued from Page l) the University of Michigan. Published not geared to solving the problem. Department. daily Tuesday through Sunday morn- in disbelief at the idea of supporting aid "We're in for high oil prices no matter "I never feel he's a strong gu ings during the University year at 420 to low-income families with the tax. what happens. The unexpected OPEC sdorf said. "He's had his oppor Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan p 48169 Subscription rates: $12 Septem- He said previously that he doubts the (Organization of Petroleum Exporting He just has no gusto." her through April (2 semesters); $13 by windfall tax will be approved, and Countries) increase is what's slowing The psychology professor mail outside Ann Arbor. Summer ses- yesterday he called it "self- the economy down." American people are "gettin; sion published Tuesday through Satur- destructive" since it applies only to old He added Carter's weak political psychology of helplessness."Z $d. inrnn Arbor; $7.0 by mai tout oil, which will eventually run out. status has also slowed him down in answer, according to Papsdorf side Ann Arbor. Second class postage The fundamental problem of the tackling forces like the oil companies. timism." paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. POST- current energy shortage is "allocation That political weakness is caused by "-Grassmuck also foresees MASTER: Send address changes to of oil supplies, which the government the president's own wesk leadership, public insecurity due to Cart Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48109. has botched up to now," Hymans said. according to Dr. James Papsdorf, energy policies. That duty "will be addressed through associate chairman of the Psychology meat for ment is n't been money. they will und him of anti- war has id other rce said wer. Tuesday on the is things leaves. rrillas to or other by many that the Front to with the in Zim- d South- division a war by People's new at- ttlement n. Cuban t is less ess over tion with ed forces group in ench-sup- y," Pap- 'tunities. said the g into a The only f, "is op- further er's new the bureaucracy rather than through the market." Becauseathe oil companies have developed a virtual monopoly on all phases of crude oil production, Carter "should deal with it as a monopoly and use anti-trust laws for its structure," Hymans explained. HYMANS SAID Carter's "steps are ISRAL LOW COST FLIGHTS EUROPE-ALL CITIES (212)1689-8980 Outside N.Y. State TO 1-800-223-7676 "Ie Center for Student gave' 1140 BROADWAY. N Y C., N Y Officials say JOLT not working LANSING (UPI) - A program aimed at detering young toughs from commit- ting more crimes by showing them prison life was suspended because it didn't work, state corrections officials said yesterday. An evaluation of JOLT - Juvenile Of- fenders Learn Truth - showed "no measureable benefit" for those youths who toured the prison. JOLT has been in operation at Southern Michigan Prison at Jackson since May 1978. It was sponsored by the prison chapter of the Jaycees. THE IDEA OF JOLT was to show juvenile delinquents what prison life is like and persuade them to change. It was similar to the "Scared Straight" program in New Jersey. Male youths convicted of offenses which would be criminal if committed by an adult were eligible for the program and were accompanied by a parent. A six-month follow-up was done on youngsters assigned to JOLT by the end of September 1978 and those assigned by the end of 1978 were followed for three months. A TOTAL OF 227 cases were involved in the experiment. Half were assigned to the JOLT program and the other half were used as a control group. JOLT participants did not commit a significantly lower number of crimes, the state report said.