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July 14, 1979 - Image 9

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Michigan Daily, 1979-07-14

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otc\irfipon Dnily-So.ui Jo! 14 19 9 PO)e9

to veto

LANSI UPI -Gos Willias
Milliken yesterday became the unlikely
villain in the debate over whether to
retain Michigan's presidential
Several senators-from both sides of
the aisle, claimed Milliken deliberately
has out the legislature in a box so that
the primary will be repealed.
Michigan's presidential primary does
not meet new national Democratic Par-
ty rules because it is "open"-voters
need not declare a party preference in
order to vote.
THE SENATE yesterday-its last
day of work before the summer adjour-
nment-continued debate on legislation

S te favorite son' c ndmiate and
tt pol wo rs ia hh primay they turn, would Use those votes toa
will vote. Those Democrats who refuse with real presidential candidat
to say will not have their votes counted perhaps trade them in on the
toward the selection of national conven- vice-president.
tion delegates. "I smell a favorite son ca
Milliken has threatened to veto coming out of this," said Sen
legislation to close the primary and Corbin (D-Clio). "What better
said he would rather have no primary get on'the ticket? I smella rat."
at all than a closed one. "This is the substitute that all
If the primary is repealed, delegates Milliken to run for vice presiden
to the national convention will be par- Sen. John Welborn (R-Kalamazc
celed out to presidential hopefuls via "I'M SURE Governor Millike
the old caucus system. "I'n sUaEfGoerno ei
SENATE DISSIDENTS claimed to run as a favorite son so he
Milliken would talk the GOP caucuses and deal and become the vice p
into giving him their votes as a tial candidate."
handling of toxic wastes
place to ship them. "Hazardous waste is a g
The bill was developed during months problem in every state, especi
of sensitive negotiations involving in- major industrial states," Tom
dustry, environmental, and local said. "The horrors of the Love
government officials. Montague, and Gratiot Countyz
"The bill establishes a delicate the most vivid examples of wh
balance between the rights of local pens when dangerous chemical
units of government and the statewide are dumped."
need for rational toxic and hazardous In other action, the House ap
waste disposal," the bill's sponsor Rep. and sent to Milliken's desk leg
Alice Tomboulian (D-Rochester) said. creating a state business devel
BACKERS CALLED the bill the most corporation to marshall private
comprehensive in the nation and said it for investment in new compan
will be used as a model by other states. expansion of existing ones.

nod for
n. Gary
way to
ows Bill
t," said
n wants
can cut
ally the
are just
at hap-
ies and

State legislation to control
LANSING (UPI) - Legislation efforts to establish needed disposal
clamping strict controls on the shipping facilities.
and storage of toxic wastes-a problem The measure also licenses waste
which has plagued the state in recent haulers and disposal firms,ensures
years-received final legislative ap- dumps will be maintained after they
The House sent the bill to Gov. are filled and requires detailed record-
William Milliken's desk by approvin keeping to track hazardous materials.
minor Senate amendments on a . THE LEGISLATURE was shocked
unanimous vote, into action on the toxic waste issue by a
THE MOST IMPORTANT and sen- series of revelations on potential
sitive portion of the toxic waste bill threats posed by improperly stored
creates a nine-member state com- chemicals. At the same time, a number
mission with the power to overrule local of firms reportedly are generating
officials opposed to proposed waste hazardous waste materials with no
dums sAffected communities will have

a minority voice on the panel.
The bill's backers said this extraor-
dinary power is necessary because
local opposition otherwise will stymie
I -CsI
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Nixon returns home after
CUERNAVACA, Mexico (AP) - BEFORE NIXON left the villa, Shah
Richard Nixon, the only American Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, Empress
president forced to resign, spent 12 Farah, and their 18-year-old son, Reza
hours yesterday with the deposed Shah Cyrus, allowed reporters and
of Iran, then prepared to flythome. The photographers onto a patio at one of the
normally heavy guard at the former houses in the complex for a photo
monarch's luxury villa was hsesinx
strengthened for the occasion, session.
Nixon's entourage of eight vehicles How did you enjoy your visit?" one
arrived at 3 a.m. (5 a.m. EDT) in this journalist asked Nixon.
resort town, 45 miles south of the "Very much," he replied.
capital AS THE NIXON caravan drove
S. Africans is
f ined for
. ile g l'NO PASSES
enployees Are
employees Hilarious! '~
iCtinue.difriiPagei: )i
"We maybe able to help d ,
FROM TilE AGE of 16 to death, the H r I
pass book is an integral part of a black
person's life here. Almost daily, cream-
colored "pass wagons" called "goomba an
goombas" by blacks, cruise main
thoroughfares, with police officers
looking for blacks who do not have their a
pass books. RUTH GORDON
Until now, lacking a book has usually
meant a night in jail and a court ap-
In 1978, according to a report of the THE LATEST MIDNIGHT CULT
South A f rican Council of Churches, FILM IN WHICH THE AUDIENCE
272,887 people were arrested for pass PITCHES IN-LITERALLY.
violations. That figure was sharply up Ascmp DETROT NEWS
from 173,571 the previous year. clossic sun., June 24
There is already an unemployment
rate of about 20 per cent among South
Africa's 19 million blacks. The white
minority in South Africa is about 4.5
At an average monthly rate of $60-$80
for a live-in servant, almost all white
homes have at least a maid. More af-
fluent homes also have full-time black P
gardeners. For many black families,
wive wrig domestic -roide .the
--n-ly --f - - - - - -

visiting Shah
away, one of the cars smashed into the
rear of another, causing serious
damage to both cars. Nixon was not in
either car and there were no injuries.
On his way here, in Mexico City,
Nixon held a news conference at which
he praised the shah as a friend of 25
years and an ally of the United States
for 30.
As his automobile drove through the
large gates of the estate, Nixon waved
twice to a waiting crowd of reporters.

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