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May 02, 1979 - Image 17

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1979-05-02

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The Michigan Daily'=Wednesday, May 2, 1979-Page 17
Moslem leader killed in Iran
TEHRAN, Iran (AP)-A Moslem The caller said Motahari was head of near Jaleh Square, a landmark in the book" or "distinction between truth and
leader closely associated with the new the secret Islamic Revolutionary Coun- bloody year-long riots against the falsehood."
Islamic republic of Ayatollah Ruhollah cil set up by Khomeini as the supreme monarchy. IN A MESSAGE to the newspaper
Khomaini was assassinated yesterday power in Iran on Feb. 11. The council, In September, royal troops shot about Ayendegan after the Gharani killing,
as he left a dinner party, Torfen among its other duties, supervises the 120 demonstrators to death in the the group said the general had
Hospital officials said. revolutionary courts that have sent 164 square, sparking more violence that cooperated with the "mullahs' priests'
They reported Ayatollah Morteza persons to their deaths before firing eventually led to the monarch's self- dictatorship." It also said the general
Motahari was hit in the head by a single squads since the revolution. exile in January and the overthrow the was disarming civilians and plotting a
bullet and died in the hospital early Motahari was a professor of theology next month of the appointed gover- pro-American coup.
today. at Tehran University and was elderly, nment he left behind. Observers said phrases in, that
Sources said an anonymous caller to but his exact age was not immediately A HOSPITAL official, referring to message could indicate Forghan was a
the newspaper Ayendegan asserted the known. Motahari's death, said the ayatollah leftist group opposed to Iran becoming
little-known Forghan group was - HE WAS NOT among the best known had been "martyred." a religious based republic.
responsible for the murder. of about 100 ayatollahs-holy According to various sources, MOTAHARI WAS a prolific author.
IT IS THE same group that said its men-who head the Shiite Moslem revolutionary security officials At the time he was shot, the state radio
members killed Gen. Mohammad Vali hierarchy in Iran. Religious sources pressing their search for the killers of was reading selections from one of his
Gharani on April 23. Gharani was the said he was active in the struggle Gen. Gharani have been able to deter- books. "The Story of the True One,"
former armed forces chief of staff of against the shah and was considered mine the identities of several suspected about the prophet Mohammed.
Khomeini's revolutionary regime, among the 20 most influential men in Forghan members. Their names were His assassination underscored the
which deposed the monarchy of Shah Khomeini's councils. not released. lack of security for government and
Mohammad Raza Pahlavi in February. The shooting occurred in east Tehran The name Forghan can mean "holy religious leaders.
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