Vol. LXXXIX, no. 42-S
C TsaJ1n Twelve Pages
Ann Arbor, Michigan Ten Cents
Carter hears more
experts; Cam David
(0 sumnut may end soon
THE MICHIGAN THEATRE was officially purchased yesterday by the
Michigan Community Theatre Corporation. The largest theatre in Ann Ar-
bor, built in 1927, will be used as a community theatre, and the group plans to
restore the building to its original condition within three years.
Non-profit corporation
buys Michigan theater
WASHINGTON (AP) - President
Carter brought representatives of
business, labor, and government to
Camp David yesterday for conferences
on employment, amid forecasts that the
jobless rate may climb toward seven
per cent near the 1980 election.
With Carter's domestic policy sum-
mit in its sixth day, there was
speculation that the conferences may
be coming to an end soon and that work
will begin on a presidential speech, with
Sunday a possible target date for
one result of the meetings could be a
shift in White House staff operations in
which Carter's longtime aide, Hamilton
Jordan, would be given more direct
lines of authority in the role of White
House chief of staff.
And White House presssecretary
Jody Powell discounted a report that
Energy Secretary James Schlesinger is
being fired. He said the report was
"uninformed speculation."
Meanwhile, members of the White
House staff specializing in energy
worked feverishly to put the finishing
touches on the president's options in
developing synthetic fuels to cut oil ex-
ports. One staff member said they
hoped to deliver their work to Carter by
the end of the day, two days beyond
their original deadline.
THERE WAS also a congressional
report that the approaching recession
may be worse than first anticipated.
(See story, Page 10).
The president held a morning
meeting at the retreat atop Maryland's
Catoctin Mountains with Govs. Jay
Hammond of Alaska and Bill Clinton of
Arkansas; Sens. Harrison Williams (D-
N.J.), chairman of the Senate Labor
and Human Resources Committee, and
Gaylord Nelson (D-Wis.), chairman of
the Senate Employment subcommit-
tee; four union chiefs; three business
leaders, and others concerned with ur-
ban problems.
An evening session was planned for a
half-dozen governors and a delegation
of mayors.
TIAT, BY unofficial count, would
bring to about 130 the number of per-
sons Carter has had flown to his
hideaway 60 miles north of the nation's
See CARTER'S, Page 2
city officials
diseuss lend
to campus
Responding to numerous citizen
and merchant complaints, city officials
yesterday explored ways to stop
"harassment" and vagrancy in the
city's downtown and west campus
After meeting with two City Coun-
cilmembers and police and fire depar-
tment chiefs yesterday afternoon,
Mayor Louis Belcher said the city
would probably increase police patrols
in two problem areas: on State St. near
central campus and on Catherine St.
near Main St.
BELCHER SAID he had received
complaints of "harassment, vagrancy,
drunks, some drugs," from merchants
and downtown yesidents.
Belcher pointed to the "type of
character" found in the downtown area
as contributing to the harassment and
See CITY, Page 7
History is expensive these days, or so
it seems. For instance, a group of Ann
Arbor citizens agreed to dole out more
than $1.3 million yesterday in order to
keep part of the 'old' Ann Arbor around
for a while,
The Michigan Community Theater
Corporation, a non-profit group com-
posed of Ann Arbor citizens, bought the
Liberty St. theater from the family of
Angelo Poulos, who built the establish-
ment 52 years ago. The group will take
official ownership of the building on
Sept. 1.
THE THEATER, which had caught
the eye of buyers willing to construct a
small mall within the building, drew
much attention during the year from
citizens who didn't want to lose the
historic theater.
Richard Lotz, the theater's new
board president, said the entertainment
house will be maintained in period
form, as it's restored. He said the
theater will likely be returned to its
original condition within three years.
The corporation plans, possibly as
early as this fall, to use the facility as a
community theater, inviting civic
theater and orchestra groups to per-
Indian Ocean, Australia hit with flaming Skylab
WASHINGTON (AP) - The space station Skylab, in
its death plunge to Earth yesterday, sprayed debris-
over central Australia across some of the most
desolate terrain on the face of the earfh.
There were no reports of damage or injury, sparing
the United States worldwide embarrassment. It was
estimated 20 to 25 tons of metal survived Skylab's fall.
FOR RESIDENTS in southwestern Australia, the
fall of Skylab over the Indian Ocean and the down-
under continent provided a celestial fireworks show,
complete with the sound of sonic booms.
"It was an incredible sight," said John Seiler, a ran-
cher in Australia's vast outback. "Hundreds of shining
lights dropping all around the homestead ... we could
hear the noise of wind in the air as bigger pieces passed
over us. Just after the last pieces dropped out of sight,
the whole house shook three times .. .
"The horses on the property ran mad. They galloped
all over the place and the dogs were barking," Seiler
JIM KUKOWSKI, a spokesman for the National
Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) said,
"Quite a bit of debris fell on Australia."
Late yesterday, the North American Air Defense
Command(NORAD) revised its coordinates for the
,point where the last and largest -piece lost its forward
motion and started to drop.
NORAD put the spot at Kalgoorlie in southwestern
Australia, about 700 to 800 miles -northeast of the
position in the Indian Ocean where it first had been
estimated to be. NORAD estimated the time "decay
point" at 12:37 p.m. EDT, give or take two minutes.
"WE HAVE RECEIVED no reports of property
damage or personal injury," Kukowsaki said. "That
doesn't rule it out 100 per cent, but it appears highly
unlikely that any debris would fall on anybody."
He said the area was one of the most remote in the
world, "on a par with the Sahara desert or worse."
That, however, didn't prevent hundreds of
Australians from witnessing the flaming spectacle in
the sky.
See IT'S, Page 10
PREPARED FOR THE fall of Skylab, Atlanta Braves
and Chicago Cubs fans adorned protective helmets
during a baseball game Tuesday night.