Page 4-Wednesday, July 11, 1979-The Michigan Daily Michigan Daily Eighty-nine Years of Editorial Freedom 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Ml. 48109 Vol. LXXXIX, No. 41-S News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Gov't should accept Agent Orange blame AGENT ORANGE, code name for the toxic herbicide U.S. Armed Forces sprayed on Vietnam's landscape during the war, continues to haunt the government for good reason. The chemical, intended to reduce food supplies and the jungle's camouflage, had devastating long-term results. It contains dioxine, one of the most toxic substances known, and has allegedly induced a broad range of health maladies. Accusations were first made by the Vietnamese when women exposed to Agent Orange experien- ced cancer, sterility, and stillbirths, and gave bir- th to deformed children. Agent Orange also affec- ted countless American soldiers stationed in Viet- nam, and they reportedly have developed numerous health problems of varying severity. Government studies fail to link the substance to the illnesses conclusively. Government scientists rebut claims that the birth defects of veterans' children were caused by Agent Orange, since only exposed women can pass the defects on. But other medical problems, including skin rashes, color blindness, and cancer, have arisen among American GIs after exposure to Agent Orange. Congressional hearings have probed the problem and the Veterans Administrations' reluc- tance to deal with it. Rep. Bob Eckhardt (D-Tex.) said he wanted the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare to get involved with the issue, because of what he calls the Defense Depar- tment's obvious bias and inaction on the issueThis seems a wise shift which might benefit ailing GIs. A study which would examine the health of 2,000 veterans who handled Agent Orange during the war was recently announced. But the action is tardy and insufficient. Any action or shift of responsibility must be undertaken promptly, before health care bills devastate more veterans. Ironically, tactics used to fight the enemy back- fired and the indiscriminate use of chemicals in jured our own soldiers and their families as well. Studies are welcome, but should not impede the Veterans Administrations' actions to award financial compensation to affected Vietnam veterans. SUMMER EDITORIAL STAFF ELIZABETH SLOWIK Editor-in-Chief Companies ignore voluntary controls on gene research WASHINGTON, D.C. - Federal health administrators, caught in a controversy over safety guidelines on genetic engineering by private com- panies, still hope that firms can be persuaded to voluntarily com- ply with the mandatory standar- ds imposed on academic resear- chers. In late May, the National In- stitutes' of Health (NIH) Recom- binant DNA Advisory Committee (RAC) voted to recommend to the NIH that voluntary com- pliance by private industry was inadequate. It urged mandatory By DAVID DICKSON mittee member Dr. Sheldon Krimsky. However, the NIH is continuing to develop procedures for a voluntary compliance program, including ways to protect a com- pany's proprietary date from competitors. The program would encourage private firms to establish In- stitutional Biohazard Commit- tees similar to those appointed by universities that conduct 'It seems that this is one of the most bizarre situations in the history of U.S. science and technology. We sit here in discussions, when a great variety of work is being done around the country without any accountability at all.' -Dr. Sheldon Krimsky, member of the Recombinant DNA Advisory Committee notice of its intent to regulate all recombinant DNA research leading to product manufac- turing last December. But when pharmaceutical companies challenged the agency's authority- to regulate research, the FDA quickly backed down. Washington sources say that it has decided instead to support the NIH plan for voluntary com- pliance. Public interest and labor groups met recently with Peter Libassi, general counsel of HEW, to register opposition to the proposal for voluntary guidelines. They argued that the Environmental Protection Agen- cy and the Department of Labor's Occupational Safety and Health Administration should take an active role in regulating DNA research. So far, both organizations have chosen to leave the initiative to the FDA and the NIH. DEPENDING ON the strength of the opposition, the alternative to voluntary compliance may be new legislation, which would lay a legal framework for imposing mandatory controls. Aides to Sen. Adlai Stevenson Jr. (D-Ill.), chairman of the Senate subcommittee on science snd space, say they are keeping a close eye on the situation and may introduce legislation if a satisfactory resolution cannot be found. In the last Congress, Stevenson sponsored a bill that sought to extend the NIH guidelines to private industry. Industry remains opposed to any such legislation. But with in- dustrial unions beginning to realize that the research will soon involve large numbers of their members, the pressures on Congress are already beginning to build. David Dickson is the Wash- ington, D.C. news editor of the British science journal, Nature. He wrote this piece for Pacific News Service. guidelines for private firms, similar to those safety standards imposed on researchers receiving government grants. THE COMMITTEE expressed concern that only one company has voluntarily complied with the guidelines since they were im- posed last December. "It seems that this is one of the most bizarre situations in the history of U.S. science and technology. We sit here in discussions, when a great variety of work is being done around the country without any accountability at all," said com' Editorials which appear without a hyline represent a concensus opinion of the Daily's editorial board. All other editorials, as well as cartoons, are the opinions of the individuals who submit them. federally funded recombinant DNA research. The response of industry representatives who have seen the voluntary guide- lines proposal has been positive. THE FINAL decision on whether or not mandatory guidelines can be imposed on the private firms, and who should impose them, will be made by Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (HEW). Secretary Joseph Califano. The Food and Drug Ad- ministration (FDA), at the request of Califano, published a - - a JUDY RAKowSKY.. JOSHUA PECK ...... Editorial Director ........ Arts Editor MARK PARRENT Supplement MITCH CANTOR Editors BUSINESS STAFF LISA CULBERSON ......................... Business Manager ARIENESARYAN -............................Sa .esManager BETH WARREN--........................ Display Manager BETH BASSLER..................... ...Classified Manager STAN BERKMAN .............. National Adertising Manager RANDY KELLEY-. . Operations Supervisor , PETE PETERSEN ..... . :AnertiringCo-ordinator