Tw' sweltf natur New S Con power mer. quick You n GIT and c; The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, July 11;1979-Page 3 COOL SUMMER KEEPS ENERGY DEMAND LOW Another N.Y. blackout unlikely From The Associated Press capacity to meet demand." He said report filed with the Federal Energy delay in the return to service of several o years ago Friday, on a several upstate plants have been added Regulatory Commission on June 29 that nuclear facilities, including the ones at ering city night, a combination of to the system since the 1977 blackout it believes its reserves are adequate, Three Mile Island near Harrisburg, Pa. e, machines, and man plunged and added that this year, for the first although there are three areas that SO FAR, Boyle said, the power pool York into darkness. time, Con Ed is importing "A sizable cause concern. has had "virtually no problems ... It's solidated Edison says that kind of amount of hydroelectric power from Sam Boyle, a PJM spokesman, said been a cool summer." But he said an r blackout is not likely this sum- Canada." the three areas are: the availability of "Extended heat storm" - a stretch of But'spokesman Marty Gitten is PJM Interconnection, a power pool fuel oil; the possibility of strict enfor- days with temperatures in the high 90s, to add: "Things can go wrong. that serves 11 utilities in Pennsylvania, cement of anti-pollution regulations could push demand beyond capacity. ever say never." New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware, and which could force the shutdown of some Richard Pierce of the Duke Power TEN'S MIXTURE of optimism the District of Columbia, said in a plants which use coal; and an extended See SUMMER, Page 7 action is ehoed by utility ffi ini , _ a11 ;4LVIl GIUUy UIIy UICa s across the country. Most of those con- tacted in an Associated Press spot check say they expect to have enough electricity to meet the demand. They say fuel supplies are adequate and equipment is in good condition. But they also warn that the unexpected could happen. In some parts of the country, mainly the East, an unusually cool summer so far has helped keep demand down. There also are signs that people are trying to conserve. The biggest poten- tial for trouble seems to be in the Mid- dle Atlantic states and in Northern California where the shutdown of nuclear facilities has left utilities with less power than they expected. The July 13, 1977, blackout occurred when lightning hit several power lines running from upstate New York to the city. Mechanical devices designed to limit the damage failed and, by the time the Con Ed controller on duty reacted, the entire system was out. GITTEN SAID the company, which supplies power to New York and some of its northern suburbs, has "sufficient 'Son of Sam' knifed by fellow inmate l ATTICA, N.Y. (AP)-Confessed "Son of Sam" killer David Berkowitz, who terrorized New York City for more than a year, had his throat slashed by a fellow prison in- mate yesterday. Officials said 50 to 60 stitches were needed to close the wound. Berkowitz, who refused to identify his assailant, was in good condition at the Attica state prison infirmary. Corrections services spokesman Lou Ganimh said the wound was in the left side and rear of Berkowitz's neck. GANIM SAID Berkowitz, who con- fessed to killing six New York City residents and attacking seven others with a .44 caliber handgun between July 1976 and August 1977, was carrying hot water for about a dozen other prisoners when he was at- tacked at about 8:15 a.m. Berkowitz, 26, works as a porter in the reception building, a special protective housing area. A spokesman for prison Superin- tendent Harold Smith said the war- den would not comment on the in- cident or Berkowitz's recent ac- tivities as a prisoner. STATE POLICE investigators began an inquiry into the attack, but the weapon used to cut Berkowitz's throat was not immediately found, Ganim said. He said no major blood vessels were severed and the victim did not require hospitalization outside the Attica infirmary, where he is expec- ted tobe kept for one or two days. After he was cut, Berkowitz walked out of the area and told corrections officers he had been slashed but refused to say who at- tacked him, Ganim said. Berkowitz ___ 1 City Council, EDC agree on flexible guidelines By JOHN GOYER the city, must create jobs, and in general fit the doesn't fit the EDC guidelines. Thus, he sawn City Council members and the Board of Trustees for character of the city. to tighten the guidelines. Ann Arbor's Economic Development Corporation Types of businesses listed as desirable in the "What everybody has to do is to come up w (EDC) yesterday appeared satisfied with EDC guidelines are light manufacturing, research, senior sort of guidelines on their own," Councilman guidelines and stressed that restrictions implemented citizen housing and any business that provides Sheldon (R-Third Ward), said yesterday. now could constrain future development. "necessary services." Councilman Earl Greene, (D-Second Ward; EDC guidelines and philosophy came under scrutiny A BUSINESS also must be able to demonstrate that was concerned the guidelines could be too t Monday night at a joint working session of City Council it will be financially sound enough to pay back the bon- block funding for projects which the city nee( and five of the EDC's nine Board of Trustees members. ds. as senior citizen housing, but which might no ESTABLISHED A YEAR ago, the EDC can Both council members and EDC board members to demonstrate financial soundness. authorize the issue of tax-exempt, low-interest bonds to agreed Monday that the guidelines are flexible. ANN ARBOR CHAMBER of Commerce dir( attract businesses to the city, or to retain or expand But neither group seemed anxious to propose EDC board member James Frenza said he existing businesses. changes in the guidelines Monday. keep the guidelines loose to meet the deman According to EDC guidelines, a project must "be in COUNCILMAN GERALD BELL (R-Fifth Ward) future. He said currently Ann Arbor residents the public interest," must provide needed services to said he had learned during the EDC's first year that if to pick which businesses they want in the city. he were to vote against EDC funding for a project, it He said the EDC could be restricted in the would be because "Bell doesn't like it," not because it See COUNCIL. Pae5 no reason 'ith some Clifford said he ight, and ded, such t be able ector and hoped to ds of the are able future, if tocy- No fire with this smoke Six fire trucks responded to a report of smoke and an odor at the Michigan Union shortly before 3 p.m. yesterday. Fifteen Ann Arbor fire fighters showed up to investigate the problem, which turned out to be an overheated ballast in a flourescent light fix- ture near the University Cellar. University elec- tricians took about five minutes to replace the faulty ballast, authorities said. "It's a fairly com- mon thing," commented an Ann Arbor fire depar- tment official. Why six trucks and 15 fire fighters for an overheated light? 'It's a big, complicated buildling "one official. ahrugged. Where's a cop when you need one? Patrol officer Ruben Grijalva sat inside his police car in the middle of an intersection in Sunnydale, --- -- -- - ---t - -I')- - Calif., waiting for help. "There was this patrol car in the middle of the intersection with its red lights on, and it had one flat tire in front, with a hubcap lying in the road," said Bill Manley, an animal con- trol officer who rescued Grijalva from two 35-pound pit bull terriers. Apparently the dogs chased Grijalva into his car after he tried to find out why they were running loose. The dogs then chewed the car's tires. "They're friendly dogs," said the owner of the terriers, 17-year-old Noel Alfara. "They just don't like uniforms." The city is keeping the dogs until Alfara, who is charged with allowing his dogs to run without a leash, pays for the damaged tires. Happenings.. . ... the Red Cross blood donating clinic continues in Room G 1320 Towsley, from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. today . . . the Summer Festival in Saline starts today and continues with bargain days, street dan- ces, and an art fair through Saturday ... the Com- mission for Women will meet at noon in 2549 LSA Building . . . then at 8 p.m., Theatre Lamba presen- ts "The Lady of the Camellias in the Pendleton Room of the Michigan Union . . . there will be a jazz harp institute in the Rackham Building at 8 p.m.... also at 8 p.m., an introduction to "Tran- scendental Meditation and TM SIDhi Programs" will be presented by the Students' International Meditation Society. in Room 4315 in the Michigan Union ... FILMS: Media Resources Center-TV: The Anonymous Teacher; TV Ads: Our Mini Myths; 60 Second Spot; Life Goes to the Movies: Part 3, The Post War Era; starts at 7:30 p.m., Aud. 3, mlb ... Ann Arbor Film Co-op-Bartolucci's 1900, 7p.m., Aud. A, Angell Hall. On the outside During a time not long ago, the weather was the most important factor in a person's life. Everything everyone did was dic-tat.ed by the weather- picnics, clothing, baseball garnFes, shopping trips- virtually everything. Well, now the story ha- changed, and we weather forecasters arc getting screw d. No one is going to read the weather if it's printed on Page Three. The weather should he on Page One. So we weather forecasters aren't going to tell anyone that the sky will be hazy today, and we're going to keep our mouths shut about the 20 per cent chance of rain in the afternoon and the high temperature in the mid-80s, and the low near 60 . We're not going to tell anybody anything until we get fa-r treatment. - L-