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July 07, 1979 - Image 10

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Michigan Daily, 1979-07-07

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Page 10--SaturdayJuly 7, 1979-The Michigan Daily
Strauss says Mideast talks unknotted
ALEXANDRIA, Egypt (AP)-Robert progress made here was unlikely- to tian-Israeli peace agreement. radio said the Israeli ra
Strauss, the Mideast troubleshooter, lure Jordan or the Palestinians into the "THIS GIVES US a process where ted by a 70 man force.
said yesterday he had unknotted a snarl peace process at this point. the questions raised in the working In Jerusalem, a bomb
in the Eyptian-Israeli negotiations on After two days of round-table talks in groups can go forward and not impede overlooking the Old C
Palestinian autonomy, ending a this Mediterranean resort city, the programs in other areas by the plenary slightly injuring three F
procedural wrangle that threatened to heads of the three delegations announ- group," Strauss told the news con- Yasser Arafat's Palest
paralyze the talks. ced their agreement in a joint com- ference. "This gives us a second track Organization (PLO)1
Strauss, who heads for Jordan and munique at a news conference. to make progress on so : we don't have responsibility for the bla
Saudi Arabia today, said the outcome of The statement said two working to wait for the deliberations, The talks had been st
the fourth round of talks of autonomy groups would be established, one to discussions and results of those and Israel met on thre
for 1.2 million Palestinian Arabs living study ways of holding Palestinian elec- discussions as we move forward casions, without Strauss
in Israeli-occupied territories would tions in the West Bank of the Jordan breaking new ground." agree on an agenda fort
"lower the decibel level of negativism" River and the Gaza Stip. The second In Tel Aviv, meanwhile, the military which are scheduled toc
in the Arab world. group would define the "powers and command said Israeli troops had months.
-responsibilities," presumably in- crossed the Lebanese border late Thur- ATTEMPTS TO rea(
BUT WITH SUBSTANTIVE issues cluding those of the Palestinianself- sday and killed two Palestinian were scrapped under;
yet to be tackled, Strauss said the rule council, provided for in the Egyp- guerrillas, took two others prisoner and vision and the concep

id was conduc-
exploded a hill
ity yesterday,
French tourists.
ine Liberation
later claimed
alled as Egypt
e previous oc-
, and tried ,to
the negotiations
continue. for 11
ch an agenda
Strauss' super-
it of working

dynamited houses in the southern
village of Majdel Silim.
The Syrian government newspaper
said the raid was part of a plan by
Israel and right-wing Lebanese
Christian militamen to escalate violen-
ce in southern Lebanon and promised it
would retaliate both in the air and on
the ground.
THE PAPER, Al-Thawra, claimed
Israeli Prime Minister Menachem
Begin had messaged top Christian
militia leaders urging them to "close
ranks to cope with upcoming develop-
ments in the Lebanese arena. Beiruit

groups was accepted by the two sides.
The next full session of the tripartite
talks will be held in Herziliya, Israel,
Aug. 5 and Egyptian Prime Minister
Mustafa Khalil said the working
groups would convene at a still-to-be
determined site within two weeks.
Israeli negotiator Youseff Burg
called the agreement "a step forward
in the grand style of peace" and said
that it would "bring this ship to the
proper harbor."
Each working group will have six
members, with two from each of the
three delegations.

Nicaraguan guard deserts
Jinotepe, Somoza remains

MANAGUA, Nicaragua (AP) - A
beleaguered national guard garrison
abandoned the southern city of Jinotepe
to Sandinista guerrillas yesterday as
President Anastasio Somoza clung to
power in the face of mounting military
and diplomatic pressures against him.
Besides taking control of Jinotepe,
the guerrillas were reported pressing
their fight to capture the southern city
of Rivas and staging hit-run raids in
They also tried to bomb Managua's
Las Mercedes Airport, but a gover-
nment spokesman and local residents
said the guerrilla plane, dropping steel
drums filled with explosives, missed
the airport completely.
MEANWHILE, the United States was
reported continuing a behind-the-
scenes diplomatic campaign to expand
the Sandinistas' five-member
provisional government in order to
dilute the power of its leftist members.

State Department officials say the
Carter administration, apparently sure
of Somoza's eventual downfall, was
trying to enlist the help of the Latin
American democracies Venezuela and
Colombia, whose governments are on
good terms with the Sandinistas, to per-
suade them to add moderates to the
Despite continuing rumors here of the
Nicaraguan strongman's impending
departure, there were no firm signs of
it. His aides still insisted Somoza would
not leave until after a military victory,
and then only if the United States
promises massive reconstruction aid
for Nicaragua.
The Organization of American States
has demanded Somoza's resignation,
seven nations have broken diplomatic
relations with his government and two
of them, Panama and Grenada,
recognize the Sandinista junta as the
legitimate government.

$4.6 billion state budget
proposed for 1979-80
t Continued from Page 30
at the end of next week. Crim said.
On a related topic, Crim said the House Democrat Committee Chair-
state probably cannot afford the $24 man Francis Spaniola, who proposed
million in additional funding for the the funding increase, "has shown there
State Employees Retirement System are some problems there," Crim con-
which reportedly is needed to comply ceded. "In the future we're probably
with the current law. going to have to make some changes,"
INSTEAD, CRIM said the House he said.
likely will rewrite the law governing the CRIM SAID the legislature and
system to allow a lower contribution Milliken's office are about $50 million
rate.Mlie fiear bu 5 ilo
There is not likely to be a concensus apart in the revenue projections on
nTheeinodlirkexytoeanding"nor is which the budget is predicted. That dif-
on the need for extra fundingnor r, ference can be worked out next week,
there money to do it if there were," he said.
TEACHERS WANTED Crim said the legislature and
All K-8 grades. Low income Catholic Milliken remain far apart on the
schools in Texas. Small monthly stip- massive welfare budget.
end, furnished housing and basic
needs provided. Begin Aug. 12. Write Milliken opposes the $34 million home
Volunteers for Educational and Social
Services, Box N, 3001 South Congress . heatingassistance program which has
ABeoN,30"1So 'C 'e, stroig support ii'tie legislatur'e

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