Page 12-Wednesday, May 2, 1979-The Michigan Daily GSA rauds add BALTIMORE (AP)-- Televisions, radios, automobile tires, airplane tickets, and $300 suits. Not much individually, but prosecutors say they were received in exchange for help in bilking the General Services Administration (GSA) and that they add up to a multi- million-dollar case of fraud in the federal government - not just here, but in cities across the country. So far, federal grand juries in Baltimore alone have indicted 36 per- sons. Nationwide, there have been 74 indictments and informations returned, resulting in 53 guilty pleas and 14 trial convictions. Four persons have yet to enter pleas and the others are awaiting trial. And prosecutors here say there is no end in sight. "WE WILL GO on until it's over," said Daniel Clements, the assistant U.S. attorney here in charge of the cases. "This is just one phase of it. There are other areas being looked into by us (federal officials in Baltimore). More indictments can be expected." The investigations of the federal government's giant housekeeping agency began in June 1977, after allegations were made that GSA em- ployees had been bribed with millions of dollars from contractors working on federal buildings, Clements said. In addition to the probe here, grand jury investigations are under way in Washington, New York, Boston, and Newark, N.J. BROKEN DOWN by GSA regions, 49 indictments or informations have been returned in the Baltimore- Philadelphia-Washington region, three in the Boston area, two in New York, three in Atlanta, six in Forth Worth, three in Denver and one each in San Francisco and Seattle. Informations, like indictments, are legal accusations, buta grand jury does not have to be involved in producing them. The Baltimore indictments charged that GSA employees received cash, television sets, trips, microwave ovens, radios, tires, suits and other goods from firms that sold supplies to GSA stores. IN RETURN, the indictments said, the employees - most of them managers and assistant managers - would acknowledge receipt of supplies that had not been delivered, and would approve GSA payment for those sup- plies to the firms involved. So far, at least, the rate of prosecutors' success has been high. Of 36 persons indicted here, 27 have en- tered guilty pleas after negotiations up to millions with prosecutors, and four have been generally range from thr convicted in jury trials. There have ths for managers and fron been no acquittals yet; the remaining days for assistant manag five defendants are awaiting trial, with year sentences were give that of William Anderson, a GSA store managers who picked tri manager from Washington, scheduled pleading guilty. to begin tomorrow. Most of those entering guilty pleas The Justice Departmei did so to one count of conspiracy to some convicted GSA e defraud the U.S. government, Clements recover some of the mon said. Those who chose to plead innocent Sheehan, a departmentsp were tried on additional charges, in- he added that each case cluding bribery and filing false claims sidered individually. against the government. "NATIONALLY, the percentage of Clements said he could people that go to jail in white-collar the cost of the GSA scanda cases of these types is 23 per cent. We're doing substantially better," he "We never put a dollar said. he said, but adds that Asked why the conviction rate was so scandal has paid off. "Al high, Clements said, "I can only say have been expensive, th that we recommended in part of our appears to be what the G argument in each case that government clean itself up ... What's employees who violate the public trust the agency more than cor should be incarcerated." Of those con- all it's costing us." victed, prison has been recommended in every case, he said, and 20 persons already have received sentences. Probation was given in only one case, to a person who was not a GSA em- ployee and who was scheduled for open- heart surgery, Clements said. CLEMENTS SAID sentences ee to 13 mon- m 20 days to 90 ers, but four- n to two store al rather than nt plans to sue employees to ey, said Mark okesman. But would be con- d not estimate al. figure on it," exposing the though it may e real impact SA is doing to s happening at rmpensates for aut Ifor w~hatever jungle you'Ire in .. . is preserved on mm C FLM The Michigan Daily 420 Maynard Street AND Graduate Library / i yr t . ' ~ DeTROIT 313-477-2181 GRAND RAPIDS 616-949-9681 CLASSES BEGIN JUNE 4 CPA SREVIEW