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July 06, 1979 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1979-07-06

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Vol. LXXXIX, No. 38-S
The chigan Daily Friday, July 6, 1979
Sixteen Pages
Ann Arbor, Michigan Ten Cents

Unpaid parking tickets
Motorists who fail to pay parking tickets may have the response will be prompt," he said.
their driver's licenses suspended if City Council passes Laidlaw noted that motorists responc
a new parking ordinance, tentatively approved Mon- tickets for moving violations such as
day night, aimed at reducing the number of unpaid they do to parking tickets, because the,
parking tickets. the power to suspend a driver's licen.
Council is rewriting the city's parking ordinance to paya ticket for a moving violation.
meet the stipulations of a new state law going into ef- Under the new ordinance, the city
feet August 1, which allows the city to ask the state At- citation to a car owner if he did nc
torney General's Office to revoke a motorists's license parking ticket, Laidlaw said. If the owi
if he or she does not pay a parking ticket. The ordinan- respond, the city could then move to1
ce does not specify the number of unpaid tickets suspended.
required before the city can request suspension. COUNCIL MEMBER Earl Greene (I
CITY ATTORNEY Bruce Laidlaw said Monday called the new ordinance "excessi
night the new ordinance would speed up payment of Laidlaw if the city had other means av
parking tickets. "We have reason to believe that once a ce the parking regulations.
person receives notice that his license will be revoked, Laidlaw replied that the city could c

may cost license

d much faster to
speeding, than
city already has
se for failure to
y would mail a
ot respond to a
ner still failed to
have his license
D-Second Ward)
ve." He asked
vailable to enfor-
urrently have a

car towed, have personal property seized and could
even garner money from a person's paycheck for
failure to pay parking fines.
Greene also asked Laidlaw whether, under the new
state law, the city would have to resort to suspending
driver's licenses to enforce parking rules.
LAII)LAW SAID the ordinance had to be written so
that the city had the power to ask the state to suspend a
driver's license. But, he said, the city could simply not
ask the state to revoke licenses if it did not wish to use
the power.
According to Assistant City Administrator Patrick
Kenneyabout85 per cent of the approximately 300,000
parking tickets issued each year are eventually paid.
The city received about $615,000 in the last fiscal year
from parking fines, according to city budget figures.
Dems plan
mail drive
to draft
WASHINGTON (AP) - With the
backing of a Democratic labor leader, a
nationwide direct-mail fund-raising
campaign is being organized to draft
Sen. Edward Kennedy for president.
The drive is being handled by a
professional Washington political
mailing firm, which also raises money
for the Democratic Party. And the first
fund-raising letter is signed by William
Winpisinger, president of the
Machinists Union and a leader of the
party's liberal wing.
Winpisinger, an outspoken critic of
the Carter administration, said the
Kennedy draft is being organized
because the government under
AP Photo President Carter "is hopelessly
paralyzed. It flounders hopelessly,
without direction in its approaches to
the pressing problems of today."
No injuries WINPISINGER conceded that Carter
with heavy "is an honest, dedicated public servant
with good intentions." But he also said
"that is simply not enough" and added
that Kennedy "is the one who can
provide ... true leadership."
Roger Craver, president of the
. mailing firm, Craver, Mathews, and
Smith, said his 20,000 to 50,000 letters
will be sent out beginning next week. He
the new said contributions from the first
tal beds in mailing will be used for additional
ver which mailings until Kennedy either announ-
ces for president or takes himself fir-
n the state mly out of the race.
een named Winpisinger said as returns from the
mailings come in they will be shown to
request of Kennedy as proof of public support and
ed parties financial backing for his race,
ys to fulfill "WE WILL personally cover his desk
with the names of those citizens
ps, such as who ... want to be counted among
ear-and-a- those calling upon him to be a can-
1. didate," Winpisinger's letter said.
hat it ser- Kennedy has repeatedly said he is not
[ealth, and a candidate and expects to support Car-
of hospital ter for re-election. However, the
senator also has declined to make any
.1 planning solid statement that he will not become
See PEMS, Page 2

A portion of the roof of the sprawling General Motors plant in Kansas City, Kan. collapsed early yesterday.A
were reported. A company spokesperson said the repair had been started on part of the roof and that, along'
rains and high winds, may have caused the collapse. p
State: No second review o hosIta

The director of the Michigan Department of Public Health
has refused to allow the regional health planing council a
second review of plans for a new University Hospital.
In a letter released Monday, Health Department Director
Dr. Maurice Reizen told the regional health planning council
that further delay in the state review of the hospital plans
would be "unfair" to the University and to the state.
Southeastern Michigan (CPHC) President Della Goodwin
last week asked Gov. William Milliken and Health,
Education, and Welfare (HEW) Secretary Joseph Califano
to force the Public Health Department to send the hospital
plans back to the regional council for another review.
Members of the regional planning council charge that the
public health department and the University have ignored
regional planning concerns in agreeing on changes in the
hospital plans at the state level, after the University refused
to amend the plans during the regional review process.
The Department of Public Health has indicated it will ap-
prove the hospital project, with stipulations thaf the size and

cost of the project be reduced.
REGIONAL PLANNERS are worried that
hospital will add to the problem of too many hospi
the seven-county southeastern Michigan region o
they have jurisdiction.
Regional planners also complain that interest o
bond issue which will finance the project has not b
by the University asa cost.
In his letter Monday, Reizen also refused the
the regional planners that a task force of interest
be convened in order to find more cost effective way
the mission of University Hospital.
HE SAID THE regional council and other grouj
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Michigan, had a y
half to participate in planning the proposed hospita
Reizen further reminded the regional council-t
ves an advisory role to the Department of Public H
that the department had the final say on approval4
He said his department had addressed regiona
See STATE, Page 2

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