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May 02, 1979 - Image 7

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1979-05-02

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The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, May 2,1979-Page7
MSA election decision soon

The decision to certify the Michigan
Student Assembly (MSA) elections
should be made by the week of May 14,
according to Henry Johnson, Univer-
sity Vice-President for Student Ser-
Johnson, chosen by the Regents to
decide whether the election will be cer-
tified or not, released his intentions
Monday in a letter to MSA. He expects
to have information gathered on both
sides of the case and presented to him
by the Student Development Office
(SDO) by May 11.
THE SDO IS "trying to gather any
and all information regarding election
outcomes: election results, ac-
cusations, the decision not to hear the
appeal, the constitution of MSA, Cen-
tral Student Judiciary (CSJ) - what

procedures were and were not
followed," said SDO Director Richard
Sline. Aiding Sline are Student
Development consultants Kevin Taylor
and Lisa Mitchell-Yellin.
Taylor is examining ballots, reports
from Emily Koo, MSA elections direc-
tor, and information from CSJ. He said
that "anyone can give information, but
it has to be written."
Regent intervention in the election
process began with a letter sent by
former CSJ members Richard Barr
and Tom Potter, "advising them that
the time had come that intervention
was proper," said Barr.
Barr said that he"used to be against
intervention when CSJ had a respon-
sible body," but that the "court is
rarely used now" and "does not
basically know how to run."

HE CLAIMED that CSJ's decision not
to certify that election "stunk." He
countered CSJ's charges, claiming
some polls remained open even though
polls in Bursley, Couzens, and East
Quad closed early. Barr complained
graduating seniors will not be able to
vote in September, and the accusations
of fraud in the election were "never
Jim Sullivan, People's Action
Coalition (PAC) spokesman, said PAC
strongly objects to administration in-
tervention in the certification process.
"PAC's basic intention is to try to con-
vince them that they don't belong in the
certification process, and recognize
CSJ's decision."
"It's a student government that has a
constitution," said Sullivan. "It's just
not their (the administration's) place to

Late puberty upsets boys more

Late maturation is not uncommon in
young teenagers, but the psychological
tolls are paid much more heavily by
boys than girls, said Nancy Hopwood,
associate professor of pediatrics and
communicable diseases at the Univer-
sity. Pubertal delay may cause secon-
dary emotional problems in boys
resulting in withdrawal, depression, or
masculine inferiority. The "small
man" syndrome may be the root of
boys'- behavioral problems stemming
from competition with his peers. In
young girls, however, this petiteness is
not an undesirable trait, according to
Late blooming is a timing error,
Hopwood explained. Medical help in
reaching puberty consists of treatment
by natural or synthetic hormones used
to "speed things up."
CONDITIONS THAT delay growth in-
clude tumors and an inflammatory
bowel disease that are potentially

serious. The disease may also be
hereditary. But the most common is
late blooming, technically known as
'constitutionally delayed growth,' said
Hopwood. This can be determined by
the growth history of the youth in
question, or by determining bone age
by x-rays of hands and wrists.
"These kids are normal, it's just that
they're on a slow train to puberty," said
Hopwood. Their emotional problems
may be relieved by knowing that they
simply are growing at a slower rate
than their peers. Hopwood also says
that parental interaction with the
teenager determines to a large degree
how well he will handle it.
"Parents must treat their son ap-
propriate to his chronological age, not
the age of his appearance," she ex-
plained. "Studies show that late
bloomers who have been treated accor-
ding to their true age rather than their
younger appearance are made
emotionally mature and thus better

able to cope with the special pressures
of entering junior high school. They are
also better able to adapt to puberty
when it finally arrives."
prescribed if the delay is especially
pronounced or if the parents or youth
.are significantly concerned after the
CDG diagnosis. The patient must pass a
thorough medical screening to ensure a
good response. The alternatives are
monthly injections of testosterone, the
male sex hormone, for three of four
months, or taking a synthetic hormone
pill daily for about six months.
The short-term effects of the hor-
mone treatment usually are weight
gain and acceleration of linear growth
without significant risks.
"Hopfully," said Hopweed, "the im-
proved self-image and self-esteem
which result in these teenagers will
have lifetime implications."

of the
the city
to shift
Lion. I
from t
city to
on pert

Council questions water rates
(Continued from Page3i Fifth Ward), both attorneys, said they Monday night Murray presenti
AUSE THE NEED for expansion thought the city was paying too much experimental Zero Base B
sewage treatment facility is for outside consultant work. document for the police departme
I to development in and around Laidlaw defended his department's the coming year. Belcher has
y, Mayor Louis Belcher and other request for another attorney by saying couraged the development ol
I members had urged Murray that the $40 per hour consulting fee the document as the first step in a zero
the burden onto new construc- city presently pays to attorney Melvin budget planning for all city depart
Murray's subsequent proposals Muskovitz is a "special deal." Laidlaw ts.
ed placing surcharges on either noted that Muskowitz, who used to work Zero Base budgeting requir
g permits, sewage connection in the city attorney's office, was now review of all department expendi
s or site plan reviews. Revenue building up his private practice and as a reference for the next y
he surcharges would allow the that it would be difficult to find another budget allotments.
cut the 23 per cent increase in attorney to do the outside work for the According to Murray's report
same fee of $40 per hour. reason the Police Department
ray said he will meet tomorrow LAIDLAW SAID it would be more ef- chosen for the city's "first attemp
business representatives to ficient to hire another attorney because formal Zero Base budgeting is tht
nine their reactions to surcharges the city already paid overhead costs department has measurable and
nits or site plan reviews. that would not increase if another at- prehensible services and expenses
ier in Monday night's budget torney were hired.

... will make decision soon
be deciding who is and who is not the
legitimate student government,"
Sullivan claimed. "They're under-
mining student government
SULLIVAN SAID that procedural
violations were strategically ignored by
members of the Student Alliance for
Better Representation (SABRE) party.
Even though the certification hearing
was held four days after the election
and CSJ law says the hearing must be
held between five and ten days after the
election, SABRE members "knew it at
the time and didn't say anything while
it was going on," he said. He also said
SABRE "didn't give a reason the elec-
tion shouldn't be thrown out."
Sullivan, who claimed that it was
"basically a technicality, if anything,
that was violated (by CSJ)," said the
hearing gave all sides a chance to air
their views. Nevertheless, he said CSJ's
decision was more legitimate than in-
tervention by the Office of Student Ser-
vices (OSS), which is making "what
should be" a student decision.
See JOHNSON, Page 10
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review session, council members quiz-
zed City Attorney Bruce Laidlaw on his
department's request for funds to hire
another attorney.
recommended in the proposed budget
the allocation of $15,000 to the attor-
ney's office to pay consulting fees in-
stead of hiring another staff attorney.
Murray and other council members
contend that increases in the attorney's
office case load are not large enough to
warrant-hiring another staff attorney.
Council Members Edward Hood (R-
Fourth Ward) and James Cmejrek (R-

Dance Concert This Weekend
N Y dancer in so/o concert, accompanied bY
Lloyd Mc Neill
Friday and Saturday, May 4 and 5-8 p.m.
Canterbury Loft, 332 S. State St., second floor
Geineral admission $2.50 at the door.

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