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June 28, 1979 - Image 11

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Michigan Daily, 1979-06-28

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The Michigan Daily-Thursday, June 28, 1979-Page 11
Borg, McEnroe post
second round wins

George Scott has reason to
smile, after batting in the game-
winning run in the tenth inning as
the Royals beat the Oakland A's
Tuesday. Sulking through the fir-
st part of the season with the
Boston Red Sox, the Boomer is
hitting a sterling .417 since being
traded to the Royals two weeks

WIMBLEDON, England (AP) -
Bjorn Borg and John McEnroe, arch
rivals for the Wimbledon tennis crown,
both had to fight yesterday to reach the
third round.
Borg, the defending champion, over-
came Vijay Amritraj of India 2-6, 6-4, 4-
6, 7-6, 6-2 after trailing by two sets to
one and 1-3 in the fourth.
MCENROE ALSO came from l.hind
to tame the tall Englishman, Buster
Mottram, 6-7, 6-2, 7-6, 6-2.
While these exciting duels were
hanging in the balance, 16-year-old
Pam Shriver had to pull out of the
women's singles with a shoulder injury.
The youngster who was the darling of
the U.S. Open when she made it to the
final, hurt her shoulder during a tour-
nament at Chichester, England, two
weeks ago. She had been working day
and night to get fit for Wimbledon and
won her first round match Tuesday. But
she told the referee she was unable to
go through with her meeting with Laura
Dupont yesterday.
Borg, aiming to win the world's most
coveted tennis title for the fourth
straight year, is running according to
habit. In the first round last year he
trailed by two sets to one against Vic
Amaya and went on to win the match
and, of course, the tournament.
THE SWEDISH star was even closer
to disaster this time. Amritraj led by
two sets to one and broke service for 3-1
in the fourth.
Borg immediately broke back, but
then ran into another crisis. Serving at
2-3, he was passed three times by the
inspired Indian and trailed 0-40.
Amritraj took up the story.
"I thought then I was going to win,"
he said, "but Borg played five wonder-
ful shots and won the next five points. It
was my last big chance."

Many are wondering how long
Reggie Jackson will be wearing
Yankee pinstripes. The return of
Jackson's sparring partner Billy
Martin and the recycling of ex-
Yankee Bobby Murcer may point
to Reggie's departure, though
owner George Steinbrenner says
Jackson will be back in the lineup
as soon as he is off the disabled

AMRITRAJ provided more thrills for
the 6,000 fans packed around No. 5
court. In the tiebreaker of the fourth set
he passed Borg with a spectacular
backhand and led by two points to love.
Once more Borg conjured up quality
and fought off trouble. He racked up
seven points in a row to win the
tiebreaker 7-2.
Amritraj's spirit was broken then,
and Borg coasted through the final set.
AMRITRAJ, second of three Indian
brothers on the pro circuit, received a
standing ovation at the end, but did not
appear the least surprised by his per-
"I looked at the draw at the start of
the tournament and decided I was the
only man who might beat Borg," he
said. "I am capable of beating Borg,
McEnroe or Jimmy Connors, but that
doesn't mean I could win the tour-
Borg admitted that at 1-3 in the fourth
set he thought he would lose.
"I THINK HE got a little nervous
when he realized how important the
points were at that stage," the Swede
On the center court, McEnroe faced
not only Mottram, who was in his best
form, but an excited crowd of 17,000,
who heartily cheered the Englishman.
Mottram was inspired in the opening
set. His volleying matched that of
McEnroe, and his service was more
consistent. Apart from an occasional
roar of anguish, and beating the grass
with his racket when shots went wrong,
McEnroe kept cool in the tight
situation. He was unruffled by the
cheering for Mottram or by the yells
coming from the adjacent court where
Borg was in danger of losing.
MCENROE'S service continued to
elude him. He double-faulted twice as
he served at 5-6 to save the third set, but
those were the only points he dropped in
the game and he went on to win the
tiebreaker 7-4.
All the big names in the women's
singles moved forward without ruffled
Martina Navratilova, the defending
champion, battered Britain's o Durie 6-
Chris Evert Lloyd stroked her way
past Andrea Whitmore of the United
States 6-1, 6-2.
BILLIE JEAN King, six-time winner
of the singles title, downed another
young American, Linda Siegel, 6-1, 6-3.
Evonne Goolagong Cawley beat
Sherry Acker of the U.S. 6-3, 6-1.
Virginia Wade of Britain, the 1977
Wimbledon winner, strolled past Bar-
bara Jordan of the U.S. 6-0, 6-1.
... but how many
can play it?
at the UNION


JOHN McENROE BITES the dust on Wimbledon's Centre Court yesterday during his second round match against Britain's
Busjer Mottram. McEnroe was unperturbed by the cheers for thehometown boy and went on the beat Mottram 6-7, 6-2,

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