Page 4-Thursday, June 28, 1979-The Michigan Daily SMichigan Daily Eighty-nine Years of Editorial Freedom 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mi. 48109 Vol. LXXXIX, No. 35-S News Phone: 7640552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Ridership, funds may save Amtrak A MTRAK, LONG-TIME loser and gobbler of government funds, is witnessing a ridership boom. Although the upswing is more likely due to the energy crisis than service improvements, it forbodes a greater impact than mere crowded conditions. Last week Transportation Secretary Brock Adams revealed the Carter Administration's in- tent to review and alter its rail cutback plan, ridership permitting. Adams proposed slashing 12,000 miles of track from the system by October 1 in the plan, but some lines may be reinstated if the passenger increase persists. Adams said the administration is now willing to spend an extra $65 million to revamp the government-subsidized system. Last year Amtrak shouldered an operating deficit of about $970 million and is losing $600 million already this year. The cutback plans are not surprising in view of such astronomical losses, but extensive service severance may damage the system's chance to make good. Amtrak enjoys the long-awaited opportunity to become a public transport asset, instead of an oft- maligned burden. Ridership has been rising since last October, and in May, Amtrak turned away 756,246 prospective passengers. Increased Congressional interest, in the form of pressure to revise cutback plans, also promises to preserve the system. But this bright outlook surely will dim if Am- trak's management does not improve. The rider- ship boom will likely falter if the trains are repeatedly late or in disrepair. Informed sources indicated trains running from Washington to Mon- treal, New-York-Florida, Washington to New Orleans, and Chicago-Texas may receive a new lease on life from the administrative review. The shortage and expense of gasoline should boost demand for these lines in the future. If they are abandoned now lack of upkeep may preclude later reopening regardless of popularity. They should not be severed unless ridership levels are definitely hopeless. The Carter administrationastill planssto prune the 27,700 mile system. But as Adams said, "To preserve it as is would be like putting for- maldehyde into a corpse." Overhauls should be directed at tracks and trains where ridership is increasing, while little-used ones are phased out. Prudent management may finally turn Amtrak into a lucrative enterprise. SPORTS STAFF A university cannot remain neutral on moral issues By TIMOTHY HEALY, S.J. We have recently seen a strong and much publicized defense of a university's financial dealings from the president of Harvard, Derek Bok. It is tightly reasoned, and is interesting. It has been given national prominence, since the issue is one that has faced many universities, including this one. It takes, however, a position that I do not think that the religious traditions of Georgetown University will ever permit it to take. Read at its wor- st, and perhaps in public plat- forms it is easier to read things at their worst, it claims that the university is in its external ac- tivity, and, by implication, in its internal teaching and research, a moral neuter. I do not think Georgetown wants to or can ac- cept that definition of itself. It seems to me that there are several major accents missing from the Harvard paper that Georgetown ought to labor to supply. The first of these is the understanding of the being and function of the university as prin- cipally centered in its un- dergraduate instruction, in the preparation of new citizens for an ever renewing republic, in the give and take of the relatively un- structured, partially un- specialized and explosive un- dergraduate classroom. In this arena the university's best teaching is done, over the course of the years the greatest challenge is issued to every bit of its received wisdom, and the im- portant mesh is made between - sA WEA CA WTH AGP weh&T- clear thinking and high living. Great universities in the Western tradition have acknowledged that the heart and center of their works are their undergraduate colleges. Whether you call this the liberal-arts traditien, modern humanism or simply an American college, doesn't matter much. This is a common note that goes all the way back to Georgetown's tiny grandfather in St. Omers, and well beyond it into the medieval beginnings of universities themselves. If that is the case, and if a university acknowledges this reality, then the notion of its being a moral cipher is unsupportable. There is no way in which we can claim that the good life is not an ultimate purpose of the examined life. And to lock ourselves within that examination is to cut our students off from the best lear- ning their undergraduate years should bring them, and to reduce faculty to the shadow of their humanity. IT IS PERFECTLY clear that the president of Harvard did not mean to say this much about the internal reality of his university. It is precisely because the in- vestment problems he raises cannot be put in strictly intellec- tual terms that they are problems in the first place. If the only moral issue facing the university is the use to which it puts its money, in the state of all our poverties (and in that I would in- clude Harvard) there is very lit- tle possibility of immortal expen- se. But the problem of what sup- port a university receives, for what purpose, under what cir- cumstances, with what strings attached, and how it uses that support once it is received is not a matter that can be decided stric- tly on whether or not the cause of learning be advanced. The truth is a larger issue. ... on a hugehill Cragged and steep, Truth stands, and he that will Reach her, about must, and about must go, And what the hill's suddenness resists, win so. In this thicket of issues, Georgetown has-not yet brought its own thinking into the clear. We should be Irateful to President Bok for his courage in opening up the discussion. Our own position is now before a university committee, and I don't wish to preempt its recommen- dations. On the other hand, it is obvious to me that Harvard's desire to lean backward to avoid public moral stances is not a posture suitable to Georgetown. We are grateful, but we will not follow. Father Healy is president of George- town University. This article, which appeared in the Washington Post, is adapted from remarks at the spring convocation. To MAKE PRORXP9. s t rzTS FNZ COR WOW WOR ' 8U OCS5 AK5HAW5. I a~ JkWH6 MAKES Letters PIRGIM's survey on nukes To the Daily: A survey conducted by the Public Interest Research Group in Michigan (PIRGIM) show that Washtenaw County residents are calling for a reassessment of nuclear power. Our Congressman, Mr. (Carl) Pur- sell, now has the opportunity to act on this information. PIRGIM's survey of 300 scien- tifically randomly-selected Washtenaw County residents was conducted during the week of June 4-8. The survey specifically solicited the opinions of residents on two nuclear proposals before Congress, the Fish Bill and Weiss Bill. The legislation introduced by Representative Fish calls for a 5- year moratorium on new nuclear plants, with a close examination of safety and waste disposal systems during that time. The survey showed that this bill is supported by a 3-1 margin: The Weiss bill calls for a repeal of the $560 million liability ceiling in case of a nuclear disaster (the Price-Anderson Act). Washtenaw County residents, by a lopsided vote of 6-1, want utilities to be responsible for all property and health-related damages in a serious nuclear accident. Co-sponsorship of the Fish and Weiss bills by Mr. Pursell would be in order. It is a rare moment when public sentiment is so clear- cut on an issue. The people of Washtenaw County have spoken. Now, it is up to our elected of- ficials to take the lead. Call our congressman at 971-5760 and ask him whether he intends to provide leadership on this vital issue. -Greg Hesterberg PIRGIM it! I'.1 F r i',.. ospo. Edit-itir Maning Spirts Vditor LL lliiligiiig'Spurt-. 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