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June 28, 1979 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1979-06-28

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'U' Cellar

Disagreements on central issues, a lack of communication,
and inexperience continue to impede negotiations for the first
contract between management and the newly unionized em-
ployees of the University Cellar bookstore.
Spokespersons for both the union and the management said
aome progreaa on minor points waa made at an eight-hour
bargaining session last Saturday, but indicated dissatisfac-
tion at the slow pace of negotiations.
STORE -EMPLOYEES have been represented by In-
dustrial Workers of the World (IWW) Local 660 since
January. The bookstore in the basement of-the Michigan
Union is overseen by board of directors consisting of studen-
ts, faculty, and administrators.

The Michigan Daily--Thursday, June 28, 1979-Page 3
Union and management spokepersons said they hoped a
contract would be ready before fall when most students
return and purchase books, the busiest time at the time. They
said it was unlikely that negotiations would be completed.
A bargaining meeting was scheduled for last night.
A union negotiator called Saturday's marathon session
"frustrating." The tslks "didn't get into any major issues,"
Bill Vargo said.
"VERY LITTLE" was accomplished according to
management negotiator Bruce Wineburg. "It was a typical
negotiating session for us." He said agreement was reached
on some small points, wording, and clarification.
Wineburg and other members of the management team
said not enough time spent negotiating was a major reason in


High Court
From UM and AP
WASHI'NGTON - The Supreme
Court told private industry yesterday it
may voluntarily set up many kinds of
affirmative action employment
programs without fear of being sued by
whites on "reverse discrimination"
On a 5-2 vote, the court upheld a
racial quota which Kaiser Aluminum
and Chemical Corp. and a union used to
select applicants for an on-the-job
training program.
The decision reversed a lower-court
ruling striking down the quots, which
was challenged by a white factory
worker named Brian Weber as a
violation of the 1964 Civil Rights Act's
bar against racial discrimination in
THE JUSTICES provided a momen-
tous victory for advocates of "affir-
mative action" programs for
minorities by allowing even employers
with no proven history of racial bias to
offer the special preferences.
Employers with a proven historytof
racial bias can be required by the
government to offer special preferen-
The court said racial quotas may be
See SUPREME, Page 6

Drunk as a dog Daily Photo by JIM KRUZ
Wilbur Hackle lounged around the swimming pool at the Village Green apartment complex yesterday. Wilbur doesn't
care much for water, though-except a little of his vodka.
Minority student enrollment on decline
By BETH PERSKY February 1979 on the status of minority students put tots
Firstof two parts minority enrollment for Fall 1978 at 9.3 per cent, down from,
high of 10.1 per cent in Fall 1976.
The major demand of students and faculty during the Asian American enrollment was tagged at 1.4 per cent
Black Action Movement (BAM) strike in March 1970 was that Hispanic enrollment 1.2 per cent; and Native America
the University obtain a minimum 10 per cent enrollment by enrollment 1.2 per cent;
Fall 1973. enrollment, less than one per cent.
Black student enrollment was reported at 6.3 per cent in Though statistics show an increase in Asian American an
Fall 1978, up from 3.8 per cent in Fall 1970. While the figure Native American enrollment, black enrollment droppe
has almost doubled, the University still has not reached its almost one percentage point.
goal. "IT APPEARS AS if just a smaller percentage of blac
A REPORT TO the University Board of Regents in See MINORITY, Page 7
Raising Counsel. By the way, Duke University was Polymer
mentioned twice also-but one gift was strictly for Topics"
its medical center. Generosity pays the University Building .
Credit union changes computer well. MichiganI
System Williamsb
a Soul Foo
The U-M Employees' Credit Union offices on E aol. and soFOoSAgnewFrulnsoo
William St. and at the Plymouth Mall will be closedA
tomorrow and Saturday to changeover to a new in. Former U.S. Vice-President Spiro Agnew says he Tickets a
house computer system. The Plymnouth Mall office paid up his back taxes with a little help from his Eenamw
will be open until 7:45 p.m. today, and regular hours friend-$200,000 worth of help from Frank Sinatra. Auditoriu
will resume July 2. , Agnew, who resigned five and i half years ago will perfo
amidst charges of income tax evasion, said he took of S. 5thA
care of the debt the year he resigned. "It's old flour Com
Generosity pays..news," Agnew, known for his displeasure with the and baked
American news media, told a Washington Post missions
The University was the only post-secondary reporter. "I only borrowed the money to pay back mation. .
school to be mentioned twice on a list of Major Gifts the taxes so I could leave the country." The Internal Be, 7 p.i
to Universities in 1978, published recently in the Revenue Service claims Agnew still owes $13,000for Mystery T
Chronicle of Higher Education. According to the use of the vice-presidential airplane for personal
list, the University tied for sixth biggest trips and for improvements made on his Chevy
donation-$6 million from the Charles Stewart Mott Chase, Md. house at the government's expense.
Foundation. Xavier University in Ohio received On the
land worth $6 million from the United States Shoe
Co. The University also placed ninth with $4 million If ever t
from the Dow Foundation, and tied with eight other H ppenings.. would be
universities for 25th place with $1.5 million from the . ..don't begin until 4 p.m. when Dr. G. V. Fraser cloudless,
Harry and Margaret Towsley Foundation. The list of the United Kingdom's University of Bristol will breeze ref
was compiled by the American Association of Fund- discuss "Low Frwquency Raman Spectroscopy in sik to a re



Research; Techniques and Selected
in Room 3005 of the Chemistry
.. the American Heritage menu at the
League from 5 p.m. until 7,15 p.m. is from
burg ... the July 26 Coalition is sponsring
od Dinner, the first ina series of U.S.-Cuba
p Dinners, at Trotter House at 6 p.m.
re available at the door ... zpeter Van
Nill play the organ at 8 p.m. in Hill
im .. the Prismatic Band and Melodioso
rm at the Ann Arbor Armory on the corner
Ave. and Ann St. in a benefit for the Wild-
munity Bakery Co-op. Pizza, beer, teas,
I goods will be on sale, and there is an ad-
charge. Call 994-0601 for more infor-
. FILMS: Ann Arbor Film Co-op-Let It
m., 10:20 p.m.; Beatlemania-Magical
'our, 8:40 p.m., Aud. A, Angell Hall.
here were a perfect summer's day, today
it. The skies will be azure, almost
the temperature a heavenly 8W*, the
freshing. Tonight the temperature will
asonable spot in the mid-0s.


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