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June 27, 1979 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1979-06-27

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Page 2-Wednesday,'June 27, 1979-The Michigan Daily
Intervention asked for hospital
(Continued from Page 11
changes warrant another review of the Care Administration Bureau of the in the new hospital from $219 million to of using other health care facilities in
entire project at the regional level. MDPH, told regional planners at a June $200 million, a health department of- the region instead of building a new
Regional planners charge that the 12 meeting in Detroit that his depar- ficial, who asked not to be identified, one.
University and the public health depar- tment would approve the University said yesterdayT GOODWIN SAID yesterday the-need
tment are violating the intent of health Hospital project in spite of the negative Goodwin yesterday said, "The to reduce the number of hospital beds in
planning laws by amending the project recommendation from regional plan- changes agreed to between the Univer- southeastern Michigan and the Univer-
at the state level and not resubmitting ners. sity and the departmentof public health sity's plans to build a new hospital are
the altered plan to regional planners. He reminded regional planners that constitute a new application (for ap- interrelated.
STATE AND federal officials said their council serves only in an advisory proval by health planners)," and so we She said that although statistics show
yesterday it is unlikely Milliken or role to the public health department. He expect to review the project again, the problem of too many hospital beds
Califano would intervene until after the added that the department was She added that allowing regional is concentrated in Detroit, the number
regional planning council formally ap satisfying the requirements of health planners to comment on the list of of beds in Ann Arbor also must be taken
peals the Department of Public planning laws by submitting a list of changes is an insufficient substitute for into account, since 24 per cent of
Health's final decision. changes in the project for regional another review of the entire project. University Hospital patients come from
"Once they (the public health depar- planners' comments. "IM NOT SURE that the impasse western Wayne County.
tment) have made a decision, and an THE UNIVERSITY reportedly has we've reached at this point has nothing
appeal has been made, then we can in- agreed to a list of nine conditions for to do with personalities or THE MICHIGAN DAILY
tervene," Floyd Russaw, regional approval of the University Hospital bureaucracies," Goodwin said, / (US344-900.
director of HEW's Health Resources plans, some of which Ziel outlined at the referring to the June 12 meeting bet- Wednesday, June 27, 1979
Development Division, said yesterday. June 12 meeting. ween health department officials and is edited and managed by students at
Richard Schmidt, assistant director Ziel announced that the University regional planners, where Ziel attem- the University of Michigan. Published
of the state Office of Health and had decided to cut the number of beds pted to smooth relations between the daily Tuesday through Sunday morn-
Medical Affairs, said he doubted the proposed for the new hospital from 923 department and the regional plannin Maynard treet,Unn Abor, Mchigan
governor would consider intervention to 900, which would reduce the original council, and apparently failed. 48109. Subscription rates: $12 Septem-
until after formal appeal channels had $214 million projected cost of the hosp- Goodwin said the regional council ber through April (2 semesters); $13 by
been followed. ital by $3 million. recognizes the need to replace Univer- mail outside Ann Arbor. Summer ses-
CHPC PRESIDENT Goodwin said He also said the University had sity Hospital, but she said the Univer- sion publishedsTuesday through Satur-
yesterday the regional planning council defined $219 million worth of patient sity had not responded to the concerns $6.50 in Ann Arbor; $7.00 by mail out-
will appeal to HEW if the public health space in the new hospital, and $22 of regional health planners. side Ann Arbor. Second class posta-e
department approves the hospital plans million of educational space. For example, she said, the University datAnn ArborM chiganePOSt
without sending them back to regional IN ADDITION, the department of had failed to give regional planners THE MICHIGAN DAILY, 420 Maynard
planners for another review. public health will stipulate that the written proof that University Hospital Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48109.
Dr, Hermann Ziel, chief of the Health University cut the cost of patient space had sufficiently explored the possibility

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