Page 14-Saturday, June 16, 1979-The Michigan Daily Pennsylvania customers to pay for 3-Mile Iskind HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) - The Pennsylvania Public Utility Com- mission yesterday permitted two utilities to bill customers for some but not all of the projected replacement power costs stemming from the Three Mile Island nuclear accident. The increase is roughly 11 per cent above what is now paid by average residential customers of Metropolitan Edison Co. and Pennsylvania Electric Co., partial owners of the crippled nuclear plant. But it is about 20 per cent or $13 million less than what was requested by General Public Utilities Corp., the holding company that owns Met Ed and Penelec. It is also lower than the rates proposed by the commission staff and the state consumer advocate. THE COMMISSION said that customers should not be billed for cleanup and repair because insurance should cover those costs. Meanwhile, the American Red Cross is reviewing its disaster plans in light of the Three Mile Island nuclear accident and is telling its chapters to pay more attention to the possibility of such an accident. Like millions of other Americans, Red Cross officials say they probably took too lightly the possibility of a major nuclear accident, requiring a massive evacuation, until the near disaster last March in central Pen- nsylvania. "IN NO SENSE was the Red Cross caught asleep at the switch," cautioned George Elsey, president of the disaster relief organization. "We were prepared if necessary to house upwards to a quarter of a million people." But Elsey and other top ranking Red Cross officials said that while Three Mile Island showed their "basic plan" for housing thousands of evacuees probably would have worked, many lessons can be learned from the Pen- nsylvania experience. "I became aware that a much larger geographic area might have to be evacuated than I had taken into account before," Elsey said in an interview at the Red Cross headquarters two blocks from the White House. ROBERT VESSEY, deputy national director for disaster relief, said the Red Cross was evaluating its role in the af- termath of the March 28 accident and will make detailed findings available to chapters located near the country's 72 commercial nuclear plants. He said the Red Cross wants to make sure its chapters near nuclear plants regularly review disaster plans, develop close ties with local gover- nment and utility officials, keep current population figures and generally shar- pen their awareness of the potential of a nuclear accident. President Carter said he disagreed with the characterization of management contained in the order, labeling it "inaccurate" and "uncalled for." He also favored a slightly higher energy charge in line with the con- sumer advocate's recommendation. Other provisions of the order in- cluded: * Passing on to customers state tax refudns of $11.8 million to Met Ed and $4.6 million to Penelec. " Requiring the two utilities to sub- mit plans designed to cut usage by five per cent a month by encouraging customers to conserve energy. " Requiring the two utilities to sub- mit monthly reports on their progress in returning the undamaged reactor to service. " Requiring Met Ed and Penelec to file monthly reports on the operation of the energy charge, including sales, revenues, expenses and deferrals. City, 'U' at odds about land negotiations (Continued from Page 1) Vice-President and Chief Financial Of- ficer James Brinkerhoff. BRINKERHOFF will be responsible for negotiations, and if the city does not accept the University's offer, the mat- ter will return to the Regents. City Council members oppose a land trade because they said they are uncer- tin how the University will use the two tracts of city land, and State St. mer- chants have objected to the loss of parking space, which the pedestrian mall would eliminate. "I'm surprised " said council member Clifford Sheldon (R-Third Ward) said. "I thought we had agreed that we would separate (the two land deals), and we had negotiated a price." At last month's Regents meeting, the Board authorized approval of the two- acre tract on North Campus to deter- mine its market value. The Regents authorized Brinkerhoff to negotiate with the city for the sale of the North Campus site without connecting the sale to the acquisition of the portions of Ingalla and Madison Streets. THE UNIVERSITY received an ap- praisal of $66,000 at current market value. But a separ'ate estimate from the city appraiser was $35,200. Because of the discrepancy, the University and city agreed at a $49,200 price. Brinkerhoff recommended , the University accept the city's offer until the Regents objected to this arrangement. The Regents acted on the understan- ding that yesterday was the city's deadline for acquiring the two acres in order to receive $30,000 in state and federal grants for park development. "WHY WAS this brought to us on the very last day we have to act?" asked Regent Gerald Dunn (D-Lansing). "It's the worst thing to do - put a gun to our heads and say we have to agree to it." Because of this understanding, the Regents yesterday initially approved the sale of the land on the condition they could receive verbal assurance from city officials that the city would vacate the Ingalls St. property. The Regents said they would wait to make a final decision until they heard from city officials, and scheduled a special meeting for 6:20 p.m. last night. DURING THE afternoon, University officials were informed by city Parka and Recreation Superintendent George Owers that the city has 30 days to con- firm proof of ownership with state authorities before it. would lose the $30,000. City Council will decide Monday night whether to accept the offer of a land trade - an offer which they have refused in the past. "I would imagine they don't have to accept the offer," said Regent Deane Baker (R-Ann Arbor). The matter initially was broughtaup when the Regents were discussing ap- proval of a proposed Alumni Center, which will be built directly north of the Michigan League. Regents said they would feel better'about approving the Alumni Center if they get assurance a pedestrian mall will be built in the future. HOWEVER, THEY decided further discussion would wait until the land deal with the city appears on their agenda. At the late meeting, the five Regents present voted to offer the city the proposal included in the October resolution - the Ingalls and Madison street site $5,000. City council members indicated that although the University had in some measure clarified its plans for the Ingalls Mall in developing the Alumni Center plans the proposal would still face strong opposition at Monday night's City Council meeting. Proft author text Profs. James Duderstadt and William Martin of the University department of nuclear engineering have authored "Transport Theory." The 613-pagehadvanced text, published by John Wiley & Sons, presents all the methods used to analyze the movement of sub-nuclear particles. PROF. DUDERSTADT, who came to the University in 1969, has received the Mark Mills Award from the American Nuclear Society and the Outstanding Teaching of Nuclear Engineering Award from the American Society of Engineering Education. He also is the author of "Nuclear Reactor Analysis," published by Wiley in 1976. He earned a B. Eng. degree from Yale University, and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the California Institute of Technology. Prof. Martin joined the University faculty in 1977, after spending a year as principal physicist for Combustion Engineering, Inc. He earned a B.S. degree from the University, and M.S. degree from the University of Wisconsin, and returned to the University for his Ph.D. degree. - ~ DISCO VEGAS FIESTA NIGHT Disco Dance Contest Wed. June 20 1st frize-3 Days & Nights Lodging for 2 in Las Vegas. Casino chips, Meals, Drinks-PLUS many extras 2nd & 3rd place contestants also rewarded NO COVER CHARGE AT THE DOOR Tues.-DISCO DONCE INSTRUCTION Wed.-DONCE CONTEST NAPPY HOURS TUES.-SAT 8-10pm-V price on ALL drinks, beer 611 Charch St. near S. University-995-5955 116 rare skins returned to 'U' Exhibit (Continued from Page 3) birds, said he identified the skins as some of species stolen during that period. MORE THAN 150 bird study skins, including some rare species from many parts of the world,- disappeared from the museum's researchcollection. FWS special agent Jeff Lang noted that there are more than 150,000 bird skins at the museum under Storer's supervision, and keeping track of them is difficult because many researchers and graduate students have access to them. FWS officials brought the skins to the museum for identification before taking them to Detroit to help the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) prepare grand jury indictments against Museum three men, according to Detroit FBI agent Richard Leach. One of the men is an Oakland County taxidermist, the agent said. Storer said the skins had been confiscated from a Colorado taxidermist by FWS agents. "The orginal labels the museum had placed on the study skins had been removed," Storer said. "But it was possible to determine who had prepared some of the specimens by the method of preparation. Thus," Storer continued, "some specimens missing fromt he museum are known to have been made by these (museum) people." "The specimens will remain in the government's custody until after the case has been tried," Storer said.