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June 16, 1979 - Image 13

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1979-06-16

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foreign polic
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trade sanct
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Foreign Aff
Carter to lift
Oct. 15. unle:

The Michigan Daily--Saturday, June 16, 1979-Page 13
Carter gets leeway on Rhodesian trade sanctions
nature of the divisive issue. genuine majority rule in Zimbabwe- complicated and controversial issues
TON (AP) - A Houae The bill was offered by Rep. Stephen Rhodeaia and to encourage a peaceful confronting U.S. foreign policy."
gave President Carter a Solarz (D-N.Y.) and states that the resolution of the conflict." The embargo was imposed under
y victory yesterday by ap- April 1979elections which resulted in IT NOTES THAT Great Britain, United Nations auspices when the coun-
bill givng him more the installation of Bishop Abel which retains responsibility for its try's white minority unilaterally
ions against Zimbabwe-f Muzorewa as the first black prime onetime colony, has yet to recognize the ,pdeclared independence in 1965.
minister of Zimbabwe-Rhodesia was a legality lof the new government or to Because the compromise bill is sup-
promise legislation ap- "significant step toward multiracial lift the trade embargo. ported by a wide cross section of
nimously by the House democracy." Solarz, chairman of the Foreign Af- congressional opinion, it may be
s teHeuses It declares that it is in the foreing fairs panel's African subcommittee, possible to ensure its survival in a fight
the economic sanctions by policy interests of the United States "to said the compromise represents a way on the floor of the House, now expected
ss he determiens that dinb further continuing progress toward out of what he called "one of the most early next week, Solarz said.

kc . 1 , U1W0 1.U 3IAla414a- E
so would be contrary to the national in-
The 27-0 vote raised the possibility
that a bitter struggle between Carter
and Congress over U.S. foreign policy
could be averted. Carter has made
clear he would likely veto any
legislation ordering him to lift the san-
ctions immediately.
THE SENATE had voted 52-41 on
Wednesday to attach precisely such a
requirement to a pending military
procurement bill.
Reacting to yesterday's decision by
the House panel, Douglas Bennet,
assistant secretary of state for
congressional relations, said, "The
administration feels the committee has
accomplished an extremely important
constructive effort.
"This is one of the finest performan-
ces I've sen by any committee since
I've had this job," Bennet said. "These
people are a bunch of statesmen."
REP. DONALD Bonker (D-Wash. )
called the vote "a near miracle," con-
sidering the complex and controversial

all o
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for A
of N

London buses may leave A2 streets
(Continued from Page 1)Bt
f the operating costs of the buses. But VanHall said the amount of time "Even if the buses shut
BERTY UNLIMITED took over necessary to obtain a grant makes the work something out."
project from Ann Arbor Tomorrow, move seem very unlikely, unless Liber- THE BUMPY RIDE
h brought the buses to town last ty Unlimited can tap into AATA's proximately 15 people pe
, in order to save in insurance and grant. "far exceeding the rider
rtising. However, she said, "there would be by AATA in their study,"
11 Martin, Vice-President of Ann no basis for us getting funds without "I think Ann Arborv
or Tomorrow, proposed Wednesday them (AATA)" changing their minds. having a nice time wit
the Ann Arbor Transportation "We don't have the ability to tap their said. "They were ge
ority (AATA) take over the buses, funds," she said. , thusiasm for the downto
Cecil Ursbrung, Acting Chair of purple bus is not going to
A, said the organization is not in a SWISHER SAID that several local Swisher said that tf
ion to make a direct contribution businesses, as well as several from out managed buses, driven
use of financial difficulties. of town, have shown an interest i firemen, are operated at.
e possibility for Liberty Unlimited buying the shuttledeckers. bus per hour, compared t
tate or federal grant, similar to the Among the interested groups are the $28 per bus per hur fo
grant recently approved in order Chamber of Commerce, the Convention AATA circulator.
4ATA to establish a downtown cir- and Visitor's Bureau, and several hotel-
tor route. AATA'sh route will be- restaurants, Swisher said. He indicated ELIMINATING THE
similar to that o the shut- that, although the situation for the which was due to be reeva
sim, according to Jan the shut- buses doesn't look promising, there is year's use, would mean
artin's office, who handles thl always hope. bank of the $50,000 they i
partins ofice, ho ha s t July 31 is not a magic date," he said. project.
' operations of the buses.

down we could
attracts ap-
r hour per bus,
ship projected
said VanHall.
was definitely
h them," she
nerating en-
wn area a big
.he volunteer-
by salaried
a cost of $8 per
o an estimated
r the planned
aluated after a
a loss to the
nvested in the

Union manager recalls students, changes
b Continued from Page 3) . o 1941 graduate returned to campus as drop off. Most of the banquet rooms explained.
been solicited to begi construciton of director of food services in the Union have been converted to student services The second "desertion" occurred in
the current structure. and became general manager in 1969. and organziations offices. The snack the 1960s. "We had some real
THE MICHIGAN UNION is probably WHILE HE WAS a student at the bar in the basement is now used by the problems," Wells said,
the oldest student union of its kind in the WH EHEWSasuettthy prbmWlssid
ntieondst ac dingt Union tskd fhe University, dances were held in the University Cellar, the student-owned "We've always made what efforts we
nation, according to Union task force Union ballroom every Friday and bookstore. could to bring them back," Wells said,
mebrJf eo.I stemdlfr"THE STUDENTS deserted the bufiacacosdrtnsoceth
the architectural andp o Saturday night with music provided by but financial considerations forced the
u aphilosophical a live band. Wells reminisced about the Union at two different times," Wells management to recruit outside
organization ,f unions at many other ballroom dancing and "that slow kind said. The first time was when the business. The shift away from students
universities. of music." Student Activities Building (SAB) was "wasn't intended at all," Wells added.
Until World War II, women were not "I'd like to see those days back built in the late 1950s. Because student "I'm glad they're back," Wells said.
allowed into the Union unless escorted again," he said. offices were relocated to SAB, students "The building is intended for students
by a male member,a nd even then they Food services were a major part of had little reason to.. go to the Union, he and that should be the main emphasis."
had to enter through a side door. the-function of the Union during Wells'
Women's social activities centered in tenure as director of the Michigan The Ann Arbor Film dV 'per v presents at MLB
the Michigan League, now 50 years old. Union Grill, more commonly called the Abr &oesw
The last restrictions barring women "Mug," was at one-time a favorite SATURDAY, JUNE 16
were finally removed in 1946. place for students.
SINCE THEN the building has ex- IN ADDITION to the University Club CO M IN G H O M E
panded. The International Center was restaurant banquet rooms on the third7& 9:15-MLB3
added in 1938 and in the 1950s student rsarnbnutroso h hr (Hal Ashby, 1977) :1-L
sevices offices and a cfeteria sde and second floors were in demand for Academy Award winners JON VOIGHT and JANE FONDA star as a disabled
cosrced salumni reunions and conferences. "We Vietnam veteran and a captain's wife. COMING HOME is the story of their
constructed sometimes served in all those rooms," love affair, which eases his adjustment to civilian life and strengthens her
Bowling alleys, a barber shop, the recalled Wells. He remembered ser- independence. The film also stars BRUCE DERN as the captain, and features a
bookstore, a billiards room, student eeraltsand eoeb day." fine soundtrack of late sixties rock and folk music, JIMI HENDRIX, RICHIE
services and organizations offices, art vingiseveralthousandpeopleaday. HAVENS, THE ROLLING STONES, & TIM BUCKLEY.
gallery, a ticket booth, hotel, and The Union used to host many student Tuesday: Free showing of
restaurant now are all housed in the parties. Fraternities, sororities, and THE SET UP and THE KILLERS
Michigan Union. other social groups held dances and
receptions, but "Those kind of faded
Stsn Wells has sen many changes at out," Wells said, with the decline of the
the Union as both a student and a Greek system.
manager. Twenty-five years ago the In 1965, food servcie volume began to
5th Avenue at Librer St. 761-9740 a
Formerly Fifth Forum Theater
Stanley Kubrick's 1964 Hurry Ends Thurs.
DEN, KEENAN WYNN, SLIM PICKENS. .. "Something very peculiar
seems to have happened." Simply the blackest and funniest
recurrent nightmare of the nuclear age and of the human
comedy on film.
Short: NEWS PA RADE OF '45
Sun: Mizoguchi's UGETSU MONOGATARI (Free at 8)
(June 21) Fri: ALICE DOESN'T LIVE HERE ANYMORE (At 7:30 & 9:30)
(June 22) Sat.: Hitchcock's THE 29 STEPS (At 7:30 & 9:30)
(June 23) Sun: Deitrich in THE BLUE ANGEL (Free at $)



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