Vol. LXXXIX, No. 1-S
Twenty-eight Pages
Ann Arbor, Michigan FREE ISSUE Plus Supplement
S. African panel
calls for reform
From AP and Reuter you know, he'll want to vote with you."
CAPE TOWN, South Africa - A Parliament scheduled immediat
special commission recommended debate on the sugegstions and Fani
yesterday that discriminatory labor Botha, minister of labor and mines, wa
laws be abolished so blacks may have to give the government's respons
the same pay, training, and union today. The government said it woul
membership as whites - a move sure issue a white paper next mont
to spark an uproar in this white- outlining new legislation based on th
dominated nation. See S. AFRICAN, Page 2
- The suggestions were seen as an ef-
fort to fill skilled and semi-skilled
positions for which there are not enough
whites and in part to assuage foreign
criticism of the nation's racial policies.
Among initial reactions, a white e
executive of the Chamber of Commerce rejects
praised the report for its "positive pic- W
ture" and a black union leader said it
was a "very great victory for our C a rte
struggle." A white union chief warnedr
the government to be careful about
taking "the rights away from our white
labor organizations."
The recommendations from the two-
year-old government-appointed panel
would erode the cornerstone of the From AP and Reuter
white minority-ruled nation's 30-year- WASHINGTON - President Carte
old laws of apartheid that even man- SHINOhe rekien eg
date separate bathrooms and suffered another setback to his energ
cafeterias at work. conservation plans yesterday when
The government's racial laws also key committee rejected as unfair hi
keep blacks from voting and relegate plan to ration gasoline durin
them to certain neighborhoods and emergencies.
restaurants. Despite last-minute urging by tli
"You let a black eat next to you, President and intense White House lob
complained a government official tos ahying, the House of Representative
foreign reporter recently, "and then he Commerce Committee rejected by a 2
wants to live next to you. The next thing 21 tied vote recommending approvala
the standby coupon rationing plan t
the full House.
H FOUL UP: The panel barely agreed yesterday
on a 21-20 vote, to have the full Hous
decide the issue. The committee, spu
ning Carter's nationally televised aj
peal for its support, decided to send th
e plan to the House floor without
undoubtedly were aware that the com- A Carter administration supporter
puter wasn't working correctly. Rep. Lionel Van Deerlin (D-Calif.), ha
Robert Doerr, associate dean of the left the session by the time of the fins
dental school, said since it is impossible "no-recommendation" vote. Hi
to determine how many of the 77 knew presence likely would have broadene
the computer was disfunctioning and the 21-20 margin to 22-20.
deliberately cheated, no disciplinary The "no-recommendation" vol
action will be taken. came after supporters of the plan faile
See DENT, Page 20 See COMMITTEE, Page 20
Horse lovers get 'high'
Iforse lovers are flocking in Louisville, Kentucki for the week-long party
preceeding Satuirda y s Kentucky Derby. These partiers are eijoying the fun-
and-games of Derby' Week before the prestigious first leg of racing's Triple
Students to re-tak
Seventy-seven dental students will be
required to re-take a final exam in a
one-credit nutrition course on May 11,
due to a computer malfunction and
possible incidents of cheating,
Several dental students said thewin-
cident involving the exam, which was
administered by a faulty computer,
has been "blown out of proportion,"
and are worried that the event will un-
necessarily damage the reputation of
their class.
The problem with the computer was
detected when Harry Pape, assistant
professor of dentistry, noticed that the
curve for the nutrition final was much
higher than dental students' past per-
formances. Dental school ad-
ministrators said many of the 77
probably knew that the computer was
malfunctioning, but did not report the
During the exam a question would
appear on the computer's video screen.
A student had the option of answering
the question or pressing the 'skip' but-
ton. Questions that were 'skipped'
should have appeared at the end of the
test, but during the nutrition exam;
skipped questions were erased.At the
end of the exam, the computer based
the score only on the questions a
student had answered.
The 40 questions on the test were not
numbered, so some students who an-
swered most of the questions may not
have realized that they failed to finish
the exam. Others, however, who an-
swered as few as ten of the 40 questions
Whileyou we r e .....,
Financial aid Michigan University, testified before Berry, a work-study student
the House Appropriations Subcommit- receiving financial aid from the federal
testimony tee on Labor and Health, Education, and state governments, and the
A University senior testified last and Welfare. Berry said the office of University, said Pursell wanted studen-
Thursday before a U.S. House ap- ' U.S. Rep. Carl Pursell (R-Ann Arbor), ts on financial aid to testify before the
propriations subcommittee about the who is a member of the subcommittee, subcommittee, rather than having
need to stop cutbacks from federal asked her to appear. "It was members rely solely on normal chan-
financial aid programs to students. Congressman Pursell's idea, so it nels of information, since he felt
LSA senior Christine Berry, along wasn't like it was a University idea," testimony might have more impact on
with another student from Eastern Berry said. members.
THE SUBCOMMITTEE is con- Berry testified that "because college
This article was res earched and sidering making cuts in financial aid costs are always rising, the BEOG ap-
programs for students such as the propriation should be maintained, if not
written by Daily reporters A mny Basic Educational Opportunity Grant increased." She called a piossible cut in
Diamond, i icki Henderson, and (BEOG), and the Guaranteed Student the National Direct Student Loan
Adrienne L' ons. Loan Program (GSL), . -SeeWHILE, Page 6
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