Page 10-Thursday, June 14, 1979-The Michigan Daily State House approves increase in welfare benefits LANSING (UPI) - The House propriation. He currently is appealing a only $8 million over his revised four is increased from $500 to $53 Appropriations Committee yesterday circuit court ruling which found his ac- proposal. With federal funds added in, tive at the beginning of the fisc. approved a $1.4 billion social services tion unconstitutional. the measure totals over $2 billion-the Oct. 1. spending plan for the 1979-80 fiscal year THE WELFARE bill, which largest of altstate budget bills. Recently hiked benefits uni which includes a 7.2 per cent increase in represents a $206 million increase over More than $407 million of the state general assistance program are benefits for welfare families. current spending levels, was approved funds are earmarked for the giant Aid but the committee approved an The measure does not restrict the use on a 10-1 vote, with two of the panel's to Families with Dependent Children dment restoring the higherI of state funds for welfare abortions new Republican members complaining program which is expected to serve an allowances enjoyed by recipi although that emotional issue is expec- the 36-page document was hustled average of 202,500 cases each month. some counties before benefit ted to be raised once again on the House through before they had a good chance BENEFITS ARE hiked by 7.2 per equalized earlier this year. floor, to study it. cent overall, compared with the 5 per Spending on -the volatile M Gov. William Milliken vetoed anti- It exceeds Milliken's original cent recommended by the governor, program is increased by $67.4 abortion provisions in this year's ap- recommendation by $42 million, but is The monthly payment for a family of over current levels and $22.9 a ____ nvnr ~~~Millikrnernmnr~i 36 effec- al year, der the frozen, n amen- housing ents in s were [edicaid million million not D~ SENA TE IMPLEMENTS HEADLEE REQ UIREMENTS: Milliken to act on millage LANSING (UPI)-Rushing to beat summer tax bills, the Senate yesterday sent to Gov. William Milliken a bill im- plementing the millage rollback requirements of the Headlee Tax Limitation Amendment. Milliken is expected to act on the measure quickly, giving local gover- nments time to determine whether rollbacks are required before they send out tax bills later this month. On votes of 27-5 and 26-6, the Senate parried criticism that the spirit of the tax limitation amendment is being ignored and accepted last-minute House changes in the implementation bill. SENATE FINANCE Committee Chairman Gary Corbin (D-Clio) said economic conditions may warrant reduced millage rates this year in some communities. The constitutional amendment ap- proved by voters last fall requires that millage rates be reduced in years when U rich's announces the arrival, of the new M ! FROM PAPER MATE Special Introductory Offer - $1.39 MORE THAN A BOOKSTORE 549 E.Univesty property assessments increase faster than inflation. The provision is designed to prevent local governments from realizing win- dfall revenues at the expense of proper- ty owners. AFTER MONTHS of controversy on virtually every point of the rollback procedure, lawmakers settled on a plan by which maximum authorized millage rates would be reduced to offset high assessment increases. However, in years when rollbacks are not required, the maximum local rate could be increased, but by no more than the rate of inflation and not higher than the charter limit. rollback bill The rollback provisions may not ap- ply immediately to local taxing units levying millage below the voter- approved maximum rate. EVEN WHERE rollbacks are required, property taxes won't necessarily be reduced-they just will increase more slowly than otherwise. The Senate's last battle on the issue revolved around its more restrictive formula for calculating rollbacks in 1980 and thereafter that had been removed by the House. Several Senate members argued that the millage reductions should be made permanent. over IIIien s recommen ation. But the bill includes a laundry list of cost- cutting proposals developed by a special legislative-executive panel which are projected to trim expen- ditures by $23 million. REP. RAY KEHRES, the bill's chief architect, noted that welfare costs could be driven upward if economic conditions swell Michigan's welfare rolls beyond projected levels. Kehres, a staunch abortion foe, said he asked lawmakers not to raise the sensitive issue during committee con- sideration of the bill. He said the debate "will be there" on the House floor and said it was sen- seless to fight the issue in committee, as well. The committee also approved and sent to the House floor a $21.7 million 1979-80 spending plan for the state Department of Agriculture. 'U' officials recall undergrad years (Continuedfrom Pae3) "THE ATMOSPHERE was very up- beat," says Shapiro. "We were a very fortunate cohort of kids-too old for World War II, and most of us too young for the Korean War." With this new security, says Easthope, came the eventual concern for quality of life which surfaced in the 1960s. As students became more aware of racial inequalities, he says, civil rights protests led to other challenges of authority which climaxed with the 1960s war protests. Easthope says he believes the relative calm of the 1970s indicates a return to the mood of the 1950s. "Television has made the critical mass more sophisticated and so more questioning and introspective than it was then," he says. MANY OF THE professors say the biggest changes on college campuses have been in the social relationships between students and professors, and in male-female relationships. "At Migill, a very conservative school, we viewed our professors as almost godlike," says Shapiro. "They. still wore academic gowns in the fifties and we only asked the 'appropriate' questions in class. Students today have much more realistic views of their professors." Freedman says professors in the thir- DiSCO VEGAS FIESTA NIGHT Disco Dance Contest Wed. June 20 1st Prize-3 Days & Nights Lodging for 2 in Las Vegas. Casino chips, Meals, Drinks-PLUS many extras+ 2nd & 3rd place contestants also rewarded NO COVER CHARGE AT THE DOOR Tes.--DISCO DANCE INSTRUCTION Wed.-DANCE CONTEST HAEPPY "OURS TUES.-SAT 8-10pm- Vi price on ALL drinks, beer 611 Church St. near S. University-995-5955 ties were concerned about dressing well. "All our professors wore suits to class-sweaters were unheard of, and if a professor ever walked in wearing jeans, we'd have thought he was from the moon." He also says most students wore suits or dressed as well as they could afford. FREEDMAN ADDS that dating was more formal than it is today. The most popular place was the weekend dance, usually held at places like the Michigan Union. According to Freedman, all girls lived in approved housing where returning late was a serious offense. Freedman also says, "Sex was less advertised then, and usually had to take place on the ground in the arboretum or upstairs at a fraternity house party while the chaperone was downstairs." Although Freedman says women students were "very tough com- petitors" few entered graduate school and most intended to marry and raisea family soon after graduation. Smith says this attitude was prevalent until about ten years ago. FREEDMAN SAYS that until 1940, women were not allowed in the Michigan Union-except for dances-in the company of men. "There was a man whose job was to stand at the door and make sure no women passed through," says Freed- man. "Every year, a couple of women would dress up like men, tuck their hair up under hats, and slip through. Once inside, they'd pull off their hats, let their hair down, and make the Daily (get their namesin the newspaper)." EVEN THOUGH social conditions and concerns have changed, many faculty members agree that the per- sonality of the optimistic and energetic student personality has not. Even when his best job prospect in 1933 was teaching high school English at $90 per month, Smith says he and his fellow students were "definitely happy, simply because it's so great to be young. If you're not happy between the ages of 18 and 24, you'll probably never be."