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April 21, 1979 - Image 67

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Michigan Daily, 1979-04-21

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The Michigan Daily-Saturday, April 21, 1979-Page 23
Softballers take two
In what coach Gloria Soluk described five shots out of second, but a whopping
a "tuneup,"'Michigan's women sof- 24 behind the frontrunning host
tballers rolled to a smooth 7-1, 3-2 sweep Buckeyes.
of Henry Ford Community College at Freshman Steve Maddalena paced
sun-drenched Ferry Field yesterday af- the Blue putters with a 74, while co-
ternoon. captain Frank Sims fired a 76 over the
The two wins raised the Wolverines' testing Scarlet course. Olin Bagleish of
record to 14-4 on the season and set up OSU copped medalist honors with an
today's 1 p m. home confrontation with even-par 72. The tourney winds up with
Calvin College, last year's fourt-ranked 18 holes today and 36 on Sunday.
team in the state. -Daily Sports
kor more sports, see page 21 SCO R ES
College Baseball
MICHIGAN 5-12, Detroit 4-3
I. Laura Reed went the route for Collegesoctball
Michigan in the first game, with MICHIGAN7-3,HenryFord1-2
Theresa Gardocki and Julie Zyjewski Major League Basebail
splitting the duties on the hill in the American League
ightV.Dnetroit 7, Toronto2
Chicago 4, Cleveland 2
--Daily Sports BostonO, KansasCity 2
New York 5, Texas 3
]G f $$hBaltimore 6, Milwauk n ee gu3
Doiiy Photo by ANDY FREEBERG xnole s LixhNational League
BLUE CENTERFIELDER Rick Leach arrives at second too late to break Chicagos, Montreals
up the double play attempt. The Wolverines swept a home twinbill from San Diego7, Atlanta 4
Detroit yesterday, 5-4,12-3, to up their season record to 10-8. -of play in the Northern Intercollegiate Philadelphia8, New York o
t roit:{ ytTourney at Ohio State, Michigan's golf NBA Playoffs
squad finds itself in sixth place, only WaohngonoOAtlanatl
s quadrPhiladelphia 123, San Antonio115
Blue batsmTen grab
twibilfrom Titans 9I

Once the Michigan baseball team started rolling yesterday, they didn't
stop. Although the Wolverines' were slow in getting underway this year,
yesterday's twinbill sweep over the Detroit Titans was an indication of the
sun-charged momentum the blue batsmen are gaining.
The Wolverines topped the Titans 5-4 in the first game at Fisher Stadium
and then accelerated as they slugged out a 12-3 victory in the second game.
Both teams' cause was aided by numerous errors and walks, however.
In the opening game the Blue batsmen had only one earned run out of five,
capitalizing on three Detroit errors. Mark Clinton was the winning pitcher,
boosting his season record to 2-3.
The nightcap resembled a walk-a-thon, as winning pitcher Mike Thomas
gave up nine walks while the three Titan pitchers gave up a total of seven
walks. The Michigan slugfest was also sprinkled with errors as the Titans
chalked up two errors while Michigan had three.
Aside from all the walking practice, the Wolverines also got in their bat-
ting practice. The scoring machine was ignited by catcher Jim Capoferi's
triple off the right field wall in the second inning. First baseman Tim Miller
kept the engine going with a single, and third baseman Jim Paciorek
reached first to load the bases when the Titan shortstop bobbled an easy in-
field blooper.
Designated hitter Randy Wroten knocked in two runs, and the scoring
was topped off by two more runs batted in by left fielder Dan Cooperrider.
After the Titans scored three runs in the third and one in the fourth, the
Wolverines clinched the victory as right fielder Vic Ray scored on an error in
the bottom of the fourth.
The Blue batsmen carried their momentum into the second game where
they powered in seven runs in the first inning. Shortstop George Foussianes
batted in the first two runs with a solid base hit to center. Five more runs
followed as the Wolverines sent 13 men up to bat that inning.
Foussianes scored again in the second, fourth and sixth innings. His
fourth inning score was matched by a run by center fielder Rick Leach, who
came in on Ray's right field triple. The scoring was completed by Miller's
run in the sixth.
"We always knew that there were a lot of people who could hit," said
Foussianes. "We've just got to keep it going. We don't have another Big Ten
game for another week and a half."
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