The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, June 13, 1979-Page 5 1969 DEFECTOR SUSPECTED Cuban fingered in Jimenez, then 27, left Cuba in a MiG-17 MIAMI (AP) - Eduardo Guerra fighter, flew across the Florida Straits Jimenez, who fled hia native Cuba in a at wave-top level and slipped past anti- stolen MIG jet fighter 10 years ago, may aircraft missile batteries to land at have made the trip back home by Homestead Air Force Base. hijacking a U.S. jumbo jet to Havana, The plane, its cannons armed, landed authorities said yesterday. not far from then-President Richard The State Department stopped ahort Nixon's airplane. Nixon was 30 miles of saying that the 1969 defector and the away at his Key Biscayne retreat. 1979 hijacker were the same man, but IN A STATEMENT in Washington, similarities between the two were the State Department said the hijacker remarkable - including the same had been identified positively as name. Eduardo Guerra Jimenez and was of A bearded, stocky man who claimed Cuban origin. The department added, to have a bag of explosives took over a however, that it could not say for sure Delta Airlines flight after it left New whether the same Guerra was involved York for Fort Lauderdale, Fla., late whther ts. Monday said FBI agent William Net- Late yesterday, a State Department tlHE L-ses CARRYING 194 spokesperson in Washington, asking not pasaengers and 12 crew members flew to be identified, said, "There is no doubt to Havana where Cuhan authorities led in my mind" the same Guerra was in- te Haanakwerewanaduhorits. led volved. No official confirmation was the hijacker away in nhandcuffsmade, however, and a spokesman in the Cuban President Fidel Castro repor- New York office of the FBI said that tedly came to Jose Marti Airport and meeting legal criteria for making such personally supervised as the big jet and a confirmation would be unlikely before its passengers were allowed to leave. teday. The plane returned to Miami at 2:10 In Miami, FBI agent Bill Hayes said a.m. yesterday. no U.S. warrant had been issued It was the first time in four and one- because the FBI had not positively half years that a U.S. plane had been identified the hijacker. He said the hijacked to Cuba. hijacker had identified himself in AND IF THE hijacker was the same Havana as Eduardo Guerra Jimenez man who defected from the Cuban air ana as Edur yedurr Ji e force in 1969, it would mean Guerra had and that the name was relayed to the twice befuddled sophisticated U.S. State Department. security arrangements. AGENTS WERE trying to verify the On Oct. 5, 1969, Lt. Eduardo Guerra identity by checking with past New York associates of Guerra and by run- Farm workers picket lettuce fields in Calif. SALINAS, Calif. (AP)-New waves strike of UFW pickers, who are trying of pickets massed in the lush Salinas to get 28 lettuce growers to agree to Valley yesterday, a day after some union contract terms. 1,400 striking United Farm Workers More than 100 persons were arrested (UFW)-some armed with Monday, and 24 were injured as the clubs-roamed across lettuce fields, eight-hour fracas spread along a 70- trampling crops and attacking non- mile stretch of farmland between Wat- union workers, police said. sonville and King City. Monterey County Sheriff's Sgt. Terry Kaiser reported more than 250 pickets GANZ SAID about a dozen strikers had gathered near the Sun Harvest let- were injured, including one worker who tuce fields by midday but aided that the was stabbed in the lower back. situation seemed peaceful. Several more arrests were reported "It's really too soon to tell if any more early yesterday as beefed-up sheriff's violence is going to break out," he said. forces patrolled the valley. "We're just keeping a close watch on About 100 Monterey sheriff's deputies things at this point." patrolled yesterday, Kaiser said. They relieved Santa Cruz County sheriffs, UFW STRIKE coordinator Marshall California Highway Patrol officers and Ganz said he expected about 500 pickets police from at least six nearby com- to march. munities who were called in to quell Monday's melee was the worst con- Monday's violence. frontation in the almost five-month-old The Ann Arbor Film CooperatiVe presents at Aud A WEDNESDAY, JUNE 13 $1.50 DAISY MILLER (Peter Bogdonovich, 1974) 7 only-AUD A A handsome film of Henry James' classic novella shot in Rome by Bertolucci's brilliant cinematographer Vittorio Storraro. "A triumph for all concerned. It is to the tremendous credit of Bogdonovich that he has succeeded in preserving so much of the spirit of the text . . . his best, most original film."-Vincent Canby. "I've been moved by the film, disarmed by its surprising wit, and I was especially impressed with CYBILL SHEPERD'S Doisry. Her performance is among the most beautiful I've seen this year."-Uro Kareds, N.Y. TIMES. With CLORIS LEACHMAN, EILEEN BRENNAN. (Ken Russell, 1970) WOMEN IN LOVE ,30only-AUDA A masterful adaptation of the D.H. Lawrence novel, and on encyclopedia of filmmoking technique..Russell is restrained and brilliant in his most consistent and intelligent film. "It is difficult to recall another film that has so successfully recreated the past with a depth that brings to life every snapshot we have seen of the time"-Judith Crist. With GLENDA JACKSON, ALAN BATES; OLIVER REED. Tomorrew: SHOOT THE PIANO PLAYER and THE MOTHER AND THE WHOlE' airplane hijacking ning fingerprint comparisons, Hayes THE STOCKY MAN who took over said. Delta Flight 1061 Monday night He said the FBI also was trying to apologized to the other passengers. locate a good photograph of the 1969 "I'm sorry. I have to get to Havana," defector to show to passengers from the he told them. Delta plane. He took over the plane after carrying One of the passengers, Sam Kass of a duffle bag into the front cabin, Boca Raton, Fla., said that as he and passengers said. It wasn't known if other passengers waited in the airport Cuban authorities found any explosives terminal at Havana, "A Cuban - he in the bag. looked like an official - told me the The State Department said it would hijacker was a defector from the Cuban not seek to extradite the hijacker air force who decided he wanted to because, "We understand the Cuban return to his homeland." government intends to prosecute him." House OKs amendment to bill for new Ed dept. WASHINGTON (AP)-The House, resuming debate on whether to establish a separate Department of Education, went on record yesterday as opposing quotas in education. But the members recessed last night without taking a final vote on the con- troversial measure sought by the Car- ter administration. They planned to resume action today, including con- sideration of just which programs would be shifted if a new department was created. The amendment on quotas, which was approved 277-126, would prohibit the denial of "education opportunities" by the use of regulations "which utilize any ratio, quota or other numerical requirement related to race, creed, color, national origin or sex." REP. ROBERT WALKER (R-Pa.), the amendment's sponsor, said he in- tended it as a policy statement that would not interfere with the activities of the proposed denartment CREATION OF A Department of Education,.one of the Carter ad- ministration's highest domestic priorities, would combine many of the education-oriented programs now scat- tered throughout the government under the umbrella of a 13th Cabinet-level agency. The Senate has already passed its See HOUSE, Page 6 You, Wouldn't Gelieve The crowds We Get! BILLIARDS at the UNION Open 11:30 A.M. MICHIGAN PREMIERE! FRI. & SAT. MIDNITE SHOW A NEWMUSICAL-COMEDY HORROR-PCTRESHOW I ALL COSTUMED CHARACTERS DRESSED ENTIRELY IN RED WITH GREEN HAIR-WIG--ADMITTED 2 FOR 1 (Relax, it's only a movie)