Page 2-Wednesday, June 13, 1979-The Michigan Daily Reductions in new 'U' Hospital announced Continned from Page d clevel." He said much will be decided by DESPITE THE announced changes, proposal, and the plans were passed on ZIEL'S RE MARKS immediately the state legislature in its allocation of the University apparently still is plan- to the MDPH with a recommendation to drew criticism from CHPC members. funds for the project. ning a large, specialized-care hospital, deny approval of the project. Mel Ravitz of the CHPC said he was ARNOLD RICH, an attorney for the which would include educational space Although CHPC members said they "surprised and, ina way, shocked" that Joint Capital Outlay committee of the such as auditoriums and conference agreed a new hospital was needed, they the project had been altered at the state state legislature, said earlier it wa rooms. also said the hospital would add to the level. He charged the MDPH and the unlikely the hospital would receive th Ziel said he spoke at the meeting of current excess of hospital beds in the University with violating the intent of $200 million for which Universit of the executive committee of the regional region. In addition, they said the $244 the health planning law by changing the ficials are asking. He estimated the health planning agency - the Comp- million projected cost was too high. plans and not resubmitting them to the legislature would likely approve about rehensive Health Planning Council for They said the University had not suf- regional planners for re-review. $140 million in bonds to fund the project Southeastern Michigan (CHPC) - in ficiently explored alternatives to Nathaniel Brooks, another CHPC At the end of yesterday's meeting, the order to smooth relations between the building such a large hospital, and member, said, The University executive committee of the CHPC ap- MDPH and the regional planners. suggested using space in other deferred on our (CHPC's) request for a proved a resolution saying the project The CHPC reviews hospital plans for hospitals. delay on the grounds that such a delay should be reviewed again by regional southeastern Michigan and makes Ziel reminded the regional health would be too costly, and I would just grousd e CHPC recommendations to the MDPH on planners that their agency served in like to note that they have since made Ravitz, who has been critical of the whether a project meets regional only an advisory role to the MDPH. such a request (at the state level)." way the planning for the hospital has health care needs. The MDPH is "WE FEEL that the CHPC recom- ZIEL SAID THE University had only been handled, later said he would ask charged with making the final decision mendation that the project be reviewed agreed to a delay under the threat of the CHPC to endorse an appeal to the on such projects, and without that by a task force has been met at the state having the entire project disapproved governor and the legislature to decide agency's approval, a hospital cannot be level," he said, by the MDPH. whether the MDPH and the University built. Ziel said the state task force had in- He said the MDPH was following the have violated the intent of the health IN ITS REVIEW of plans for a new cluded a representative from the CH- terms of the health planning law by olannino law. University Hospital, two CHPC com- PC, as well as members of state agen- reporting revisions to the regional In addition to reductions announced mittees voted against approving the cies and University planners. planning agency, the CHPC. in the number of beds and in the "We feel that some rather dramatic In response to charges that the plan- hospital's projected cost, Sarbach said THE MICHIGAN DAILY changes have been made, and we feel ning of the hospital was a bureaucratic there would be fewer private rooms in (USPS 344-90)P volume ixxx No.o-s that some of the recommendations in rather than a democratic decision, Ziel the hospital and some of the wards Wednesday,June311,1979 the CHPC report have been ad- said, "Believe me, with this project, would be larger than originally plan- is edited and managed by students at dressed," Ziel said, there will be politics, but not at this ned. the University of Michigan. Published daily Tuesday through Sunday morn- ings during the University year at 420 Maynard StreetUAnneArbor, Michigan 48109. Subscription rates: $12 Septem- ber through April (2 semesters); $13 by mail outside Ann Arbor. Summer ses- sion published Tuesday through Satur- day mornings. Subscription rates: $6.50 in Ann Arber; $7.00 by mail out- side Ann Arbor, Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. POST- MASTER: Send address changes to THE MICHIGAN DAILY, 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48109. Carter backs limited health care plan Continued from Page 1) "THE IDEA OF all-or-nothing has been pursued now for nearly three decades," Carter said, "but no one has benefitted.... I'm determined to have this legislation pass." But even with a show of support from several committee chairmen and long- time backers of a variety of health in- I CHEENOS in a variety of colors surance plans, the immediate reaction showed there still was no clear consen- sus for any one proposal. Key provisions of the Carter plan in- clude: "dProtection for all people against the costs of catastrophic illness by eliminating existing limits for Medicare beneficiaries and requiring private health insurance plans to in- clude a clause limiting any family's liability for hospital and medical bills to $2,500 in any one year. The elderly and disabled would not have to pay more than half that, $1,250. " Employers would be required to pay at least 75 per cent of all health in- surance premiums, and employees or their unions could bargain with in- dividual companies to increase the boss's share. * All pregnant women, regardles of what plan covers them, would be guaranteed free prenatal care and delivery, and their children would get fee care, including preventive or so- called "well-baby care" for the first year of life. yThe government would subsidize the insurance premiums of small businesses in order to ensure that their employees get minimum benefits. * Medicaid, now operated by every state but Arizona, would be absorbed into HealthCare. Eligibility would be expanded to include not only the 15.7 million people now on welfare or receiving aid to the aged, blind and disabled, but any family whose income falls below 55 per cent of whatever the official poverty line that year. The ad- ministration estimates 14.5 million people would be added to the roles with that change. " The government would set the maximum fees physicians could charge under the HealthCare system. DISCO VEGAS FIESTA NIGHT Disco Dance Contest Wed. June 20 1st Prize-3 Days & Nights Lodging for 2 in Las Vegas. Casino chips, Meals, Drinks-PLUS many extras 2nd & 3rd place contestants also rewarded NO COVER CHARGE AT THE DOOR Tues.-DISCO DANCE INSTRUCTION Wed.-DANCE CONTEST HAPPY HOURS TUES.-SAT 8-1opm-V2 price on ALL drinks, beer 611 Church St. near S. University-995-5955 mon-sat 10:00-5:30 IBUOUFK thur-fri 'til 8s arcade nikl " .r rr .. ". rf . . ff s r " .. ra .. .. j