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June 12, 1979 - Image 12

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Michigan Daily, 1979-06-12

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Page 12-Tuesday, June 12, 1979-The Michigan Daily

AP Photo
FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION (FAA) head Langhorne Bond points to where a DC-10 engine is bolted to the
wing. Bond was accused of allowing "unsafe" planes to fly again after airlines inspected them. He is testifying before a
House subcommittee.
Reps say FAA head OK'd unsafe jets
WASHINGTON (AP)-The head of the best information we have," Bond "YOU DID IN fact put unsafe air-
the Federal Aviation Administration said in reply to a long series of hostile planes back into the air," Rep. Robert
(FAA) was accused by congressmen and angry questions from members of a S. Walker (RPa.) told Bond.
yesterday of putting "unsafe airplanes House transportation subcommittee. Bond said that has not been
back into the sky" after the deadliest "We have done the best we know how established.
air disaster in the nation's history. to do," Bond said. "We gather infor- Following the DC-10 crash in
But FAA Administrator Langhorne mation, we analyze it and we take ac- Chicago, the FAA issued a series of
Bond, who since has ordered the entire tion. As every layer was peeled back in three airworthiness directives, each of
U.S. fleet of 138 DC-los grounded, this investigation, the FAA acted." which had the effect of grounding the
responded that the FAA acted prom- He said the DC-10 fleet will remain DC-10 fleet temporarily until certain
ptely and correctly immediately after grounded "until I am convinced that parts of the engine pylons were inspec-
receiving information of a pattern of safety will not be compromised." ted and, if necessary, repaired. The
problems with the aircraft's engine BUT REP .), Chicago crash occurred after one of the
mountings. the subcommittee chairman, said ac- plane's engines separated from the
"ALL WE CAN do when we search tion was slow in coming, contradictory wing during takeoff.
through a tragedy of this kind is act on in nature and a danger to the flying Once the inspections required by the
public, airworthiness directives had been ac-
And James Dunne, president of the complished, the planes were permitted
STAINED GLASS Airline Passengers Association (APA) to fly.
NEW YORK (AP) - A stained-glass claimed the FAA has shown "near total During the third inspection, however,
triptych,, created from a design by incompetence." He said President Car- new cracks were found in parts of the
Israeli artist Shalom of Safed, is on ter should demand Bond's resignation, engine pylon that suggested a basic
view at the Jewish Museum through Burton said "yo-yo" policies by the flaw might exist in the design of the
Oct. 8. FAA permitted the DC-10 fleet to fly for engine mounting. Bond then suspended
Illustrated in brilliant colors are several days after the crash of the design certificate of the DC-10,
Moses Receiving the Law on Sinai (cen- American Airlines Flight 191 at grounding the domestic fleet, and or-
ter panel) and the Exodus (two side Chicago's O'Hare International Air- dered foreign-owned DC-10s barred
panels). port. The crash killed 275 persons. from U.S. airspace.

Ca. ruling
California Supreme Court could have
decided a politically sensitive case
almost seven months before it did, ac-
cording to a report submitted yesterday
at a televised hearing into allegations
the court "played politics."
The hearing, recessed for one week
less than three hours after it started,
was carried live by public television
station KQED.
The report, compiled by Seth Huf-
stedler, special counsel for the state
Commission on Judicial Performance,
which is conducting the investigation,
indicated it took 319 days - ten months
- to process the so-called Tanner case.
The case involved mandatory prison
sentences for criminas using a gun in
the commission of a crime.
THE COURT, which ruled that a
judge did not have to sentence a
criminal to prison, has granted a
rehearing and the previous decision is
not binding.
The commission is investigating
allegations that members of the court
withheld sensitive rulings until after
last November's election, thus helping
Chief Justice Rose Bird gain confir-
mation for an eight-year term.
The investigation started after elec-
tion-day reports in the Los Angeles
Times said the Tanner decision had
been delayed to prevent a political
backlash against Bird. As it was, she
won confirmation by the narrowest
margin in the history of the court.
Third District Court of Appeal, head of
the eight-member panel conducting the
hearing, made clear as he opened the
probe that it was an "investigative
hearing" and that no charges had been
Janes was expected to review the
staff report and consider whether there
gas shortage
Dougherty, who previously has
criticized the Energy Department's
handling of the nation's fuel problems,
said an investigation would best be
handled by a congressional panel
because federal agencies have a harder
time getting information from oil com-
A spokesman for the American
Petroleum Institute, an oil industry
trade group, could not be reached for
comment on Dougherty's testimony.
that some crude oil was being stock-
piled." He based this on figures
showing that crude oil imports have
continued at about the normal rates
while refineries have not been
operating at normal rates.
Dougherty said refineries normally
rpdtige their stocks of crude oilin the
See OIL, Page t4 , . r ,

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Don't become another statistic

FTC cites oil c

":+ {

stockpiling in
WASHINGTON (AP)-Oil companies
apparently helped bring on current
gasoline shortages by stockpiling crude
oil instead of refining it into gasoline, a
top Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
official said yesterday.
Alfred Dougherty, director of the
FTC's Bureau of Competition, told a
House Government Operations sub-
committee that information from oil
companies is held tightly by the Depar-
tment of Energy. He said his tentative
conclusion was based only on infor-
mation available to the public.
"IT IS INCREDIBLE that two gover-
nment agencies can't cooperate on
this," Rep. Benjamin Rosenthal (D-
N.Y.), the subcommittee's chairman,
told Dougherty. "People are shooting at
each other at gas stations, and you are
conducting leisurely negotiations overt
how to get the information'! e

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