Page 6-Tuesday, June 12, 979-The Michigan Daily Charges dropped in Waddill abortion case SANTA ANA, Calif.-(AP)-Charges against Dr. William Waddill that he killed a baby born in an abortion were dismissed yesterday after a jury deadlocked 11-11 with the majority favoring acquittal. It was the second time Waddill had faced a jury to be judged on his actions after the unscucessful abortion. WADDILL'S LAWYER protested that the absence of a verdict would leave his client with continuing problems and asked if the one hold-out juror could not be convinced to vote for acquittal. The judge said he would pressure them no further. "There comes a time, as in medicine, when someone has to' pull the plug," said Superior Court Judge Byron Mc- Millan. "I am going to do that, and on my own motion, this case is dismissed." Waddill, 43, a prominent obstetrician who has spent two years fighting the abortion-related charge, was calm as the decision was announced. THE SEVEN WOMEN and five men of the jury filed into court at 6:10 p.m. PDT. The judge polled them in- dividually, asking whether further deliberations might result in a verdict. "No sire, they would not," one panel member said. "I don't think so," another answered. One man declared adamantly, "I think he's innocent." After the court session, they jury foreman said the majority felt that the prosecutor did not prove Waddill's guilt beyond a reasonable doubt and that most of them felt the infant would not have survived no matter what he did. "I THINK definitely we felt that on explusion of this infant there were life signs," said jury foreman James Bar- tel. "But we distinguished between life signs and life ... We knew there was a difference between life and sur- vivability." Another juror said he believed the in- fant was undoubtedly brain-damaged from its immersion in saline solution during the abortion. Waddill, who has maintained his in- nocence through two trials, said after the decision that he was disappointed that the jury had not given him a clear acquittal. "I just don't see how anybody could hve held out on something like this," he said. "It's as if that one person was trying to prove something." Waddill had been charged with first- degree murder. The jury was given the option of coming in with a lesser charge, including second-degree mur- der and manslaughter. Israel, Egypt disagree as Palestinian talks begin Protestors blast Somoza* demand end to U.S. aid By TIM YAGLE Chanting "No more U.S. meddling in Nicaragua" and carrying signs like "Somoza's massacre: Made in USA," some 30 demonstrators gathered for a noon rally on the Diag yesterday protesting against continued U.S. aid to Nicaraguan President Anastasio Somoza. Co-sponsored by the Ann Arbor bran- ch of the National Network in Solidarity with the Nicaraguan People and the Ann Arbor Committee for Human Rights in Latin America, rally organizer Howard Brick said in a news release the demonstration's purpose was three-fold: to protest what he called Somoza's suppression of popular uprisings in Nicaragua; to rally sup- port from "human rightsactivista in the U.S. and throughout the world who will help prevent another massacre by demanding that all U.S. ties with Somoza be broken immediately;" and to demand that the "U.S. not intervene in Nicraguan affairs, either to support Somoza or install a U.S.-favored replacement for him." PROTESTOR DREW ALLISON said U.S. Marines helped install Somoza's .-gime in the 1930s, helping to create, equip, and train Somoza's Nicaraguan National Guard. During last September's civil uprising and in the months that followed, the National Guard killed between 5,000 and 10,000 people, said demonstrator Peter Kornlbuh, who has been studying Latin American history at the University. He added that more than 50,000 people have been wounded during the unrest. "The Somozoan regime is slaughtering villages, practicing unlimited incarceration, jailing people without warrants ... it's brutal. That's why we're here," Allison said. "SO MUCH FOR human rights," he continued. "They (the Carter Ad- ministration) haven't taken a stand." The Committee also claimed that U.S. economic and military aid to Nicaragua was maintained throughout the massacre last fall, and was cur- tailed in February only when Somoza refused to participate in the U.S.- sponsored negotiations aimed at squelching more national unrest. Last month, however, the Inter- national Monetary Fund (IMF), which is dominated by U.S. banks, granted a $40 million loan to the Somozan gover- nment. BUT KORNBLUH claimed Somoza will use 40 per cent of that loan granted last month by IMF "to resupply the Somozan regime, perpetuating the regime. It's out and out sustenance for Somoza," he said. Kornbluh said the IMF loan was tacitly approved by U.S. bankers, which he said dominate the in- ternational organization. The protestors walked in circles on the Diag, then marched to the Federal Building at Liberty and Fifth around 12:30 p.m. They then headed back to the Diag shortly after 1 p.m. where the demonstration disbanded. Kornbluh said, "I think the turnout is fairly good," but added that the cause still needs nationwide attention. ALEXANDRIA, Egypt (AP) - Israeli-Egyptian talks on Palestinian autonomy opened under a cloud yester- day as negotiators traded angry charges and a Cairo newspaper editorial accused Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin of trying to sabotage the talks. Egyptian Prime Minister Mustafa Khalil greeted the Israeli delegation, led by Interior Minister Yosef Burg, as it arrived in this Mediterranean resort city for the second round of talks, then laced into Begin's policy of, allowing new settlements in occupied Arab territories. "I wish to express the strongest rejection of the rigbt of building set- tlements in the West Bank and Gaza Strip," Khalil said. "They were territories occupied by force." IN TEL AVIV, Begin again rejected criticism of the Israeli settlement policy. "This is our land," he declared. The authoritative Cairo newspaper Al Akhbar said Begin and other Israeli leaders were "blowing a dust storm on the peace path." The paper urged the United States to "cut Begin down to size and cut the snake's head off before it spills its venom." Khalil contended the Egyptian government did not control the nation's news media and said he was more con- cerned with recent official Israeli statements, particularly Begin's remark last week at his Likud Party's convention that Israel might use force to block establishment of a Palestinian state. DESPITE THE controversy, both Khalil and Burg said they were deter- mined to honor terms of the peace treaty, signed in Washington on March 26 by Begin and Egyptian President Anwar Sadat. Conference sources said both sides entered the talks in a businesslike manner after the opening exchanges and agreement was reached on several procedural matters. Under the treaty package, Egypt and Israel are to negotiate autonomy for the 1.1 million Palestinians living under Israeli occupation in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. "I BELIEVE that in our relationship, we should talk neither about snakes nor about venom, because this talk can be venomous," said Burg, directing his remarks to Khalil, who sat across from him at a green-covered table in the meeting room here. U.S. Negotiator James Leonard at- tended the talks. So far neither Jordan nor Palestinian representatives, both invited to participate, have sent delegates. Egypt and Israel open the second round with diametrically opposed positions. Egypt says the autonomy process should lead to an independent Palestinian state after five years. Israel says it is opposed to Palestinian statehood. THE ISRAELI interpretation of autonomy, according to published statements, extends only to the self- government of the inhabitants of the West Bank in civil matters and not to sovereignty over military affairs, the land, or its resources. The differences have deepened because of Israeli's policy of building settlements in the occupied territories - a policy both Egypt and the United States contend is illegal. Applicants wait to enroll in A2-day care centers INFORMATION AND APPLICATIONS for FULBRIGHT-HAYS FELLOWSH IPS to Study Abroad are available at the GRADUATE FELLOWSHIP OFFICE 160 A RACKHAM BUILDING Deadline for submission of applications for 1980-81 competition is October 8, 1979 INQUIRIES: Please call Vincent P. McCarren 764-2218 (Continuedfrom Page3) salary," said DiPietro. In addition to costs, the quality of day care is a major worry for parents, DiPietro, as director of the Child Care Coordinating and Referral Service, helps guide parents to the child care agency that is best for their needs. The referral services provides a checklist for parents to help them choose an appropriate center. Parents are encouraged to visit centers and ob- serve the interaction between the children and staff and to try to "sense" the atmosphere. Ann Arbor offers a "wide spectrum (of centers) from so-called free schools to the more traditional part-time nur- sery schools," said DiPietro. She said Ann Arbor tends to have less "com- mercial" day care centers without "bright shiny slick ads to lure people to centers." SOME PARENTS said they feared not being able to find quality day care for their children. A mother who was enrolled in the University last fall said she viewed the chance that she might not find good day care for her child as a "terrifying possibility." None of the major employers in Ann Arbor provide day care for employees, although spokespersons from most of the companies said their firm had discussed the possibility. Bill Connor, personnel spokesman for Manufacturing Data Systems said currently there is "a lack of demand" for day care facilities from his com- pany's employees because the majority of Manufacturing Data Systems' work force is young. "We may want to con- sider (adding day care facilities) when our work force grows older," he added.