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June 12, 1979 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1979-06-12

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Vol. LXXXIX, No. 29-S
Ann Arbor, Michigan Ten Cents

Fla.-bound jet hijacked 1

to Cuba
WASHINGTON (AP)-Government
and airline officials were trying to
arrange a midnight flight back to the
United States for a Delta Airlines jet
hijacked to Cuba hours earlier,
spokesmen said as midnight neared
last night.
The plane took off from New York to
Florida early last night, but then roared
on to Cuba after being commandeered
by a hijacker, a Delta spokesman said.
There were no reports of injuries, and
a Federal Aviation Administration
(FAA) spokesman said the U.S. gover-
nment had been told "the Cuban
authorities have the hijacker in
custody." He added that the hijacking
apparently was carried out by that man
John Wayne died last night,
hospital spokespersons here
reported shortly before midnight.
The long-time film star, 72, had
been suffering from cancer for
several years.
The Delta spokesman and FAA of-
ficials said the plane, an L-1011, carried
195 passengef-s and 12 crew members
and landed safely just after 8:30 p.m. at
Jose Marti Airport in Havana, where
many hijacked American planes landed
during the 1960s and early 1970s. -
IT WAS THE first hijacking of a U.S.
airliner to Cuba since 1974, a year after
a U.S.-Cuba extradition treaty halted
the flood of hijackings.
A spokesman for the airline, Bill
Jackson, said, "Delta's information is
that no injuries were sustained by any
passenger or crew members during the
Havana landing." He said he under-
stood "the passengers were taken to the
terminal building" at the airport.
FAA SPOKESMAN Jack Barker said
in Atlanta, "We are now awaiting word
from the Cuban authorities when it (the
plane) will return to the United States."
Barker said the pilot indicated in a
radio message the hijacker "was
possibly a Cuban," but the pilot "gave
no information" about weapons or the
manner in which the plane was
hijacked. Barker indicated some doubt
See HIJACKER, Page 2

Doily Photo By JIM KRUZ
WITH GUNFIRE INTENSIFYING in Managua, Nicaragua, approximately 30 anti-Somoza demonstrators gathered on the
Diag yesterday to protest what they called President Anastasio Somoza's (inset) "brutal" treatment of the Nicaraguans.
See story on the rally on page 6.
Nicaraguan revolt strands Americans

MANAGUA, Nicaragua (AP) -
GUnfire intensified in Managua yester-
day and the airport road was blocked,
frustrating an effort to evacuate
American dependents from rebellion-
torn Nicaragua. The 60 intended
evacuees took refuge at the U.S. am-
bassador's residence.
Cannon and automatic-weapons fire
resounded in several sections of the
capital. Battles were reported in at
least three other areas as President
Anastasio Somoza's troops tried to beat
back an offensive by Sandinista

SOMOZA CALLED a news conferen-
ce and repeated for foreign reporters
his claim that the rebellion is backed by
Panama and other outside nations. He
denied a rebel claim that Guatemalan
troops are assisting his army.
The foreign ministers of Venezuela
and Ecuador, representing the Andean
Pact, were expected in Managua to
warn Somoza against carrying out a
threat to invade neighboring Costa
Rica, which he claims shelters the
U.S. officials said they dropped an at-
tempt to evacuate the Americans, who

assembled at the U.S. Embassy com-
pound, because a truck sent to scout the
airport road found it blocked about
three and one-half miles out, and there
was heavy fighting in the area.
tment spokesman Hodding Carter said
a U.S. Air Force C-130 was standing by
in Panama to evacuate the stranded
Americans if they cannot get on private
He said 60 Americans had hoped to
leave yesterday - 28 dependents of
U.S. officials and 32 U.S. citizens in

University board appointment proposed
By JULIE ENGEBRECHT members should be appointed by the governor. Engler also said the bill did not provide specifically
Two state senators have introduced legislation "AS A RESULT OF the present nominating for appointment of students to the boards, but said that
calling for the governor to appoint the policy-making procedure, a board - as inept as the Michigan State the option remained with the governor. He said
boards of the three major universities in the state. University Board of Trustees has repeatedly proven it- Milliken has appointed younger people, and in some
The governing bodies of the University, Michigan self - can end up being elected to these important cases even students, to the 12 state universities whose
State University (MSU), and Wayne State University posts," Engler said. boards the governor does appoint.
(WSU), are currently elected statewide, while the "Judging how unprofessionally selecting a new Gubernatorial appointment of governing boards in
governor appoints board members to 12 other state-run president was handled by the MSU Board of Trustees, the state has been generally opposed by most currently
colleges and universities, including Ypsilanti's it is indeed troubling to think about how their day-to- holding those positions. Engler's administrative aide
Eastern Michigan University. day responsibilities are being handled," he added. Rich Bearup said the bill was "introduced with the full
Sen. John Engler (R-Mount Pleasant) and Sen. Engler said he was ready to submit the resolution realization of the opposition." Bearup added that they
William Sederburg (R-East Lansing) submitted the before the search process was over, but "held up and did not fault the individuals who legitimately follow the
proposed constitutional amendment last Thursday af- waited with the bill so it could not be interpreted as provisions of the constitution, but rather the system it-
ter the announced selection of Texas Tech President meddling." self, which he said lends itself to a "high degree of un-
Cecil Mackey as the new MSU chief executive. professionalism."
AS AN MSU alumnus, Engler said it was an "em- HE SAID BOARD members would probably move
Engler said problems with the selection of the new barrassment to observe the conduct of the board in the together in an attempt to block the bill, but said its
MSU head "really highlights" his belief that board search process " See UNIVERSITY, page 2

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