Ann Arbor, Michigan
MX missile
WASHINGTON (AP) - The Carter
administration announced yesterday it
will push ahead with full development
of a new $30 billion MX mobile missile
system which it said will "strengthen
the stability of the strategic balance"
between the United States and Russia.
President Carter's long-awaited
decision was made public a week before
the U.S.-Soviet summit meeting in
Vienna where the SALT II agreement
limiting strategic nuclear weapons will
be signed.
A senior defense official, briefing
reporters on details of the huge new
missile system, said it falls within the
terms of the SALT agreement and that
"on balance, I think it will help" win
Senate ratification of the SALT treaty.
WHITE HOUSE Deputy Press
Secretary Rex Granum said the
president's decision, following weeks of
internal administration debate, would
buttress globei stability because Carter
"doesn't believe we can have serious
discussions with the Russians if they
have any advantage in the arms race."
The senior defense official said
development of the MX, which he
claimed will be "as capable as any
missile the Soviets can deploy," denies
the Russians any advantage in an arms
race, "and increases their motivation
to negotiate for arms reductions," in
the future.
Congressional reaction to Carter's
decision was mixed. Sen. George
McGovern (D-S.D.), said the decision
"could represent the biggest single
waste of public funds since the Vietnam
War. It adds nothing to our defense
capability except more surplus overkill
but it will cost at least $30 billion and
more likely, $50 billion."
BUT SEN. JOHN Stennis (D-Miss.),
See MX, Page 2
hchigan Daily
Ten Cents
Vol. LXXXIX, No. 28-S
Saturday, June 9, 1979
Twelve Pages
AP Photo
SHOWN ABOVE IS the break out mechanism of the MX-ICBM which is capable of bursting through several feet of dirt
and concrete in less than a minute. Yesterday, President Carter approved full-scale production of the MX missile.
Shippers convicted for price-fixing
WASHINGTON (AP) - Seven international ocean ship- -of New York City, $200,000.
pers and 13 executives pleaded no contest yesterday to price- EACH OF THE 13 executives was fined $50,000, the
fixing charges and were fined $6.1 million, the largest maximum under the misdemeanor section of the 89-year-old
amount ever in a criminal case brought under the Sherman anti-price-fixing law.
Antitrust Act. Criminal penalties for companies violating the act were in-
U.S. District Judge June Green, accepting plea-bargain creased in 1974 from a maximum of $50,000 to the $1 million
agreements among the defendants and the Justice Depar- figure.
imposed the maximum $1 million fine on four of the Until 1974, "Itwas a good year if we got $6 million in total
tment,gims- t aximuCo$1ainLine nd., urfo th- fines," said Justice Department attorney Elliott Seiden.
shipping firms - Atlantic Container Line Ltd., of Southam- IN AN INDICTMENT returned June 1, the firms were ac-
pton, England; Sea-Land Service Inc., of Menlo Park, N.J., cuNoANring cmNTeetopedJn e ttraise and
Hapag-Lloyd Aktiengesellschaft of Hamburg, West Ger- cused of forring committees of top management to raise and
many, and United States Lines of New York City. fix prices for freight shipped between the United States and
The other three companies and their fines were: Europe.
" Dart Containerline Co. Ltd., of Antwerp, Belgium, The government charged that there were committees that
$800,000. set targets estimating how much each ine would earn from
" Seatrain Lines Inc., of New York City, $450,000. European shipping operations. Most of the shipments were in
" American Export Lines - now merged into Farrell Lines cargo containers, which are trucked to the dock and then
loaded on the ships.
4 State law school officials
discuss bar exam failures
By JOHN SINKEVICS Board of Law Examiners said the at-
The deans of five Michigan law torneys and deans could find no firm
schools met Thursday in Detroit with cause for the number of bar exam
the Board of Law Examiners to discuss failures, an analysis of the test scores
the high rate of failure on February's by a Michigan State University resear-
state bar exam, but officials said they cher showed a steady decline in the
still could not determine the reasons for passing rate since 1975.
the significant number of poor scores. "I don't know what's wrong, but there
"We just can't put a finger on has been a decline in the bar exam
precisely what problems caused the low passing rate," said Dunnines, "and the
scores," said Wayne State University decline was much sharper this year
Law School Dean Donald Gordon. than in other years."
OFFICIALS estimate that following DUNNINGS ALSO said he is certain
appeals of some of the scores, ap- the law schools or the bar exam ad-
proximately 37 per cent of those who ministrators were responsible for the
rnd the Utook the February exam will have unusually low scores.
registration system. Registration failed it. This percentage represents a "I would never blame the law
es computers, and some people in 14 per cent increase in the failure rate schools," he said. "Also, there's been
machines to break into University from February 1978. no change in grading or in writing up
Although Stuart Dunnings of the See LAW, Page 2
Computers at
This is CRISP, the University's computer
is only one way in which the University us
the community may even use the intricatej
systems. See story, Pages 6 and 7.