Page 2-Friday, June 8, 1979-The Michigan Daily Muzorewa blasts Carter Rhodesia policy SALISBURY, Zimbabwe Rhodesia from your country," said Muzorewa, The Post report said Carter might Salisbury office he inherited only a (AP) - Bishop Abel Muzorewa, the who had five years of religious training reconsider his decision if the new week ago from Ian Smith and seven Methodist clergyman who is this in the United States. government gained a wider base of other white prime ministers before nation's first black prime minister, said "To be honest and frank with you, it's support. him, Muzorewa defended the yesterday a decision by President Car- very unfortunate and most disappoin- legitimacy of his government and spoke ter to continue economic sanctions ting if that's going to be his decision," THE CARTER administration rejec- harshly of his critics. against Zimbabwe was an "inhuman Muzorewa said. ted the April elections which decision" by a "committed Christian." Muzorewa's United African National THE PRIME minister, dressed in a Muzorewa, who took office last THE PRIME Minister, a bishop of the Council won a majority of seats in the blue suit and tie, in contrast to his usual week, discussed the future of his em- United African Methodist Church, said new 100-member Parliament. U.S. ob- clerical collar, lashed out with strong battled southern African land in an in- he was most disappointed that "a servers endorsed the election, which criticism for another clergyman, An- terview with The Associated Press. committed Christian like him (Carter) brought an end to almost a century of drew Young, the U.S. ambassador to ... would reach this unfortunate dec- white-minority rule. the United Nations. HE EXPRESSED disappointment ision, one I would almost call inhuman Black nationalist guerrilla leaders Muzorewa said Young, the Carter about a newspaper report quoting in the same sense this country is suf- operating from guerrilla bases in Zam- Administration's most outspoken op- congressional sources as saying Carter fering because of sanctions against its bia and Mozambique were invited to ponent of the new Salisbury regime, is would recommend against lifting the people." join negotiations for transition to black "absolutely out of base, just intoxicated economic sanctions. Later, Carter an- The sanctions against economic majority rule, but refused. They have with emotionalism." nounced he would keep the sanctions in dealings with Rhodesia were imposed vowed to topple the government "I extend the hand of friendship to force because he did not believe the by the United States and other coun- because it reserves more than one- my neighbors and say, 'Let us live recent Rhodesian elections "were tries after the all-white Salisbury quarter of the Parliament seats for peacefully.' The response I get is inten- either fair or free." government unilaterally declared in- whites and leaves whites in control of sification of attacking my people, who The Carter administration's decision dependence from Britain in 1965. The the security forces, courts, and civil have got their elected government, so I "seems to discourage the democratic U.N. Security Council called on all service. find myself in the position of self- way of life which I believe I learned nations to impose such embargoes. Seated at a table in the large defense," he said. ..._ ., _ _.. __ _r ___ _ _ _ __ earn%100 a month for 2 or 3 hours a week of your spare time. donateIUplasma You may save a life! It's easy and relaxing. Be a twice-a-week regular. $10 cash each donation, plus bonuses. this ad worth $5 extra New donors only. Phone for appointment. ANN ARBOR PLASMA CORPORATION 662-7744 Carter to retain economic sanctions against Rhodesia (Continued from Page 1) Zimbabwe Rhodesia. VANCE SAID HE will testify on Car- ter's decision next week before House and Senate committees. Members of the House and Senate have expressed strong sentiment for lif- ting the sanctions since the newly elec- ted Zimbabwe Rhodesian government took power last week. The president declared that his decision "is a matter of principle to me" and added: "I intend to do everything I can within my power to prevail on this decision. It means a lot to our country to do what is right, what is decent, what is fair." CARTER SAID elections in Zimbab- we Rhodesia were held under a con- stitution drafted and approved by the white minority and that black citizens never had a chance to vote for or again- st the connstitutionn. The president said the constitution preserves "extraordinary power" for the white minority, giving it continued control of the army, police and civil service. At the same time, Carter said, the constitution banned opposition from the political process. "I cannot conclude that the elections were either fair or free," Carter said. "We will of course continue to keep the observance of sanctions under review. I sincerely hope progress can be made rapidly-toward more legitimate majority rule." CONGRESSIONAL sources had said earlier the president would try to forestall congressional pressure to lift the sanctions immediately by promising to reconsider the matter later this year. The decision against lifting the em- bargo is likely to result in an immediate effort by Senate conservatives to remove them without further delay. Led by Sen. Jesse Helms (R-N.C.) these senators contend that the new biracial government headed by Prime Minister Abel Muzorewa has met the test imposed by law for the lifting of the trade embargo. CARTER IS required by the Case- Javits amendment, adopted in 1978, to lift the sanctions if he determines that free and fair elections have been held in Zimbabwe Rhodesia and that a good- faith effort has been made to negotiate a peace settlement at a conference at- tended by all of those involved in the strife there. The sources said word of the Carter decision was passed on Capitol Hill by White House officials who said the president will adopt a wait-and-see at- titude pending further developments in Zimbabwe Rhodesia, THE MICHIGAN DAILY (USPS 344-900) Volume LXXXIX, No. 27-S Friday, June 8, 1979 is edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan. Published daily Tuesday through Sunday morn- ings during the University year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109. Subscription rates: $12 Septem- ber through April (2 semesters); $13 by mail outsideAnn Arbor. Summer ses- sion published Tuesday through Satur- day mornings. Subscription rates: $6.50 in Ann Arbor; $7.00 by mail out- side Ann Arbor. Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. POST- MASTER: Send address changes to THE MICHIGAN DAILY, 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48109.