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June 07, 1979 - Image 6

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1979-06-07

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Page 6-Thursday,, June 7, 1979-The Michigan Daily

Sun Day rally
T HE SUN helped generate energy for the 2,500 crowd on nuclear power and its influence on the
people who attended an anti-nuclear rally on economy, government, health, children, feminism,
June 2. Concerned citizens from Michigan, Ohio, farm workers, nuclear plant workers, and solar
Illinois, Canada, and even as far as Colorado came energy. The group chanted "No Nukes," par-
to Nike Park near Monroe to demonstrate their ticipated in a "die-in," signed petitions, and con-
disapproval of the construction of Detroit Edison's tributed money to a non-nuclear future.
Fermi II power plant. The protesters denounced all The final event was a motorcade, led by a hearse,
nuclear power and weapons. which travelled through Monroe. The Fermi plant's
Mime, music, sunny skies, T-shirts sales, and cooling towers loomed in the background as cars
refreshments made the protest seem like an outdoor filled with anti-nuclear activists of all ages wound
concert. A variety of speakers enlightened the through the city.
--Lisa Udelson

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