The Michigan Daily-Saturday, April 21,1979-Page 17
Regents vote 'no' on
(Continued from Page 1)
Board members voiced more diverse
opinions on the matter yesterday than
in previous meetings. James Waters
(D-Muskegon), was the first Regent to
express approval of the WCCAA stand,
receiving a standing ovation following
his call for divestment.
"I think it's time our policy did
change and we had complete
divestiture of all South African com-
panies," Waters said.
AFTER THE meeting Waters said
his comment was not meant as a
resolution. The Regent said he wouldn't
vote for divestiture until a faculty
committee issues an expected report,
but he indicated he would likely suggest
divestment as a policy following the
filing of the report.
The study, written by the Senate Ad-
visory Committee for Financial Affairs
(SACFA), was ordered last month by
the Regents after strong vocal protests
by demonstrators. SACFA Chair-
woman Patricia Longe recently said
the document will likely be released in
A more moderate view was ex-
pressed in the form of a resolution from
Gerald Dunn (D-Lansing) who said he
favored divestment from the two com-
panies since he feels they have not
responded adequately to the University
request made by the Regents as part of
an investment policy established in
March 1978. The policy calls for firms to
take "reasonable steps" to end
discrimination in their South African
cheered Paul Brown (D-Petoskey )
when he called for U.S. corporations to
withdraw from South Africa, but he
quickly lost support when he added he
did "not feel the sale of the stock would
make any difference" in the com-
panies' policies.
After the Regents passed the
resolution introduced by Thomas
Roach (D-Detroit), Dunn claimed he
had already had a motion on the floor
which had been ignored. The Board
then spent 40 minutes in a state of con-
stant confusion.
The suggestion of sending the issue to
attorney Daane for interpretation rose
after David Laro (R-Flint) said he
thought the University's policy was
ambiguous, indicating the Board was
reading it too rigidly.
In the discussion which ensued,
Deane Baker (R-Ann Arbor) expressed
bitter disdain for the protesters.
The Regent accused the group of
"gross and crass attempts to intimidate
the Regents.
"It seems to me there is a group on
this campus. which picks up any
issue ... because they seek to publicize
it," Baker told the hissing crowd. He
alleged most members of this group
were Marxists, socialists, or members
of other leftist groups.
Typifying the drama which WCCAA
has employed during their two-month
vigil, member Judy Weiss approached
Baker after his narrative with a three-
inch-thick set of papers. "Excuse me,"
she said, "but I have here petitions
signed by 12,000 University students,
and I don't think they are all Marxists
as you, seem to think."
Before they considered the divest-
ment question, the Regents heard from
members of the Washtenaw County
Coalition Against Apartheid (WCCAA),
who made a slide presentation, showing
signs of the racial segregation in South
See REGENTS, Page 18
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