The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, June 6, 199-Page 9 Lake freighter fire injures 5 COPPER HARBOR, Mich. (UPI) - Coast Guard search crews found two bodies last night aboard a Canadian freighter which had been in flames most of the day. The bodies of two unidentified Canadians were found below the ship's deck, and there was lit- tle hope four other missing cre* mem- bers would be found alive. The rest of the 19-member crew had maiaaged to abandon ship inLake Superior.t At least one member of the 25-man crew reported a series of explosions aboard the 700-foot freighter Cartier- cliff Hall, but none was confirmed by the Coast Guard. FLAMES AND thick smoke billowing from the hatches could be seen ten miles away on shore. One witness with field glasses said it looked "like a bon- fire." Ship's Master Raymond Boudreault, a 20-year Great Lakes seaman, and three crewmembers suffered severe burns. Another crewmember was hospitalized in shock. Efforts by rescue teams to locate the six missing men aboard ship were hampered first by fire and smoke and later by smoldering heat below deck. The Coast Guard said a daylong water search by boat and helicopter failed to turn up any sign of the missing - two oilers, two deckhands, a helm- sman and a porter. The men were not identified. "CHANCES ARE, they're still on the ship," said Coast Guard Petty Officer Ray Massey in Cleveland. The fire struck the stern portion of the ship steamed by Copper Harbor, located at the tip of the Keeweenaw Peninsula - the northernmost point of mainland Michigan. Massey said there was no radio distress call from the vessel. CAUSE OF the fire was unknown, but it was believed to have started in the engine room. The ship, owned by the Hall Steam- ship Co. of Montreal, was located about 100 miles west of the spot where the ore carrier Edmund Fitzgerald sank in a November, 1975, storm with 29 crewmembera lost. Most of the Cartiercliffe's crewmem- bers all Canadians - were sleeping at the time in their berths below deck. ONE SURVIVOR, Terry Mulrine, said he was awakened when his door blew open with flames. He said he jum- ped through his port window to the deck. Mulrine said he saw one explosion on the ship before the crew abandoned and another as it rowed away in lifeboats. The first'rescue unit sent to the ship at about 10 a.m. was forced to halt its search for the missing men by the thick smoke on deck and spreading flames below. - THE INJURED were taken by helicopter to the Houghton-Hancock Airport 60 miles away for evaluation. Four were flown to the University Burn Center with severe burns, including Ship's Master Raymond Boudreault. A fifth crewman was treated at Portage View Hospital in Hancock for shock. In addition to Boudreault, 54, other burn victims transferred to the Burn Center were identified as Francis Chouinard, 18, Paul Boisvert, 58, and Jean-Claude Langlois, 41. Boisvert was listed in critical con- dition with burns over 80 per cent of his body and the others were in serious condition. Senate votes Carter limited energy powers WASHINGTON (AP) - The Senate voted yesterday to give President Car- ter limited new powers to deal with fuel shortages, including authority to ban home gasoline hoarding. . The legislation that the Senate ap- proved and passed on to the House for- bids Carter from forcing motorists to leave their cars at home one day a week. However*0. the Senate unagimously agreed to an amendment py Sen. Walter Huddleston (LD-Ky.), giving the president blanket authority td ban the installation of home gasoline storage tanks and other forms of fuel hoarding. DEPICTED BY some backers as a substitute for Carter's rejected standby plans for gas rationing and energy con- servation, the bill would allow the president to set national conservation targets during serious shortages. The president could prescribe a variety of steps to meet these targets - ranging from alternate driving days to bans on city parking - but e could only enforce them if states failed to come up with their own plans for meeting his targets. This would not apply, however, to the authority to ban home gasoline storage tanks - which Carter would receive immediately if the legislation reaches his desk. CARTER WOULD be expressly prohibited from banning gasoline sales on weekends as part of any plan to con- serve energy. The bill would give the president more power than he currently holds to deal with fuel shortages but far less than he requested. And critics said that the complexity of the process - requiring steps by both the president and the states - would virtually assure that the plan couldn't be used to ease gasoline shortages this summer. Still, Senate Energy Committee Chairman Henry Jackson (D-Wash.), called the bill "a good beginning on a long-range conservation effort." BEFORE APPROVING the bill, the' Senate rejected a proposal by Sen. William Armstrong (R-Colo.), that would have given Congress veto power over mandatory steps imposed by the president. However, the Senate did vote that the powers granted the president by the legislation would expire in mid-1983 unless reauthorized by Congress. Earlier in the day, Senate Majority Leader Robert Byrd announced he would iupportfa Senate filibuster if one is needed to stop Congress from reim- posing price controls on oil. BYRD'S POSITION, a strong endor- sement of Carter's oil decontrol decision, would make it extremely dif- ficult for decontrol foes to prevail in the Senate even if they win a victory in the House. He called Carter's decontrol order "a bold, courageous decision" and said "he ought to stick with it." House Democrats approved last mon- th, by a 2-1 margin, a resolution renouncing Carter's decontrol decision. And decontrol foes have vowed to bring legislation to reimpose price ceilings on oil to the floor of both chambers in the near future. The first phase of the president's plan to allow U.S. oil prices to reach world levels by mid-1981 began last Friday. It is expected to add between four and seven cents a gallon to the price of gasoline by 1981. Young voters defect: first failure for Italian Marxists ROME (AP) - A massive defection by young voters no longer drawn to the "Communist mystique" has dealt Italy's Communist Party its first elec- toral failure and turned back the tide of Eurocommunism in its home base. Eugenio Scalfari, editor of the leftist daily La Republica, said that in Italy's national elections Sunday and Monday, the Communists, the largest Marxist party in the West, failed to attract the youth and protest votes that they wpn in 1976, when they finished a close second behind the dominant Christian Democrats. The young and disillusioned found "a new haven" in the Radical Warty, a mixed bag of civil libertarans and ecologists who campaigned; against nuclear power and for liberalited abor- tion and divorce laws, he said. The Radicals more than tripled their 1976 showing from 1.1 per cent to 3.4 per cent, increasing their number of seats in the Chamber of Deputies to18 from four. A COMMUNIST loss had been an- ticipated after an unsuccessful two- year parliamentary partnership with the ruling Christian Democrats, who lacked a majority and needed their support. Other factors often cited in analyzing anti-Communist sentiment were fear of terrorism, public demand for law and order, and increased esteem for the popular Pope John Paul II and the Roman Catholic Church, which suppor- ts the Christian Democrats. Predicted Christian Democrat gains failed to materialize in the election. They won 262 Chamber seats, one fewer than they won in 1976 and 54 short of a majority. They got 14,007,594 votes, of 38.3 per cent, compared with 38.7 per cent in 1976. NEW GLASS CORNING, N.Y. (AP)-"New "Glass," an international exhibition of contemporary glass from 28 countries, is on view at the Corning Museum of Glass through Oct. 1. After that showing, the exhibition is scheduled to go to the Toledo Museum of ,Art; the Renwick Gallery of the National Collection of Fine Arts, Washington, D.C. VW "BUG" OWNERS We9ive VW owners up to $1POO* oand Q free custom paint lob lust for hovni g Qood tim, You've probably seen BEETLEBOARDS featured on "60-Minutes" or the ABC-TV and N BC-TV National News -We're the people who have transformed over 9,000 VW "Bugs' like yours into custom painted supergraph- ically decaled BEETLEBOARDS! Now here's your opportunity to become a member of the world's most unique international car club and receive over $1,000 in cash and merchandise values! If you have a VW "Bug" or Super Beetle, no matter what year or mileage, and minimum state auto insur- ance, call the BEETLEBOARDS 24-hour toll free num- ber for more information! 'Cash and Merchandise. Call now-There are limited BEETLEBOARD openings In your area. Call toll free 24 hours, 7 days a week (800) 528-6050 Ext. 3060