The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, June 6, 1979-Page 5 COMPANY CITES RED TAPE: Consumers Power plans no more nukes JACKSON (UPI) - Consumers power Co. said yesterday it probably won't be building any more nuclear power plants in the near future, largely because of complicated licensing procedures which are not expected to get any easier. Mike Koschik, a company spokesman, said unless the government makes-its licensing procedures "more efficient" the next two power plants Consumers builds probably will be coal fired. "WE ARE NOT closing the door on nuclear power," Koschik said. "There's a need for licensing reform. "The intent here is not for less regulation, necessarily, but for more efficient regulation, for action that assures safety while at the same time not requiring utilities to commit hun- dreds of millions to a project without being certain they will get the proper regulatory approvals," he said. Koschik said Consumers expects another power plant to be needed by 1989 and yet another by 1992. THE FIRST plant, Koschik said, probably will be coal-fired and the second could be coal-fired or nuclear, depending on whether licensing procedures are changed. He conceded, however, that it is unlikely federal officials will make nuclear power plant licensing any easier in the near future in light of the Three Mile Island accident. Consumers already has invested $1 billion in its Midland nuclear power plant which still is under construction and expected to undergo some design modifications in the wake of Three Mile Island. KOSCHIK SAID Consumers expects to invest another $666 million before Midland even begins producing elec- tricity. "Until the length of time to get plants approved is shortened, it is not wise for utilities to get involved with nuclear power,V'Koschik said. Consumers President John Selby testified before Congress last year that existing licensing procedures make it too risky for utilities to get involved in nuclear power. "Only when the licensing procedures are modified to remove such risks from the construction and operation program can the utilities in this country proceed with the revitalized nuclear power program so desperately needed by the energy users of this country," Selby said. "If nuclear power is to play its proper role in the future, the licensing process must be structured in a way that the utility will know it has a valid license before it starts to expend large amounts of money," Selby said. Democratic committee examines Ann Arbor (Continued from Pagei) mitories on North Campus, then, due to time constraints, was scheduled to make a quick stop at the Briarwood Hilton and drive by the Wolverine Inn before returning to Detroit. Detroit Mayor Coleman Young said hotel space remains the crucial selling point in determining which city becomes the convention site. Detroit is reportedly expected to house 20,000 Democratic delegates. Susan Stoney of the Ann Arbor Con- ference and Visitors Bureau said the expected effects on the city "will be exactly the same" if both the Republicans, who have already chosen Detroit for their 1980 convention, anhd the Democrats occupy hotel space in July and August, 1980, respectively. "EACH PROPERTY (hotel) will of- fer whatever each feels it can afford," Stoney continued. Bell Tower manager Karen Fraccaro said she'll offer 40 of the hotel's 66 rooms. She said the Democrats are seeking 2,500 rooms in Ann Arbor with hotels expected to provide 15,000 rooms and dorms to offer 5,000 rooms. Stoney added that the periphery hotels, such as Boliday Inn - West and East will offer fewer rooms because they expect more highway travellers during that period of summer. Down- town hotels, on the other hand, would provide more rooms because of fewer regular customers expected. AVENUE at LIBERTY _ST. 761-9700 Formerly Fifth Forum Theater STARTS FRIDAY! E TFOREIGN FILM BEST DIEOR Not'!Board of evw PALESTINIAN PROTEST Daily Photo by LISA UDELSON PROTESTORS AGAINST the closing of Bir-Zeit University on Israel's West Bank, rallied in front of the union yesterday in support of academic freedom for Palestine. The University, according to a recent lecture by its president, lenne Nasir, was closed May 2 because "it was threatening public peace." According to Nasir, Palestinians have attempted to express "free ideals" but demonstrations have been disbanded by Israelis. CounCi passes rezoning By JOHN GOYER Four rezoning resolutions approved by Ann Arbor City Council Monday night will allow developers to build almost 275,000 square feet of office space on the city's south side. Council voted along party lines, to change the zoning of close to 30 acres near Briarwood Mall from light in- dustrial to an office zoning. Mayor Louis Belcher said the change is con- sistent with the intended commerical use of the land. BELCHER URGED council mem- bers to approve the zoning changes. He said council should look favorably on proposals that would enlarge the city's commercial tax base, since council recently cut property taxes. Office buildings return more in taxes to the city than they use in city services, pointed out Councilman Louis Senunas (R-Third Ward). Unlike new residential areas, Senunas added, office buildings do not bring in more children to attend city schools. The Democrats, elected from the student-populated First and Second Wards, came out strongly against the rezoning resolutions. But they hold only four of 11 potential votes, not enough to prevent passage of the resolutions. COUNCILMAN Kenneth Latta (D- First Ward) said he was concerned about the "social cost" of building this amount of office space in the city. Contradicting Senunas, Latta said of- fice developments would force the city to expand its schools and services. Ac- cording to Latta, office developments by themselves would not add pupils to the city's schools, but adding office space to the city eventually would lead to increased residential development. Democratic council members, joined by Councilman David Fisher (R-Fourth Ward) questioned the traffic impact of the south side office developments. "THE TRAFFIC impact that would bring to the south area of the city would be very disturbing," said Coun- cilwoman Leslie Morris (D-Second Ward). ' Morris said traffic generated by light industrial development would be less than traffic generated by the proposed office buildings. She suggested that zoning for three of the four parcels should remain light industrial. JOhn Robbins, director of the Streets, Traffic, and Parking Department said whatever type of development is built on the south side, the traffic impact would be virtually the same. OVERLOADING State Street would be the major traffic problem of developing the south side, according to Robbins. The rezoning resolutions approved Monday night open the way for the following four office developments: " A three-story, 69,000 square-foot of- fice building, owned by McMullen Property Co.; " A three-story, 80,000 square-foot building, on the Lakeside Corporation property; See COUNCIL, Page 7