Page 2-Tuesday, June 5, 1979-The Michigan Daily Coe onOUT- June 4-17 Just one last chance-apply now for a FALL BOOK RUSH job with the U. Cellar BEFORE you go home for the Summer! APPLICATIONS-will be taken from June 4th through June 17th.. . these will receive equal consideration with those taken April 2nd-14th. FORMER RUSH EMPLOYEES IN GOOD STANDING-need NOT re-apply, and will receive priority over other applicants. STARTING PAY-$3.30 an hour. These are Fall Rush jobs ONLY. Applications & Further Info available at the INFORMATION DESK at the rear of the Cellar. FECasks Carter to pay back $50,000 Continued from Page 1) missioners, divided along party lines, blocked much of that on a tie vote. WITH THE THREE Democratic commissioners siding with Carter and the three Republicans on the other side, the commission deadlocked on the auditors' recommendation that Carter be billed for $25,320 in "get-out-the- vote" cash payments made through a number of political committee in- dependent of the Carter campaign. An identical tie vote blocked a move to bill Carter for $3,313 in bad debts owed to the election campaign, mostly by reporters who failed to pay their share of chartered air fare while traveling with the candidate. The committee wrote off the debts as n- collectable but the auditors urged that Carter be billed for them. On a 5-1 vote the commission also decided against having Carter pay another $3,234.78 for checks the cam- paigna issued, but which were never cashed. Auditors wanted unwashed checks considered as contributions, but only commissioner Max Friedersdorf, a Republican, sided with the auditors. THE COMMISSIONERS who voted to back Carter on the disputed items had the FEC staff lawyer on their side. The FEC general counsel issued a written opinion that Carter's campaign should not be billed for get-out-the-vote payments made to committees, for bad debts by reporters or for the voided checks. In a footnote to the audit reprt the commission said certain isses relating to the committee's reporting of debts and obligations" were referred to the commission's general counsel. No details were given. The action raises the possibility that Carter will be billed for a greater sum later, or possibly that the campaign will be sub- ject to legal action. The audit report said the Democratic National Committee already had agreed to pay, on behalf of the Carter campaign, the more than $27,000 in in- terest earned on telephone deposits. THE MICHIGAN DAILY (USPS 344-900) Volume LXXXIX, No. 24-S Tuesday, June 5, 1979 is edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan. Published daily Tuesday through Sunday morn- ings during the University year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109. Subscription rates: $12 Septem- ber through April (2 semesters); $13 by mail outside Ann Arbor. Summer ses- sion published Tuesday through Satur- day mornings. Subscription rates: $6.50 in Ann Arbor; $7.00 by mail out- side Ann Arbor. Second class posge paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. POT MASTER: Send address changes to THE MICHIGAN DAILY, 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48109. SHORT or LONG Haircutting By Experts DASCOLA STYLISTS Arborlnd-971-9975 Maple Village-761-2733 E. Llberly--668-9329 - E. Uoversty-662-0354