MiVol.nLXXXy,=No. 24-
-heMichg n Ily Twelve Pages
A n Arbor, Michigan Ten Cents
Election commission
asks Carte
Election Commission, after a two-and-
one-half-year audit, is asking President
Carter to reimburse taxpayers for
$50,202.94 spent during his 1976 general
election campaign.
The commission determined yester-
day that Carter's campaign committee
* $27,080.69 in interest it earned on
taxpayers' money deposited with
various telephone companies.
* $16,207 in cash "get-out-the-vote"
payments made by individual Carter
campaign workers around election day
in Michigan, California, Pennsylvania,
Illinois, Tennessee, and Georgia.
* $7,915.25 in miscellaneous travel,
entertainment, lodging, and office ex-
penses for which the FEC found insuf-
ficient documentation.
DURING THE general election, Car-
ter's campaign received nearly $26
million from the Treasury under a law
providing for public financing of
presidential elections.
Yesterday's FEC decision gives Car-
ter 30 days to supply additional
documentation to support the contested
items, but White House spokesman Rex
Granum said the full amount probably
will be paid. Granum said it is often
more expensive to supply the documen-
tation than to pay the questioned ex-
Granum said the money in question
amounts to one-tenth of 1 per cent of
total expenditures in the 1976 general
election campaign. He said he under-
stood this is about the same percentage
that has been questioned in other cam-
GRANUM SAID the Carter campaign
had been entitled to an additional
$250,000 in matching funds, but did not
apply for the money because it was not
needed. He said Carter would ask the
FEC to let him use that money now to
pay off the debt.
The FEC completed an audit of for-.
mer President Gerald Ford's general
election campaign more than a year
ago and billed Carter's 1976 Republican
opponent for $33,359.42.
r to pay
The sum included $700 in parking
tickets which the FEC said should not
have been paid with taxpayers' money.
$30,472 in interest earned on deposits
similar to the Carter phone deposits,
and $2,187 in unused funds.
The commission auditors originally
wanted to bill the Carter campaign for
$82,070.72, but the six election com-
See FEC, Page 2
Vorster quits
post, maybe
involved in
gov 't scandal
JOHANNESBURG, South Africa -
President John Vorster, a dominant
figure in South African politics for
decades, resigned in disgrace yester-
day as an investigatory commission
accused him of trying to cover up a
multimillion-dollar government scan-
Prime Minister Pieter Botha, who
succeeded Vorster 10 months ago, an-
nounced the resignation in Parliament
at the same time the devastating report
of the Erasmus Commission was
released, destroying Vorster's image of
honesty and integrity.
The allegations relate to Vorster's 12
years as prime minister, an office he
resigned last October, purportedly
because of ill health.
VORSTER WAS believed to be in
Cape Town, and his office would only
say all his appearances were canceled.
He was replaced by Marais Viljeen,
president of the Senate, in the largely
ceremonial post of state president.
The 72-page commission report,
presented yesterday to Parliament,
See S. AFRICAN, Page 10
Daily Photo by LISA KLAUSNER
CHILD CARE ACTION Center, tenant of the third floor and roof of the Education
Building, must relocate as a result of state officials' ruling that the building is
a fire hazard. Members of the agency which provides day-care to 42 pre-schoolers
of University students claimed the University refuses to aid the search for a
new center.
Child Care Action Center
looks for a new home
By SARA ANSPACH the building which serves as a
The walls are decked with finger- playground.
pained msteAT ONE TIME, co-directors of the
painted masterpieces and string puppet center Cathleen Smiley and Margaret
sculptures. The teacher's aide who
reaches down to hug and kiss a tem- Elias had talked about expanding the
porarily forlorn youngster tells a visitor center and opening a new one on North
that children are special people in this Campus to help relieve part of the
domain, growing need for day care facilities on
The Child Care Action Center campus. Now, after the CCAC was
(CCAC), located on the third floor of the ruled unsafe by state fire inspectors in
School of Education Building, is a busy January, the directors are looking for a
place, Children browse in the new location - a search, they say, with
"bookroom" at one end of the center, which University administrators refuse
while others color at nearby tables. On to help
warm days, most flock outside to the When the Deportment of Social Ser-
roof - a fenced-in area on the roof of See DAY CARE, Page 10
'U' officials to present budget case to state
By JULIE ENGEBRECHT a priority in the state of Michigan, and how our relative "There is still time for them to conceivably ha
position is deteriorating (because of low priorities)," budget done before the start of our fiscal year,
tate legislature subcommittees on higher education Kennedy said. don't think there is a great deal of hope that t
propriations today will consider the state's portion He also
the ~ ~ ~ ~ H UiestbugtanUnvriyofc alsopa said approval of a state budget after the going to be possible," he said.-
the University budget, and University officials plan University's fiscal year begins July 1 might "give us Although Milliken's budget cut did not reduce
plead their case for increased funding during the some problems," but added he could appreciate the for state post-secondary schools, but did recom
arings. problem from the legislature's standpoint. that the legislature postpone capital outlaye
Legislative action on the state budget was delayed "There's a great deal of confusion in Lansing . .. ditures-improvement and building-on colleg
s year by Gov. William Milliken's budget proposal, the more indefinite they are in Lansing, the more in- university campuses.
ich was stalled in the legislature. definite we are about our own budget," Kennedy said. KENNEDY SAID at this point the project
THE UNIVERSITY officials-Interim President "There are an enormous amount of demands on the propriations would be reduced by about one-ha
Ian Smith, Vice-Presidents Richard Kennedy, James state-it's a bit of a confused scene." said it would slow some of the projects, and woulc
inkerhoff, and Harold Shapiro, Dearborn Chancellor THE UNIVERSITY'S budget hearings were delayed the most affect on the C.C. Little Building renov
Onard Goodall, and Flint Chancellor William because Milliken was forced to revise his state budget which Kennedy said would "not get off to asg
Oran-will present the subcommittees with detailed proposal, cutting it by $100 million. The delay prom- start."
ores for the three campuses, according to Kennedy, pted University officials to question what would hap- But the legislature still has not indicated w
e-president for state relations. pen if the legislature did not consider the University's would do with Milliken's request. Kennedy sa
"We want to talk a little bit about higher education as budget before the fiscal year begins, See STATE, Page 7
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