Anti-nuke MONTAGUE, Mass. (AP) - Most folks around here used to regard Sam Lovejoy as sort of a hippie Jeremiah whose noisy warnings about melt- downs and radiation poisoning threatened Montague's one shot 9$ economic salvation - a proposed $2.3 billion nuclear power plant. But that was before Three Mile Island. And before Lovejoy met with President Carter and'emerged as something of an anti-nuclear leader nationwide. NOW, HE SAYS, "My reception has warmed considerably. Just this mor- ning I was in a store where the fellow at the counter had never said more than 'How are you?' But today he gave me a big grin and said "How was the president, Sam? Think they're still going to try to build that plant here?' " The 32-year-old Lovejoy is still fighting that plant. He was an early leader in the fight against nuclear power and - besides meeting with the president last May 7 - was master of ceremonies at the huge anti-nuclear rally in Washington the day before.' It was a long way from Lovejoy's first notoriety, when in 1974 he toppled a 400- foot Northeast Utilities weather tower - an act designed to protest the utility's planned twin-reactor in- stallation. LOVEJOY WAS cleared of charges in the incident on a technicality, but that didn't make him any more popular here. He lost his town meeting seat and got only 240 votes out of 5,000 cast when he ran for selectman. Last year he was booed when he spoke at a town meeting. "People who basically might have liked me or my position didn't feel com- fortable talking to me in public after the tower thing," he said in an interview. Lovejoy came here to work on a communal farm after graduation from Amherst College. The farm is self- sufficient - producing asparagus and strawberries - but Lovejoy says he makes most of the $3,000 he earns each year from lecturing. HE IS FROM a suburb of Springfield, Mass., and was opposing the Vietnam War before he took up the anti-nuclear banner in1973 when he heard of plans to build the plant here. His standing here changed - though he still has his opponents here - after radioactive steam began leaking from the Three Mile Island plant near Harrisburg, Pa., and after he and five other anti-nuclear activists were in- vited to meet with Carter. Lovejoy heard of the Harrisburg ac- The Michigan Daily-Saturday, June 1, 1979--Page 5 activst overcomes 'hme image cident while at the farm where he lives with 12 other people, all of whom, he notes, were arrested at the massive Seabrook, N.H., anti-nuclear demon- stration. "ONE OF THE women was listening to the radio while she was working in the woodshop. She came running out and said there'd been an accident at a plant in Pennsylvania and a state of emergency. I felt this gut fear punch me right in the solar plexus - wham!" Lovejoy says he takes no satisfaction from Three Mile Island: "I'm not hap- py about it. I can't gloat. I feel, perhaps, even embarrassed we haven't been able to do enough education to get all reactors in the country shut down." Lovejoy does not think Three Mile Island assures anti-nuclear forces of victory, "but it has silenced the faction that was screamingly pro-nuclear." Many people are now ripe for conver- sion, he says. LOVEJOY SAID anti-nuclear forces will stop plants like the Montague one - which is still on the drawing boards - "legally and in any other way necessary." He says of the plant here: "I'll never get out of this movement until it's been killed. I want to see the chairman of Northeast Utilities come here and apologize for screwing around this town for so many years. When he does, then I'll feel like I've accomplished something." Sitting on a battered sofa in the large red brick Victorian house he uses as headquarters, Lovejoy acts as if he still gets angry just talking about nuclear power: "WE NEED public power, democratically controlled. Thirteen white males sitting in a board room do not have the right to stick a nuclear plant down Sam Lovejoy's throat, and the throats of 8,500 citizens of Mon- tague." Lovejoy says he emerged from his meeting with Carter satisfied that he had achieved his objective - "to flush out" Carter's position on nuclear power. "His position basically was, 'We're not going to shut down nuclear power, so don't fool around'." Sitting across the table from Carter, Lovejoy said, he recited a list of primaries in which the president might face California Gov. Jerry Brown, most of which are in states with controver- sial nuclear plants. "Finally I got to Pennsylvania, and that was the last word I said. The look on his face was just 'Oh, golly'." f# ANTI-NUCLEAR ACTIVIST Ssm Lovejoy, who has been trying to have plns for a nuclear power plant in his Massachusetts town killed since the early 1970s, has overcome widespread criticism of his activities since the Three Mile Island plant incident in late March. Lovejoy recently met wish President Carter. ANN ARBOR CIVIC THEATRE Proudly presents THE TONYAWARD WINNING MUSICAL Early U.S. standards may have averted Pa. accident Stephen Sondheim's 0 00 o 0 Book by James Goldman o 0 First time in this area May 311June 1-3, 1979 WASHINGTON (AP) - The acciden- tal release of radioactive gases at Three Mile Island might have been averted if the nuclear plant had been required to abide by federal design standards enacted four years ago, of- ficials said yesterday. Federal regulators told a presidential commission that the Three Mile Island plant, however, was exempt from the 1975 rules because the commission agreed not to apply them to plants already operating or under construc- tion. THE CONSTRUCTION permit for Three Mile Island Unit II was issued in November 1969. "I must confess, I find that shocking," said presidential com- mission chairman John Kemeny. He said he did not understand how existing plants could be omitted from a significant improvement on a critical safety issue. Roger Mattson, director of reactor safety at the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, said the agency's 1975 rules required new plants to increase from one to three the number of con- ditions under which a plant's contain- ment building would automatically be sealed airtight at the time of an ac- cident. After the March 28 accident at Three Mile Island, investigators said, the con- tainment building, which holds the reactor core, did not seal shut for about four and one-half hours, thereby releasing radioactive gases into the air, Power Center Box Office open daily 12pm-763-3333 at Power Center SS .50 sSo STAGELo