Page 4-Saturday, June 2, 1979-The Michigan Daily (.-Amnran THE WEEK IN REVIEWI &W%00 w-N - lom Eighty-nine Years of Editorial Freedom 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI. 48109 Vol. LXXXIX, No. 23-S News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Vietnam revisited (R ABHORRENCE of American intervention in the Vietnam conflict does not detract fro our support of its veterans. Many who fought did not believe the US. belonged in Vietnam's civil war. But domestic op- position to the war has inflicted incredible emotional distress on veterans, many of whom despised the violence and killing they were forced to commit. They came home villains instead of the heroes soldiers in every other conflict were deemed. The rewards for their suffering and sacrifice have been nebulous and insubstantial. They served as hit men for the government's organized crime, and have received little gratitude or treatment for their wounds. They spent their lives and the lives of others for an immoral cause, and now no one is helping them to deal with the resulting trauma. Their physical injuries, have ranged from illnesses caused by exposure to the toxic herbicide Agent Orange to drug and battle-induced maladies. The government has treated these problems without expediency or adequacy. A recently announced investigation into Agent Orange's effects is just a sampling of what is needed. Vietnam veterans cannot tuck their experience away in a dark corner of their minds like so many Americans have done with the epoch. Forgetting the painful memories is not easy, and everyone should try to ease the unjustly induced hardship. The time is past, but the lessons remain. (Editor's Note: The following are excerpted from Daily editorials from the Vietnam War era. They are reprinted to refresh the lessons that epoch should have taught.) Resistance D ESPITE THE EXCITEMENT of the past few days, the brutal war in Vietnam continues. Today is a Day of Resistance when young men in demon- strations across the country will turn in their draft cards. Sin- ce the first Day of Resistance last October more than 2,000 young men have taken this dramatic step. Many war foes understandably do not possess the spirit of self-sacrifice necessary to emulate them. But they can demon- strate their support by attending today's noon rally on the Diag for local resisters. . For the war goes on. And Resistance has come to- the forefront of those groups fighting it. -April 3,1968 Nixon and resisters . . . HE VERY ISSUE of a draft system in a "free" country T where people have a "voice" in their government has by no means been resolved. Second, the war he (Nixon) expects these people to fight he pledged to terminate when he took office. And, finally, after every past war amnesty has been gran- ted to American draft resisters and deserters. How can the President change this precedent without a concrete differen- tiation of the Vietnam conflict, going beyond an emotional ap- peal for the votes of POW families? -October 18, 1972 The Last winner S WE GO TO PRESS tonight, battles are still being fought A in Vietnam-supposedly for the last time. Rare is the battle when no one is hurt-when no one dies. Cynical as it sounds, it is still a safe bet to say that some young men will receive the dubious and unwanted distinction of being the last one to die in the war that nobody wanted. It }s ironic that during a period of hoop-la about lotteries, the draft lottery was the ony one no one wanted to win, for to win was toultimately lose, one way or another. Superficially it sounds callous to say, but: May be (whoever "he" be) be the last "winner." Forever. -January z, 1973 NO IRAFT ru WE WANT J013S f , / Draft t t dments tacked onto th protest version of the bill nowb D RAFT LEGISLATION now House of Representati being considered on the even more fire from leg House floor sparked local protest both chambers. Thursday against reinstituting a The proposal, appr conscription system six years af- month by the Senate ter its phase out. The 125 demon- would make possessl strators carried banners denoun- ounce of marijuana or h cing the draft and military spen- infraction punishabl ding s thy machedfrom maximum $100 fine. TI Community High School to the dment that has ca Federal building chanting anti- greatest fury at the Cap war slogans. allow juvenile court j waprogas, spodole out 30-day jail tern The protest, sponsored by sons under 18 years o: members of the Washtenaw sn ne 8yaso County Chapter of the Committee with an ounce or less. I Against Registration and the amendment would Draft (CARD), was aimed at possession of more th high school students. They would ounces a felony, with p be the immediate targets of four years imprisonm renewed registration if the $2,0Efine. legislation is enacted. SEN. JEROME HAR' The House Armed Services inaw), who introducedI Committee recently approved a the Senate, opposes ti proposal to reenact military dments. Hart's aidef registration in view of unsuc- that the bill alreadyh cessful volunteer methods to progressive provisionc raise ground troops. The bill calls pot-smoking in private h for registration of all 18-year-old The amendment proH males, but amendments also causedissent in the Hr propose adding women and men cording to Rep. PerT older than 18 to the list. carries an undisti Ann Arbor, an historic arena c marijuana law record. for anti-draft and antiwar ac- ago the House approv tivism, once again was sidered, and eventual distinguished on that issue. The dow n dbi veucig nation's first selective service of- down a bill reducingp fice sit-in occurred here in Sep- penalties, after Bulls tember 1965. But most of the colleague were invol' protesters were not the same minor skirmish with a resisters of the Vietnam War. during the emotiona The participants spanned several Last year, theHouse ag generations, with ages ranging ted a Senate-approvedb from 5 to 65. Some parents marijuana penalties. brought their children, saying who has supported le they hoped when their offspring bills in the past, prec are adults they would not have a current bill will meet draft to protest. fate, as the state legisls A table was set up for writing again falters in its stet Congress members outside the decriminalization. Federal building to encourage "It will be a tough f opposition to the draftegislation n "But it looks better th due for a House vote soon. a;.- .. t e Senate before the ves drew islators in oved last 20 to 14, on of an ess a civil e by a he amen- used the itol would judges to ms to per- Ad caught The other make an seven enalties of ent and a T (D-Sag- the bill in he amen- explained as lost a condoning hames. bably will [ouse, ac- y Bullard e House inguished Two years ed, recon- ly turned possession rd and a ved in a n ashtray I debate. ain rejec- ill cutting Bullard, nient pot dicted the a similar ture once ps toward ight," the admitted. zan before ong new spill thought- pill at the l Campus Weekend nd prom- pted the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) to plan an in- spection of the facility. Two ounces of water containing low levels of radiation at the Phoenix Memorial Laboratory "apparently traveled up a vent pipe andtleft a little puddle by the edge of the pool (which contains the core)," last Saturday at 5:35 a.m., according to Assistant Reactor Manager Gary Cook. WHILE OTHER officials em- phasized that the spill was not serious, Reactor Manager Bob Burn said the incident was not unusual. "I would say something like this happens about once every six months or so. We consider it con- tamination here, but the NCR doesn't require us to report anything this minor," Burn said. "E WLLverify all this with VV'an inspection at the site," said Duane Boyd, section chief of the NRC'S Region 3. He also said an inspector will arrive in Ann Arbor within several weeks. Because the incident was repor- ted by an outside source, Boyd explained, the NRC is obligated to investigate. While the radioactive water splashed on the man conducting the experiment, it was quickly washed off. A contaminated pair of jeans and a shoe were stored for later examination. A COMMUNICATION break- down between reactor officials and University security guards apparently caused the guards to believe the leak was more dangerous than officials claim. "Somebody at the laboratory didn't relay the information ap- propriately," said University Director of Safety Walter Stevens. Nuclear Engineering- Pro-f. William Kerr, director of the Phoenix Project, said the reactor itself was 'not involved in the in- cident. Burn also said the Phoenix reactor has not had a serious ac- cident in its nearly 21 years of operationn. Week-in-Review' was written by Editor-in-Chief Elizabeth Slowik and Editorial Director Judy Rakowsky. Pot penalties ANOTHER ATTEMPT by the state legislature to reduce pot possession penalties was criticized last week by some law- makers for provisions that are still too harsh. And two amen- representatives." Radioactive A MINOR BUT provoking water s nuclear reactor on Nort over Memorial Day spoiled an experiment a