Page 14-Friday, June 1, 1979-The Michigan Daily Veterans discuss readjustment (Continued from Page 3) Hughel also said the image of the Vietnam vet is distorted. "We are not all flipped out psychotics-most of us are gainfully employed, pursuing an education, and living American lives," he said. Hughel is not alone in his resentment of the stereotypical view of the Vietnam vet. Ali Hussin, a member of the Viet- nam veterans Against the War who spent 5 months on the Cambodian bor- der, said "A lot of what happened was Vietnam vets came back against the war so they had to counter us to make people not listen to us so they said we were all junkies." HOWEVER, HUSSIN, who is 100 per cent disabled and suffers from a disease of the internal organs, said he is not pleased with programs such as the Vietnam Awareness Week. "They are attempts by the capitalist to legitimize the Vietnam vet so they can use him to promote patriotism while they build up for World War III," said Hussin. He also claimed such even- ts "blame the people for the plight of the Vietnam vet. It is not the people, it is the system and all the propaganda in the media." Hussin also said "the only solution is to overthrow the system." BUT ASSISTANT HISTORY Prof. Norman Owen, who is also a Vietnam vet, disagreed with Hussin. "It is useful to have someone in the legislature saying what is possible among the many goals," said Owen. He also said he thinks Vietnam veterans have gotten a "raw deal" because the Veteran Administration's (VA) system is not well-equipped to handle veterans' problems. "The VA system does not work," said Owen. "But where it works best is physical injuries-the whole area of the psychology of return is something they cannot handle." OWEN SAID MANY of the problems Vietnam vets encounter involve the short period of readjustment to civilian life which occurred in most cases. "(Many vets) literally were in Vietnam one day, and on the streets of Detroit the next day, with no cooling-off period as in World War II-not given any ad- vice." "According to Owen, the fact that many people hated Vietnam vets was another problem in the vets' readjust- ment. He said because "Vietnam was an unpopular war, instead of being welcomed home as a hero, the Vietnam veteran was either ignored or seen as a war criminal." Owen also said, the "VA does not have the resources or the type of ex- perience to handle the problems of Vietnam veterans." "WORLD WAR II VETS may be the greatest obstacle to Vietnam vets, because they persist in claiming their problems are the same," said Owen. "Yet now. World War II vets are talking about retirement benefits. And Vietnam vets need jobs, educational benefits, and the availability of psychological counseling and treat- ment." Joh McCauley, a Vietnam veteran who is working on a master's degree in the School of Education, said many of the problems Vietnam veterans have are due to the fact that "a highly idealistic group entered the army and they found a very glib cynical society." McCauley said after he entered the University, he resented "young idealists talking about organizing society," because after being in the army he did not trust "any non- discriminating system." Veterans' activities planned for today include a presentation of Presidential Certificates of Recognition at 4:00 p.m. in the VA Medical Center Auditorium. Tomorrow, a picnic is planned for Viet- nam veterans and their families at a park on Fuller Rd. "Spoon River Anthology," a musical, first appeared in New York in 1963. It was based on Edgar Lee Masters 1915 book. A2l ant i-draftt protesters obj e ct t o proposed bill (Contnued from Page i) Protestors ranged in age from ap proximately 5 to- 65 years. Vickie Wilson, 27, brought her five-year-old daughter Julie to the rally. Wilson said she brought her daughter because she hopes by the time Julie is 27, there will not be a need for a draft protest. "THE DRAFT scares me to death. I go to bed with pightmares," Wilson said. Most of the protestors, however, were high school students. Ann Zald, a 15- year-old Huron High School student, said, "I'm against the draft. I don't want to go to war. I don't want my brothers to go to war." Molly Reilly, a 16-year-old pupil at Huron High School, said, "It's the high school kids it's (the proposed amen- dment's) affecting, rather than older people. I'll be affected." Reilly was referring to the large number of older people at the rally. PIONEER HIGH SCHOOL student Lauren Young, 17, summed up the mood of the crowd as she wrote a letter to Rep. Carl Pursell (R-Ann Arbor). She penned the letter at a table set up to encourage correspondence to members of Congress. "There's no reason for a draft," Young said. "No good reason." Fate of new pot bill left up to House (Continuedf rain Page 3) because of the two amendments, and urged the removal of both. "IT'S RIDICULOUS that somebody who is young and in need of counseling would receive a harsher penalty than adults," said Bullard. The representative said he would also make a sincere effort to add the privacy amendment to the bill. But even if these changes are made, the bill could still be rejected by the House of Representatives. Marijuana legislation has had a poor track record in Michigan's lower chamber. TWO YEARS AGO, the House passed, reconsidered, and finally defeated, a bill reducing marijuana penalties after a highly emotional debate. Last year, after the Senate had passed another bill reducing criminal penalties for possession of one ounce or less of pot, the bill once again met with defeat in the House. "The bills have always had a rough time in the House because there seems to be a more subjective consideration of the bills rather than objective," speculated Johnston. The current bill, which has been referred from the House Public Health Committee to the House Judiciary Committee, now awaits a hearing by the latter committee. ACCORDING TO BILL LONG, an aide to Gov. William Milliken, chances for the bill's passage are better this year than in the past. "There is a good chance, if not better, because there is a different composition (of members) in the House," said Long. Bullard agreed and said, "It will be a tough fight, but it looks better than before because we're among new representatives," The Ann Arbor representative added tha ' the bill could also pass because the gei eral population has become in- creasingly tolerant of pot smoking. Legislators said they are hopeful the House will reach a decision on the bill before the summer session ends sometime in July. " The longer you keep it going, the closer it gets to another election," Johnson said. THE GREAT ESCAPE. You dream about it at night... the day you can close your books, get out of this place and forget about studying for awhile. Well, the Great Escape is here...this weekend, with Greyhound. Escape to the country or go see some friends. Just decide which escape route you want and we'll do the rest. We'll get you out of town and away from the books so you can clear your head. It doesn't cost much and it'll do you a world of good. So make the Great Escape this weekend... with Greyhound. To One-Way Round-Trip Depart Arrive Chicago 22.65 43.05 8:35am 12:30pm Chicago 22.65 43.05 - 10:35am 4:35pm Chicago 22.65 43.05 3:35pm 7:50pm Kalamazoo 6.60 12.55 4:10pm 7:05pm Kalamazoo 6.60 12.55 6:05pm 8:40pm (Prices subject to change) Union Bus Terminal 116 W. Huron 662-5511 W GREYIJ WE DPON7MAKE HOUSE CALLS ... but Health Service does offer a full range of medical care all year round. 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