Page 4-Thursday, May 31, 1979-The Michigan Dily FMichigan Daily Eighty-nine Years of Editorial Freedom 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, M. 48109 Vol. LXXXIX, No. 21-S News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Chrysl's exit forebods deca C LOSING A LARGE factory is a tragic and regrettable event which directly affects thousands of lives and touches millions more. The impact of Chrysler Corp.'s decision to shut down its 67-year-old Hamtramck assembly plant em- phasizes the city's vulnerability and reliance on the auto industry for its residents' livelihood. Detroit's situation is a microcosm of the urban plight which will eventually confront and devastate other American cities. Hamtramck already provides a depraved and abandoned vista, inhabted now by fixed-income ethnics who cannot afford to move. It is most unfortunate that many of the 3,200 jobs lost by the plant's closing have been held by faithful, hardworking in- dividuals who will no longer be marketable after decades of Chrysler employment if they are not relocated. Hamtramck will not only lose jobs and incomes that were previously pumped into its economy, it will also suffer from a sharply eroding tax base as well. After 10 per cent of the city's budget is gone, government funds will have to restore it. Of course Chrysler cannot indefinitely operate the plant at a loss. It is difficult to justify revam- ping the dilapidated plant when the cost would far outweigh the return on Chrysler's investment. A Chrysler spokesman said most of the workers laid off by the plant's closing will be relocated: elsewhere in the company's operations. For- tunately, the workers will be entitled to their full retirement benefits and will retain their seniority when transferred. Depletion of the unemployment benefit fund will last through August, and then it will be replenished. Prudent, long-range planning might have prevented the exodus or at least cushioned the blow. It is unlikely, however, that the closing would have been ruled out in view of technology advances and lower costs which propel companies out of urbanity southward to cheap labor havens. Population and technology trends are inexorable from Detroit's standpoint. Gov. William Milliken could steadfastly appeal to industry to remain within the state. But many Michigan cities already offer tax breaks to industry, and the flight continues in spite of them. Land and labor costs will not diminish regardless of government ac- tion. It is hoped that some employment sources will fill in the vacuum the auto firms leave, and that Detroit can then enjoy unprecedented prosperity. Trends twoard a more service-oriented economy might provide opportunities for small firms to regain large company losses. Small business in- centives should be increased to spur such activity. Industry and government must cooperate for the benefit of all and the avoidance of unjust injury to residents. Students digest books but actually fail to learn Scene: Four years ago. The basement of the Undergraduate Library. It is a Tuesday night around 10:00 and there are only a handful of studiers, all clumped around the large tables smoking cigarettes by the pack. One group has set upa hot plate, plugged in- to an outlet near the private study rooms, and is brewing a batch of coffee. Another group is razzing the former: "Hey, are you going to move a cot in here soon?" The atmosphere of the UGLI is relaxed and congenial despite the constant flow of penetrating light from the flourescent tubes above. The students who are there are "the regulars": they recognize each other but have never been introduced. They are the first of a growing number of students who basically live in the libarary, memorizing facts and figures. SCENE: THE basement of the Undergraduate Library on a Tuesday night at 10:00. The only difference is that it is four years later, and the UGLI is jammed. Only a handful of seats remain, and these seats are strategically placed for maximum disturban- ce. The good seats were taken shortly after dinner time. These students, like the ones of four years ago, recognize one anotherdas regulars. But unlike the students of four years ago, they seem even more serious about their subject, if you can Lette To the Daily: I would like to thank your news- paper for running the article of May 19 dealing with the Metropolitan Community Church (MCC) of Ann Arbor and its relation with Northside Presbyterian Church. Unfor- tunately, however, some inac- curacies crept into the article in the editing of the Rev. William Baker's remarks which I, as an elder at Northside, would like to correct. Three years ago, when the question of ordaining gays to the ministry was first brought before the General Assembly of the United PresbyterianmChurch, the denomination appointed a com- mission to hold nationwide .hearings and bring back a recommendation for action to the 5978 General Assembly. At the same time, local congregations were also urged to study the issue. In response to this, Nor- thside put its own committee together, which recommended to the session that our congregation go on record in favor of there being no prohibition on the or- dination of gays to the Presbyterian ministry. The session passed this resolution, and copies of a letter setting forth our congregation's position were circulated among all the chur- ches of the Detroit Presbytery. Meanwhile, the denominational commission, by a large majority, presented a report to the 19711 General Assembly which also urged that the right of gays to or- dination be affirmed. Sadly, for By DAN OBERDORFER believe that. Many fall into the burgeoning class of "pre- professionals"-pre-meddies, pre-law, engineering, and the like. They study in earnest. Characteristically they pore through heavy textbooks; yellow underliners painting every other word. Is the time spent worthwhile? MANY SUCCEED in their im- mediate goal, graduating to a relatively high-paying job or to a berth ina prestigious law school. But is the time spent in the UGLI-four or five hours a night for many of these students-is it really worth it? Are they learning? Most are just memorizing. They are learning what the professor tells them-so they can get "the grade" enabling them "to get ahead." Few of these "pre- professional"- types really seem interested in learning for lear- ning's sake. Only a handful feel challenged to study critically their teacher's arguments, making an individual con- tribution to the field-however small it may be. They know that if they were to do so, they would be penalized, for most professors here grade-off for thought which runs counter to their own. SOMETIMES THIS may be only the difference between an "A" and an "A-", but to the;"pre- professionals," this is a big dif- ference. That's because grades are paramount. Without them, there would be no law school next year. This attitude prevails in class, also. Attendance is low except just before tests. And class par- ticipation is always minimal-usually just a question or two about how the final paper will be graded, or if such and such will be included on the final examination. Administrators must sit back on their padded leather desk chairs and marvel over today's student. Well-behaved, bright students. Perhaps students should study less and think more. This would not make the administrators happy, of course, but wouldn't it be great if students were more skeptical when learning, per- sistently challenging each other so they could learn to think together, not to memorize. Perhaps if students spent less time in the UGLI, worrying about the results of tomorrow's test, and spent more time at the bars, arguing about the issues, studen- ts would begin learning. Dan Oberdorfer is a former Daily Managing Editor. ors to the Daily reasons which were probably as much political as theological, the General Assembly rejected the careful conclusions of its own commission and voted that or- dination should be denied to prac- ticing homosexuals. I would like to emphasize that this homophobic action ofthe denomination has in no way changed the position of Northside Presbyterian Church. In ad- dition, though we are proud and pleased about our relationship with MCC, we deplore the fact that some gays have felt it necessary to segregate them- selves into still another division of the Christian church. Nor- thside remains open to the full participation of gay Christians in our congregation, and hopes that those who, like myself, do not feel entirely comfortable in MCC will consider us an alterntive. We constantly look forward to the day when all of the divisons within the Body of Christ can be healed. -C. K. Evans Elder, Northside Presbyterian Church