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May 30, 1979 - Image 9

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1979-05-30

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State House.
LANSING (UPI) Legislation
restricting the authority of police to
strip and search a suspect or jail'in-
mate is being prepared for introduction
in the state House.
The bill, sponsored by Republican
Reps. Gary Randall (R-Elwell), and
Connie Binsfeld (R-Maple City) would
require that police obtain a warrant to
conduct a body cavity search.
IN misdemeanor arrests, simple
strip searches could be carried out only
when there is reason to believe a
weapon or drug is being hidden.
THE TWO Republicans, joined at a
news conference yesterday by Howard
Simon, director of the Michigan chap-
ter of the American Civil Liberties
Union, said the measure is aimed at
protecting suspects from the indignities
of unnecessary strip searches - as well
as giving police officers guidelines to
avoid lawsuits. ,
There is no standard policy on strip
searches in Michigan, Randall said. In
some jurisdictions, strip and body

The Michigan Daify-Wedrnesday May 30Q 197-Page 9
may review bill to linit bodily search

cavity searches are conducted
routinely on all suspects being booked
or detained, Randall said.
"We are now requiring a search
warrant to enter a person's home and to
enter a student's lockey," Randall said.
"It seems reasonable to require a
warrant to enter a person's body."
"WE HAVE A growing sensitivity in
this society to privacy," Simon said.'
"We're going to have a right to privacy
only if the powers of police agencies are
limited in some ways."
The legislation requires that strip
searches be conducted by a person of
the same sex as the individual being
searched, and that it be conducted in
More stringent requirements are set
forth for body cavity searches.
IN ADDITION TO requiring a search
warrant, the legislation mandates that
a body cavity search be conducted by a
physician or nurse "in a medical en-
Careful records of the search would
be required.

Randall and Simon said they sur-
veyed search policies of 24 county
sheriff department and 39 city and
township police departments and found
that policies regarding body searches
varied widely.
Many police agencies, they said,

followed recommendations in prisoner
control manuals issued by the National
Sheriff's Association and the Michigan
Department of Corrections.
Those manuals strongly recommend
thorough body searches as a standard
operating procedure, Simon said.

Chrysler plant shutdown
may idle 2,200 workers

Carter eonfers gas

controls to
(Continued from Page 1)
governors emergency powers. They are
Alabama, Alabama, Arizona, Arkan-
sas, Colorado, Georgia, Indiana,
Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi,
Missouri, New Mexico, Pennsylvania,
Rhode Island, South Carolina, Texas,
Utah, Wisconsin and Wyoming.
Asked pointedly why he has traveled
by helicopter twice in recent weeks on
fishing trips, Carter replied, "It's much
less expensive."
The president used his helicpter;,
Marine One, last weekend when he left
Camp David, Md., for a fishing trip in
central Pennsylvania. On May 14, he
left Campt Hoover, Va., by helicopter
for a fishing trip in the Atlantic Ocean
off Virginia Beach, Va.
MARINE ONE, a plush VIP helicop-
ter that seats about 12, costs at least
$752 per operating hour for fuel and
maintenance. But a presidential jour-
ney by helicopter always requires
two-one for the president and his par-
ty, and a second identical helicopter for
Secret Service agents.
Without citing the actual cost, Carter
said helicopter travel was less expen-
sive than a motorcade.
Turning to inflation, Carter said he

intended to "stick with" his voluntary
anti-inflation program though "it's
going to require some time for it to be
HE SAID THE alternative of man-
datory wage-price controls was unac-
ceptable, even though the current wage
guideline of 7 per cent falls far short of
the increase in inflation. Over the past
three months, prices have been in-
creasing at an annual rate of 13.9 per
Despite opposition from House
Democrats, the president also defended
his decision to gradually lift price con-
trols on domestic crude oil beginning
Friday, saying it will help increase
domestic production and cut down on
imported oil.
On other topics, Carter said:
" Criticism of him by fellow
Democrats "is not my major concern."
He added: "no president can expect to
have unanimous support even within
his own party."
B Hert Lance, former director of the
Office of Management and Budget who
was indicted last week on 22 counts of
violating banking regultions, "is still
my friend." He refused further com-

DETROIT (UPI)-The financially
troubled Chrysler Corp. said yesterday
it will permanently close its Hamtram-
ck assembly plant and idle 2,200 em-
ployees next summer in a move to cut
losses and eliminate unneeded produc-
A Chrysler spokesman said assembly
of Dodge Aspen and Plymouth Volare
passenger cars at Hamtramck will be
shifted to the firm's Jefferson Avenue
plant in Detroit.
About half of the facility's 5,000
hourly workers will be transferred to
Jefferson Avenue and other Detroit-
area plants, the spokesman said.
"THIS ACTION is one of the essential
steps that must be taken to reduce
losses, to increase efficiently and
productivity and to establish a firm
basis for continued operation of the
company as a healthy producer and
employer," the firm said.
A spokesman said the Hamtramck
facility, an eight-story structure built
by the Dodge Brothers Co. in 1910 and
acquired by Chrysler in 1928, will go up
for sale in the summer of 1980.
The shutdown will occur in phases
during the next year, the company said.
will be cut back to one shift during the
1980 model run, which begins this
summer, and employment rolls will be
cut by 1,000 workers.
Presently, the plant operates two
asembly linne on the first siftandi one

line on the second shift.
At the end of the 1980 model run in the
summer of 1980, the Jefferson Avenue
truck plant will be converted to
passenger car production with two shif-
ts and an hourly employment of about
4,500 workers. The plant presently em-
ploys some 2,700 workers.
THE COMPANY said the net reduc-
tion of 2,200 Detroit-area jobs will be
"mitigated somewhat" by the firm's
attrition rate which last year totaled
about 10,000 voluntary quits, discharges
and retirements.
Production of specialty trucks and
vans will continue at'Jefferson Avenue
during the 1980 run and may be tran-
sferred to the firm's Warren truck plant
the following year.
The plant closing is the lastest in a
series of cost-cutting moves undertaken
by Chrysler during the past year in an
attempt to end a financial tailspin
which last year resulted in a $204
million loss.
The firm also has sold part interest in
a number of its overseas operations and
has trimmed production and em-
ployment rolls at a number of U.S.
Chrysler said the Hamtramck closing
will leave the firm with annual produc-
tion capacity of 2.3 million vehicles at
its U.S. and Canadian plants. Chrysler
production has averaged 1.87 million
units during the past 10 years and
reached an all-time peak of 2.2 million
units in 1973.

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