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May 30, 1979 - Image 5

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1979-05-30

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The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, May 30, 1979-Page 5
Gas dealers 'sweat out last days of May
NEW YORK (AP)-Although their May allocations Syracuse.
of gasoline are nearing the bottom of the tank; most of BECAUSE OF THE short supply of gasoline, oil Friday, said-Robert Cope, chairman of the Indiana
the nation's gasoline dealers say they should be able to companies in recent months have been limiting the Service Stations Dealers Association.
make it through the week. But whether June will be amount of gas they ship dealers. On average, dealers tAND FRIDAY, well, there will probably be a run on
better than May is unclear. got about 15 per cent less gas in May than they were the stations as they receive their first June allotment."
"We are sweating out these last three days of May," given in the same month last year. Only a handful of companies have announced what
said Jim Cresente, head of 1,000-member Northern As a result, dealers had the choice of either selling as their June allocation figures will be.
Ohio Petroleum Retail Association. "Some of our much gas as motorists wanted early in the month, and Texaco is dropping to 70 per cent of last year's levels
people are out of unleaded, some are out of regular, then running dry at the end, or of limiting sales of the from 80 per cent this month, but Standard Oil of
some are shopping distributors to buy gas. It looks like fuel. Most dealers have received their last shipment of California (Chevron) is raising its allocation in June to
there will be enough gas to get through May." gasoline for May and will not get more until their June 85 per cent of last year from May's 80 per cent.
"There will be enough stations with enough gas to get allocation begins to arrive this week or early next MOBIL, Atlantic-Richfield, and Phillips, on the other
motorists home Friday, but it will be a tight weekend," week. hand, are leaving allocations at the same level in June
said Robert Kelly, executive director of the Service "I don't think stations will limit gasoline (this week) as,in May-80 per cent, 85 per cent, and 70 per cent,
Station Operators of Upstate New York, based in but rather just sell what they have and then close until respectively.

'America's Sweetheart'
Mary Pickford, dies
of stroke in California
HOLLYWOOD (AP)-Silent screen With Douglas Fairbanks, Carlie
stary Mary Pickford, America's Chaplin, and D.W. Griffith,; Pickford
sweetheart in the 1920s, died yesterday formed United Artists, the distributing
at Santa Monica Hospital of a stroke, company she sold in 1956.
her secretary said. ,m Her marriage with Fairbanks broke
The secretary said Pickford, 86, had up in 1935.
been in apparently good condition until SHE WON TWO Academy Awards. In
Friday, when her husband, Buddy 1928, 20 years after she began her
Rogers, entered her bedroom and found screen career and in the second year of
her in a failing condition. He summoned the awards, she received her first
a doctor, and Pickford was rushed to Oscar for best actress in "Coquette."
the hospital, where her condition She received a special Oscar in March
deteriorated. 1976 "in recognition of her unique con-
Death came about 2 p.m. PDT, her tribution to the film industry."
secretary said. Pickford had enter- She was known as "America's
tained a house guest and was visiting Sweetheart," and earned more than
with her every day until Friday. a million dollars a yearin her prime.
"SHE WAS A strong-minded woman As "Queen of the Movies," Pickford
and she fought for her life," said Linda reigned with Fairbanks, whom she
Humphries, the secretary. "But her married in 1920, as virtual monarchs of
age was against her." the silent screen for 15 years.
Pickford told friends she preferred to Pickford, born Gladys Mary Smith in
be remembered as she looked 50 or 60 Toronto on April 8, 1893, was one of
years ago, when, in more than 200 films America's first film superstars, begin-
between 1909 and 1933, she invariably ning her career in 1909 with "Her First
portrayed a sweet, spunky, innocent, Biscuits."
and wholesome young girl with golden "THOSE DAYS WERE fun," she said
tresses. of her film career in an interview in
Howard Koch; president of the 1976, "and hard work. I miss them very
Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and much. I've had a beautiful career."
Sciences, which Pickford helped found, She made scores of films, including
said her death was "a great loss to "Madame Butterfly" in 1915, "The Lit-
Hollywood. She was the only living tle Princess" in 1917, "Rebecca of Sun-
legend of what we're really all about. nybrook Farm" in 1917, "Pollyanna" in
"I WISH WE could make the kind of 1919, "Little Lord Fauntleroy" in 1921,
movies she used to make-innocent "Little Annie Roonie" in 1925, "My Best
love stories," Koch said. Girl" in 1927 and "Coquette" in 1928.

-nP Phtot
'AMERICA'S SWEETHEART' Mary Pickford died of a stroke yesterday in Cali-
fornia's Santa Monica Hospital. Here she is shown with Douglas Fairbanks, Sr.
during the filming of "The Taming of the Shrew" in 1919. Pickford was married
to Fairbanks for 15 years.

Anti-nuclear protesters to march to state

BRIDGMAN (UPI) - Anti-nuclear
activists said yesterday as many as
1,000 protesters would participate in a
march on the D.C. Cook nuclear power
plant on Saturday but utility officials
said they expected only 100 or so
protesters toshow up.
Sharon Wilson, a spokeswoman for
the Coho Alliance, said the protest
would begin Friday with a nuclear
workshop at Lake Michigan College in
Benton Harbor, about 15 miles north of
the Indiana & Michigan Electric Co.
"Saturday we will meet at North
Lake Park in Stevensville at noon and
will march along Red Arrow Highway
to the entrance of the plant," Wilson
THE RALLY WAS scheduled to be
held on I&M property, across from the
plant entrance. Earlier this month,
some 4,000 persons showed up for a
protest at the Midland nuclear power
plant under construction by Consumers
Power Co.
Wilson said protest organizers are.

hoping as many as 1,000 persons will
participate in the seven-mile march but
she noted the number may be smaller
because of a scheduled march at
Detroit Edison's Fermi nuclear facility
June 3.
John Hill, an I&M spokesman, said
utility officials expected only 100 or 200
protesters at the plant, which has been
entirely shut down since May 19
because of cracks in two feed water
piping systems.
problems," Hill said. "We've been in
full cooperation with the alliance.
We're just going to have our regular
compliment of guarda. It is our under-
standing they are not going to violate
any trespassing laws." The protest is
the first ever held at the 2,200-
megawatt plant, which Hill said is the
biggest in the state.
One of the plant's two reactors was
shut down April 6 for scheduled
refueling. The second was shut down
May 19 after workers discovered leaks
in two water piping systems. Since

then, the same problems have been
discovered in the first unit.
Hill said the plant was expected to be
closed down for at least two more
weeks while repairs are being made.
HILL SAID the pipes carry fresh
water into the plant's steam generators
heated by reactor water which is cir-
culated in a separate, closed system.
Hill said he could not estimate the cost

power plant
of the repairs "because we don't know
the extent of the problem" or the cost of
replacing the electricity. He did say,
however, that the down has forced I&M
to buy 1,500 megawatts of power a day.
Hill said since Cook's first reactor
came on line in August 1975 and the
second reactor came on line in July
1978, the plant has been operating at 70
to 80 per cent capacity.

The League Cafeteria Will Be Open from
7:15 A.M.'til 4:00 P.M. to Serve
in Addition to Full Cafeteria Menu
Cafeteria Open for Dinner as Usual
from 5:00 P.M. to 7:15 P.M.

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