The Michiganr Doily-Saturday, May 26, 1979-Page 7 FORMER EMPLOYEE CHARGES DISCRIMINATION Justice By VICKI HENDERSON A racial discrimination suit against the University recently has been han- ded over to the U.S. Justice Depar- tment, according to former Stockwell Hall Building Director Mildred Morris. Ms. Morris originally filed the com- plaint in 1975 with the Michigan Depar- tment of Civil Rights for her son An- thony, who was fired from his desk- clerk position in Stockwell. MS. MORRIS said her son's job was terminated because University regulations state that relatives cannot be in a position of supervising, evaluating work performance or hiring another relative. However, according to Ms. Morris, two whites in a similar situation were not charged. She said the notice for her son's ter- mination came from John Feldkamp, former Housing Director. She said she was made aware of the situation by her immediate supervisor, Gerald Burkhouse. "I didn't supervise him (Anthony) and I didn't give him preferential Dept. to hear suit against 'U' treatment," Ms. Morris said. She also or some type of compensation. The IN CASES where a public institution said she did not have jurisdiction to hire University declined, according to Ms. is involved, the Justice Department her son and claims she is not even sure Morris, and the case has been turned "will take a legal look" at the case, when he had applied for the job. over to the U.S. Justice Department. Lemmer said. He said usually the WHEN MORRIS held his job at William Lemmer, Labor Attorney at Justice Department gives the in- Stockwell, he was a first-term the University, said the decision made dividual the right to sue," rather than photography student as Washtenaw by EEOC is "just another step in the suing the institution itself. Community College and held his legal process." He said nothing was "It's up to them (the Justice Depar- position while his mother was the worked out at the conciliation con- tment) at this point," said Morris. He building director, he said. Morris said ference because it was "thought some, said he doesn't know what his chances he received a letter from "some one facts were omitted." of winning the suit are since the EEOC above" his mother's position which After facts had been submitted the "has had it (the case) for a couple of stated he was to be "terminated EEOC still found "reasonable cause" years now. It depends on how hard because both of us couldn't work in the that it an "allegation of things are pushed by the Justice Depar- same place." discrimination," Lemmer said. tment," he said. The Department of Civil Rights failed to act upon the case within a year, Ms. Morris said, and it was then turned over Now Showing, Campus Area Butterfield Theatres to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) O ADWSFR.,A . EEOC investigated the case and WEDNESDAY IS "GES N TE" RI.. T'ATSE.5 determined it was a case of racial "BARGAIN DAY" "GUST NIT" EVE.tNUD.AT $3.0 NON.-TNUIR.EVE. $3.00 discrimination, Morris sais. $1.50 UNTIL 5:30 MONDAY ALL MATINEES $2.50 ACCORDING TO Morris, the Univer- $ 0MAY 28th IW TO 14 $1.50 sity offered a conciliation agreement with Morris that would have either put him back on his job, given him back pay GM hears protest from stockholders on S. Africa business DETROIT (UPI) - A General Motors stockholder group yesterday renewed their fight to halt the firm's business in racially-torn South Africa at the annual GM stockholders meeting. Unlike last year's meeting, which was marred by a noisy protest of GM's investments in South Africa, this year's gathering was quiet and orderly. But it was not without sharp words from some of the 750 shareholders who attended the meeting. DISSIDENT stockholder groups of- fered resolutions calling for GM to liquidate its assets in South Africa and to halt the sale of vehicles to that coun- try's police and military. Shareholder resolutions are rarely, if ever, adopted by a corporation's stockholders. Also at the meeting, GM Chairman Thomas Murphy said that despite a continuing inflation spiral, he believed President Carter's anti-inflation program "can and will succeed" if given a fair chance. MURPHY, IN a reference to this summer's contract talks with the United Auto Workers union, told stockholders organized labor also must cooperate by keeping wage demands within Carter's voluntary guidelines. The president's program, Murphy said, "makes sense" and reflects a "strong personal commitment" to slow the rise of prices. The GM chairman said that despite the firm's record $3.5 billion profit last year, inflation has eroded the profit margin from 10.3 per cent in 1965 to 5.5 per cent last year. Iranian religious leader shot by terrorist group TEHRAN, Iran (AP) - Gunmen yesterday shot and wounded a religious leader who is a reputed member of the secret Islamic Revolutionary Council that controls Iran. The Forghan group, which has killed two revolutionary leaders in the last month, and is pledged to continue terrorist attacks, claimed respon- sibility. AYATOLLAH Hashemi Rafsanhani, a close associate of revolutionary leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, was shot twice in the stomach after he answered the door at his house in nor- thern Tehran and struggled with three assailants, according to reports assem- bled by Iranian reporters. A spokesperson at Tehran's Martyrs' Hospital told the Associated Press that Rafsanjani was undergoing surgery for removal of two bullets, one of which had damaged a kidney. Earlier, the of- ficial Pars news agency reported the religious leader was in satisfactory condition. Shortly after the shooting, in which Rafsanjani's wife reportedly received a minor gunshot wound in the arm, a caller to the newspaper Bamdad said Forgan was responsible for the attack. The mysterious underground group uses a mixture of leftist and Islamic rhetoric in its communiques. STATE RADIO said "millions of people" participated in a second day of emotional rallies yesterday denouncing the United States for its criticism of Iran's system of revolutionary trials and executions. Rafsanjani, 50, was a major speaker Thursday at a rally in Tehran, the Iranian capital. He said the hands of U.S. Senators were "stained with blood," as he denounced a Senate resolution which last week expressed "abhorrence" of Iranian executions.