Page 16-Friday, May 25, 1979-The Michigan Daily Supreme Court dissolves order preventing execution ACLniued on Page 5) the highest court, which has refused IN TALLAHASSEE, opponents of the four times to overturn his 1973 convic- death penalty called Smith's action tion for killing a hitchhiker he picked up "cruel" and urged Graham to issue a in a Nebraska blizzard and brought reprieve. with him to Tallahassee, Fla. "Please don't put us through this or- The last-minute appeal to Marshall deal again," said the Rev. Joe Ingle, had been based on a claim that state director of the Southern Coalition on prosecutors hadn't given Spenkelink Jails and Prisons. "I am deeply distur- adequate notice of what "aggravating bed with Attorney General Smith's at- circumstances" they planned to raise titude with this execution." in seeking the death penalty. Spenkelink was sentenced to death Smith, representing the state of for the 1973 murder of Joseph Syzman- Florida, said the execution had become ckiewicz in Tallahassee. Spenkelink a states' rights issue. "What we are was a California prison escapee and saying is that the federal courts now Syzmankiewicz, an Ohio parole have to let the states get on with capital violator, when the two met and traveled punishment," he said in Washington. the country together. Gong show a Continued from Page 10) Smyth approaches the microphone. Showing a real penchant for trendiness, she strips down to what appears to be a plastic garbage bag to perform a pain- fully self-conscious punk rock song called "Nuclear Waste." But whatever direction that could have been gained through this return to rock basics was lost in the void of absolute artistiw freedom that defines the evening's en- tertainment. THE HIGHLIGHT of this gong show, is the appearance of Daevid Allen, progressive rock pioneer and "inter- planetary poet." Wearing a grossly green jumpsuit and a huge, pointed wizard's brim, Allen moves the band known as N. Y. Gong into a lenthy space-rock improvisation. After leaving the stage for most of the num- disappointment her, the earthly representative of the planet gong returns to find his perfor- ming time cut short by the bar's im- minent closing. Dismayed, he spends the next five of the remaining ten minutes castigating the promoters. Considering the casual attitude flaun- ted by the performers all evening, this seems particularly unfair. As Allen grits his teeth for an appropriately defiant rendition of his pseudo-punk song "Opium for the People," an ec- static member of the audience informs me that this is the music of the future. Personally I'll take the Sex Pistols ver- sion of anarchy any day; they may not know what they want, but they know how to get it. From viewing the cosmic muddle Tuesday night, one couldn't say the same for Gong. in aerospace awaits you at W5 VA N45F MA I~EY" Our Denver Division has many new op- portunities awaiting recent college graduates. Major facilities are located at Denver, CO; New Orleans. LA; Santa Maria, CA. Currently there are 365 con- tracts that involve work in such exciting areas as Space Launch Systems, De- fense Systems, Command and Informa- tion Systems, Payload integration, Space Satellites, Solar Systems, Space Shuttle and the new generation Missile System. Opportunities Now Within these areas are many entry- level growth positions that offer prac- tical experience in the advanced state of the engineering art. Such fields as - Software Test Propulsion. Ther- mophysics Structures -Mechanisms Dynamics Stress Materials - Mis- sion Analysis - Product Development.- Industrial Engineering - Logistics - In- tegration - Systems - Guidance& Con- trol - RF Systems - Communications.- Data Handling - Power Systems - Payloads & Sensors - Quality - Safety and Manufacturing. Careers Begin Mere if you're considering a career in aero- space, you won't find the challenge greater nor the work more rewarding than at Martin Marietta. In addition to job opportunity the coin- pany's comprehensive program of em- ployee benefits has a financial value equivalent to approximateiy forty percent of the employee's income. Included are; Company-paid insurance, performance sharing plan, retirement plan, vacation, education reimbursement and long term disability plan. Interested graduates please contact Martin Marietta Aerospace. Attn: College Relations P.O. Box179 (#D6310) Denver, CO 80201. Martin Marietta is an Affirmative Action Employer actively seeking the Handicap- ped and Veterans. National Security regu- lations require United States Citizenship. 4