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May 25, 1979 - Image 14

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Michigan Daily, 1979-05-25

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Page 14-Friday, May 25, 1979-The Michigan Daily
T he entuelope please.. .it's Leach

Football and baseball All-American Rick Leach was yesterday named the
winner of the 15th annual Ann Arbor Quarterback Club Award for the most out-
standing senior athlete at Michigan.,
In one of the toughest decisions ever, Leach outpolled NCAA diving champion
Matt Chelich and three-time NCAA wrestling champion Mark Churella. The voting
is done each year by Wolverine undergraduate letter winners. -
Leach leaves Michigan with almost every offensive record in football history.
He also has led the Big Ten in batting and was the Wolverines' leading hitter for
three of his four years asa player.
In other awards also handed out yesterday, Curtis Greer, Mike Trgovac and
Tony Jackson have won three major Michigan football awards following the
Wolverines' spring football practice.
Greer, an All-Big Ten defensive tackle, received the Meyer Morton Award,
which is given annually to the player who shows the greatest development and
most promise asa result of spring practice.
Trgovac, a middle guard who last spring was voted Michigan's top freshman
player, won the Frederick C. Matthaei Award which goes each year to the junior-
to-be player who has displayed leadership, drive and achievement on the athletic
field and in the classroom.
Jackson, a 170-pound wingback, earned the John F. Maulbetsch Award given
to the top freshman football player after spring practice on the basis of desire,
character, capacity for leadership and future success on and off the gridiron.
Tumbling dice... * *
While the members of the women's gymnastics team are scattered throughout
the country for the summer, Women's Athletic Director Phyllis Ocker is trying to
find them a coachfor next season.
The tumblers were left coachless in April when head mentor Scott Ponto and
assistant Ginger Robey resigned. Both coaches wanted an improvement in prac-
tice facilities at the Sports Coliseum, as well asa substantial increase in salary.
Ocker said yesterday that she is within "a short time" of naming a new coach,
adding an announcement will come within the next month.
' Meanwhile, Ocker has had to shore the burden of recruiting, normally a
coach's responsibility. No recruits have been signed at this point, but Ocker said
that matter will also be resolved shortly . . .
The recruits who sign on as Wolverines will start the season with a bang - the
out Of the0Ilue
By Geoff Larcom
Rainy Thursday and my mind's run- pounding major league pitching subjec-
nin' on empty .. .is his arm to. The Bird fires the ball -
The Tigers' return of Mark Fidrych he's a power pitcher who has to keep
to the disabled list is sad, yet it hardly the ball low, and throwing from that
seems ironic for the Bird to have ended complicated motion of his when he did
up this way. resulted in the pains and misfortunes
That wondrous, 19-win year he began which have haunted Fidrych since he
with led us all to expect so much, so copped rookie-of-the-year honors in
quickly from Fidrych, that many failed 1976.
to see exactly who it was performing Money talks
this diamond miracle - a skinny, 19- Why is the first game of the NBA
year-old kid throwing his heart, as well championship series played on a Sun-
as his arm out on the mound every four- day afternoon, and then the next not un-
th game. til Thursday, with both contested in
THE BIRD just wasn't and isn't, not Landover, Maryland?
yet anyway, built to take the physical Answer: The almighty network
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men's and women's teams will host the Korean national team Sunday, October28
at Crisler Arena.
* * *
Cherry feud ended
BOSTON - (AP) - The Boston Bruins released Coach Don Cherry from his
Natinnal Hockey League contract. which runs through July. Thursday after his

-1. -. n-r n unoAw wadwneru ICLeach icenter) and
Denver Bronco head coach Red Miller watch as backfield coach Paul Roach
runs through a pass pattern in a workout in Denver.on Wednesday. Leach is still
undecided as to whether he'll pursue pro baseball or football.
bitter feud with the front office.
Cherry, who may already have agreed to coach another NHL team, was not at
the Boston Garden news conference where Bruins President Paul Mooney and
General Manager Harry Sinden announced that the coach wants to seek other op-
portunities not available within the Boston organization.
Rainy days and Thursdays,...
... Moby's true, Bird's blue
dollar is responsible for the elasticized local sports bigshots can be found
NBA playoffs. CBS, which paid 74 nightly during the week down at
million bucks over four years for the Veterans Park, where a good deal of the
rights to televise the playoffs, wants as Ann Arbor summer softball scene un-
many games as possible televised on folds. Each year many of the same
Sunday, "sports day" on the tube. faces can be found down at the five-
SO WHAT the die-hard pro-hoop fan diamond complex, often plying their
gets are tape delays of the weeknight talents for a different team each year.
games following rerun prime time sit- The continuity - who's improved this
coms, and even then some CBS af- year, who's up, who's down - along
filiates have opted not to even air the with the giant local interest in softball
telecast, sticking with local program- makes Vets an unusual summer
ming instead. See you Sunday, Brent - gathering place.
watching a game theresult's already CURIOUS AS to why Michigan's sof-
out on is just plain silly. thall team must make do with an infield
Nothing but kudos in this corner for that's not all dirt (a no-no in softball)
retiring Blue baseball coach Moby and a chicken wire backstop, along with
Benedict. Benedict was and is the true a frail snow fence acting as the outfield
"baseball man," a coach who excelled barrier. Title IX hasn't caught up with
as a teacher and a winner consistently this particular corner of Ferry Field
in a climate hostile to spring baseball. yet, it seems.
If you' wanted a colorful quote, Moby Idle hope: That Rick Leach makes it
was not the one to go to, but if you big in whichever sport he chooses. Yet
desired teams well drilled in fundamen- by directing a run-oriented offense for
tal baseball, that took advantage of four years, Leach's chances have been
every diamond opportunity, Moby was dimmed in football, while the center-
your man. To this day, I still "align the fielder must overcome a lack of power
knuckles" whenever I step to the plate to make it in a major league outfield.
- a lesson Moby gave at an Ann Arbor Final idle hope: Maybe Ron Guidry,
youth baseball clinic years ago. given his willingness this year to
Idle hopes and Title I X cooperate in ventures of this sort, would
The most interesting assortment of be willing to pitch in the pennant drive
__ of the Daily Libels this spring . . .
Open Tonight
til 1:00 am
BOW LING Baltimore 5, Boston 3
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