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May 23, 1979 - Image 10

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1979-05-23

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Page 10-Wednesday, May23, 1979-The Michigan Daily
Armed man surrenders, four hostages safe

PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) - A gun-
toting man who barricaded himself in a
downtown motor hotel with two women
hostages surrendered to police yester-
day after a five-hour standoff, police
said. No one was injured.
The man, who was not immediately
identified, sent one of the hostages out
with his gun, police said.
Four other women originally had
been held by the man at the Red Lion
Motor Inn, but two were sent out with
notes, one escaped, and a fourth was
released after nearly four hours of
negotiations with a special police team.
WENDY LAWRENCE, 24, escaped
when the man, reportedly armed with a
handgun, was given an undisclosed
amount of money, officers said.
"Through negotiation, we gave him a
sum of money at 2:15 and at that time

one of the hostages escaped. She was
sent out to get the money. She didn't see
the money in the hall, she just ran down
the hall and escaped," said Roger
Hediger, assistant to Police Chief
Bruce Baker.
Loyce Jacobs, 19, an employee of the
reservations office, identified the two
remaining hostages as Joan Wilson and
Dee MacFessell.
HEDIGER SAID the man negotiated
on the telephone with Detective David
Simpson. He said the man made no
verbal threats.
Tracey Felker, 20, said she was sent
out of the room with a note demanding
money from all cash registers and
money that was being prepared for an
armored car service. Jacobs carried a
second note demanding money, and
Dianne Orthmeyer was released,

Hediger said.
Jacobs said she and five other women
were working in the reservations office,
in the back of the 238-room, three-story
building, when the gunman came in.
"THIS MAN just walked in the back
office," Jacobs said. "He pointed the
gun at me and told me to go tell them he
was leaving and he said he was taking
two people with him."
Felker and Jacobs described the man
as about 5-foot-10 and of average build,
150-155 pounds with a light moustache,
and wearing a light-colored baseball
jacket with wire-rimmed sunglasses.
"HE SEEMED really calm," Felker
said. "He knew exactly what he was
doing. He just held his little gun.
"People come in all the time and give
us notes for people and things like that.
I really didn't look at it until he said this

Wilmington 10 member blasts courts

(Continued from Page 3
killing off black leaders," he said.
"There is a conspiracy to wipe this man
Conditions in prisons are intolerable
for other prisoners as well, said Wright,
and he urged his audience to support
prison reform.
"SOCIETY HAS been brainwashed
by state and federal governments (so
much) that prisons are of no concern to
NEW YORK (AP)-Fifty sculptures
by George Segal will be on view at the
Whitney Museum of American Art May
23 through Sept. 9.
The exhibition was organized by the
Walker Art Center of Minneapolis.

them," said Wright. "People need to
take a serious look at our prisons - at
what we, all of us, have created.
"We are responsible for crime," he
continued. "Crime is q result of a very
insensitive society."
During the four-and-a-half years he
was in prison, Wright said he saw many
ignorant prisoners who were used as
guinea pigs in mental and physical ex-
periments conducted by the gover-
nment. Sometimes, he said, they would
"take them (prisoners) out late at night
and you'd never see them again."
REFORM HAS to come from the
people, said Wright, and the people can
have a lot of power.
Referring to his own release from
prison, he said, "The justice did not file
the brief to be nice - it's because of
people who wanted me to be paroled."

Letter-writing to government of-
ficials and protest marches can be
powerful tools, said Wright.
"THE MOST effective (weapon)," he
said, "is the threat that if they (gover-
nments) don't do something, they can
expect something worse."
An example of this strategy, Wright
said, would be to threaten North
Carolina's government with a nation-
wide boycott of the state's products if it
did not comply with the group's
Wright said he feels "intense anger"
toward the government that im-
prisoned him for four-and-a-half years.
A law student, Wright said he would
like to expose information on the North
Carolina government and someday
prosecute the state officials in what he
called "our racist court system."

is serious."
She said the man had been "joking
and saying 'I wish they'd hurry up an
get the money'."
LONDON (AP)Tony Boyden, a
British sportsman, still thinks it's
possible to win the America's Cup.
something he failed to do in 1964 and
which no other foreign yacht has ac-
complished in the 123-year history of
the race.
"The American boats are no better
than ours starting off," he said. "But
they always improve them tremen-
dously in preliminary competition that
the challengers lack. Where we have to
pick up is in the improvement business,
and I think we will."
Boyden is involved in the proposed
1980 challenge by Britain. He organized
a business syndicate called British In-
dustry 1500, which is backing the
British yacth that will challenge.
White case
,Continued from page 3
"There was no doubt there was an in-
tent to kill," said Mintzer.
"BUT THE killing was done out of a
passion that was aroused given the
stresses he was under. The issue was 'a
reasonable doubt.' That was the thing
that took the most time to find out."
Feinstein told reporters, "To think
that somebody who strikes down in the
course of duty two public officials is
going to do less time than people who
are serving for lesser offenses is a very
hard blow to swallow."
She testified for the prosecution at the
THE JURY had the options of retur-
ning guilty verdicts against White
ranging from first-degree murder with
special circumstances to involuntary
The relatively lenient verdict, which
carries a prison penalty of about five to
eight years, ignited a riot by about 5,000
Police guarded the ravaged City Hall
area yesterday and braced for more
emotional protests insa tense city.
A PARTY took place last night for the
city's homosexual community, to
celebrate what would have been Milk's
49th birthday.
The police permit to close a block of
the street was issued before the verdict
and subsequent riot.
The violence raged into early yester-
day morning and scores of protesters,
police officers, and news reporters
were treated at Central Emergency
Hospital. Police said at least a dozen
patrol cars were gutted by flames and
City Hall windows and glass doors were
FIRECHIEF Andrew Casper said
damage to city-owned property and the
cost of overtime for police and firemen
totalled $1 million.
Twenty persons were arrested,
mostly for looting.
City officials, who assailed the ver-
dict as unjust, called for peace as they
expressed Concern' of further' demon-

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