The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, May 22, 1979-Page 13 Tribal factions reach strained agreement RED LAKE, Minn. (AP)-Harry Hanson said THE SITUATION on the reservation late yesterday Stephanie, was terminated Friday from her job as yesterday he will "lay down my hammer and my was stable, but tense. Heavily armed Bureau of Indian tribal treasurer by the council. tomahawk and surrender to the FBI" as soon as a Affairs police patroled the streets. federal investigation begins into the violence by Chip- Under the agreement, federal officials replaced HEAD SAID yesterday his immediate goal was to pewa Indians at the Red Lake reservation. Celestine Maus as Red Lake Indian Affairs superin- relieve tensions, and he called on tribal members to lay The tribal members forcibly took control of the law tendent, at least temporarily, with Nathan Joe Head, down their weapons and surrender arms taken from enforcement center at Red Lake at dawn Saturday ina chief of tribal operations. the ransacked law enforcement center Saturday. dispute between tribal factions. Before an agreement It also was agreed that petitions by Hanson would be "I feel I have the cooperation of the police and the ending the confrontation was reached late Sunday, two considered for new elections for tribal council chair- trust of the people," said Head. "The people want a fair youths had been killed and Red Lake was in ruins. person, treasurer, secretary and eight district and honest government, a new constitution and "We won't hide," said Hanson, a leader of one of the representative posts. safeguards to insure their human rights. These things warring factions involved in the weekend violence. OFFICIALS SAID Roger Jourdain will remain tribal can be gotten. The groundwork has been laid. The "Anytime they want me, I'll go.'" chairman, and cannot be removed until new elections dissident group believes I have the trust and confiden- HE SAID THE "violence has ended, at least on my are held. Hanson has indicated he will obtain petitions ce of the Red Lake People. part." containing the signatures of at least 25 per cent of the The FBI, which has stationed 25 agents in Bemidji, 30 Several buildings were burned and about 45 vehicles reservation's 3,000 residents, which would be miles south of the reservation, had not entered the destroyed at the northern Minnesota reservation. necessary for new elections. reservation late yesterday. Allen Cloud, 17, and Vernon Lussier, 15, died of gun- Hanson and his followers accused Jourdain of FBI spokesman Russ Anderson said in Minneapolis shot wounds. Authorities said, however, they still had nepotism and misuse and mismanagement of tribal that agents would not be sent to the reservation until not sorted out the circumstances surrounding the funds. the FBI is reasonably certain the presence of its agents deaths. The violence was triggered when Hanson's wife, will not trigger further violence. yy v avf Assembly reviews freedom of speech guidelines (Continued from Page 3) approval of the proposed University In a report on new campus buildings, tinuance of Academi to lodge complaints concerning alleged Hospital. Smith noted that the new Law School policy has been amend violations of the guidelines. SMITH SAID the hospital plans are library, the proposed Alumni by the Assembly sinc CURRENTLY, the only recourse in- "back on track" for obtaining a cer- Association building, and the new proved by the Regents volves taking the matter to a civil or tificate of need within six weeks from engineering building on North Campus THE AMENDMEN criminal court. ,the Michigan Department of Public were all funded privately. the governing facult Corpron said the amendment is Health. "We are very optimistic now," "WE MAY become more of a private voice" in the dis "pending in some stage," and that the he said. university than we are already," said academic programs,s matter would be reintroduced to the Smith also said state budget ap- Smith. He also stated it was necessary Prof. L. Hgh Cooper,i Assembly in the fall. propriations for the next fiscal year to support active fund-raising to finan- amendments. In other action, Interim University were still uncertain because of the lack ce new projects and improvements. Also, Corpron rel President Allan Smith addressed of progress by Michigan legislators on IN A REPORT on activities of the Regents had decidedi Assembly members and expressed op- the governor's proposed budget. "We Faculty Advisory Committee on the the Senate Advisory timism about the progress of plans for don't know what to expect," said Smith. presidency, Prof. John Romani of the University Affairs' ( School of Public Health said, "We have last week to direct F o * 1C ou rt made progress and we continue to Engineering to condu make progress." of a professor with a The committee is awaiting response tment. Because all a from the Regents concerning a list of have been exhauste denies appeal executions proposed candidates for University "the individual will be president. Many Assembly m Also, an informational report were "shocked" and' slated for W edn esd ay recommending continued participation Regents' inaction in th in the Social Security program by ------ - University employees was presented contnuedfromPage 8 Law Center in Montgomery, Ala., said by Law Prof. John Jackson for the Judge John Dewell-the man who executions would be routine once the Committee on the Economic Status of New Zealand exte originally sentenced Darden to first inmate dies. "I dread to see the the Faculty (CESF). women in 1893, whil die-denied a request for a new hearing day when an execution is page 10 news "THE COMMITTEE will not now wait until 1918 inI for the condemned man. The appeal instead of page 1," he said, recommend any action," Jackson said. Britain and 1920 in the was one of several pursued by Robert IN ST. PETERSBURG, the city's The CESF will review the issue again Harper Jr., attorney for Darden. Council on Human Relations urged in the fall pending completion of an ex- SPENKELINK WAS convicted of Graham to spend Tuesday as a Death tensive study by Mathematics Prof. killing his traveling companion, Joseph Row guard at the Florida State Prison Cecil Nesbitt. The report was requested Syzmankiewicz, in Tallahassee in 1973. at Starke, where Spenkelink and Dar- by the Assembly in March 1978 because $e h Darden was convicted of killing a den awaited word of their fate. of concern over a jump in the Social Lakeland merchant, James Turman, Council Chairman H. Robert Ham- ofccrnover Security tax rate j during a 1973 holdup. mer said that if that doesn't change the The report said it was advisable for Death warrants for both men were governor s mind, then perhaps he employees to remain in the Social signed Friday by Graham, who said, should pullthe switch himelf.ack of Security system rather than switching Wednesda "There will be less brutality in our Florida Citizens Against the Death to a privately financed retirement 6:30 society if it is made clear we value Penalty likened Florida's governor to program. LAST C human life." After a lengthy debate, the Assembly John Carroll of the Southern Poverty deposed Ugandan President Idi Amin, also voted to accept several amen- at the UN the ousted shah of Iran, and the shah's dments to the document on the Discon- successor. MAVCK iASe id Crhm rnF r c Programs. The ded several times e it was first ap- in April 1977. TS "ensure that .y has a formal continuance of said Music School who proposed the ported that the- not to respond to y Committee on SACUA) request the College of ct a tenure review terminal appoin- ppeal procedures d, Corpron said eterminated." embers said they 'bothered" by the e matter. nded the vote to Je women had to Canada, 1919 in e United States. y night ).m. ALL ION BANCROFT PRIZES NEW YORK (AP)-Columbia University has awarded the 1979 Ban- croft Prizes to historian Christopher Thorne of the University of Sussex (England), and to University of Pen- nsylvania anthropologist Anthony F.C. Wallace. The awards, of $4,000 each, recognize "books of exceptional merit and distin- ction in American history and diplomacy" which were published in 1978. The winning books were Thorne's "Allies of a Kind: The United States, Britain and the War Against Japan, 1941-45" (Oxford University Press), and Wallace's "Rockdale: The Growth of an American Village in the Early In- dustrial Revolution" (Knop). iAutAa sai cfranam retusea to acknowledge the racial background of the death penalty in Florida, where 132 black men have been put to death in the electric chair compared to 64 whites. "The death penalty continues to be a racial issue," Mack said. "Gov. Graham has refused to hear this issue. One group of people has been executed." Darden is black. Spenkelink is white. "Spenkelink happens to be poor," Mack said. "That's another common denominator. I think Gov. Graham tried to camouflage the issue by having a white man executed." Graham aide Steve Hull said, "We know that there are always going tobe a lot of different views on the death penalty and the governor's action, and those views are coming in very heavily to ouroffice." coie COPIES OVERNIGHT Copies Located in The Michigan Union 530 S. State Street open days until 10:00 Typing Fliers Designed