Page 12-Tuesday, May 22, 1979-The Michigan Daily San Francisco jury convicts White I (continued from Page l1 AFTER A year on the board, White resigned, saying he could not support his wife and infant son on a supervisor's salary. But less than two weeks later, with assurances of financial aid from his 16 brothers and sisters, White asked Moscone to reappoint him. Moscone initially announced he would reappoint White, but later chnged his mind and was about to name another man as White's successor the morning of theshootings. White did not testify at his trial but the prosecution played a tape of his 25- minute confession. He said on the tape his mind was "in a fog" and that he had shot Moscone when the mayor asked about his family. HE SAID he ran across to City Hall, wanting to see Milk and ask him why the supervisor was opposing his reap- pointment. Milk was shot about a minute later. White said he called his wife and met with her briefly at St. Mary's Cathedral. He surrendered to police within an hour after the killings, bringing along the gun used in the shootings. White was the only member of the board to vote against a measure in- troduced by Milk to prohibit discrimination against homosexuals in housing and employment. The night both men were elected to the board, Milk said he was pleased with the political makeup of the panel. Rezoningaction delayed Continued from Page>3) ministrator is required to submit all Ward) replied that he knew nothing contracts of more than $5,000 to council about such assurances. for approval. CITY COUNCIL was asked to ap- "If we had a contract in writing, prove the expenditure of $28,000 for the (submitted to council) we should easily testing of sludge in order that the have seen that this was more than five sludge could be hauled from the waste grand," commented council member treatment plant and dumped on far- David Fisher (R-Fifth Ward). mland as fertilizer. Council tabled action on the Council member Earl Greene (D- resolution until Thursday night. Second Ward) questioned whether Murray, who was not at the meeting, It is estimated that a race-horse loses had not violated city charter by submit- between 10 and 15 pounds in a race, ting a $28,000 bill for sludge testing. By depending on the temperature. city charter, Greene said, the city ad- Anti-draft group plans rally for next week By ADRIENNE LYONS urged members to organize the BcountyArIENNlYnCongresstional District, wh A county group last night planned represented by Pursell. strategy for a protest next week against "We need to do some wo a bill in the U.S. House of Represen- Congressman Pursell," said Sim tatives which would reinstate suggested that CARD members registration for the draft. Pursell, expressing their viewpo Close to 25 members of the the issue. Simon said he hoped Washtenaw County Committee Against able to have an interview wi Registration and the Draft (CARD) congressman if Pursell is in tow discussed tentative plans for a May 31 the Memorial Day weekend. rally which would begin at Community CARD IS opposed to the High School on N. Divison Ave. and because its members say they would end up at the Federal Building peacetime registration is the fir downton. towarda peacetime draft, and th CARD MEMBER Edith Hefley, who is a step toward war. "Congr is also a member of the Women's Inter- preparing for war and we shoulde national League for Peace and them," one member said. Memb Freedom, said CARD includes people CARD also disagree with the from groups such as the American Civil which prompted the amendment Liberties Union and the Friends Com- mation, namely that the current s mittee on National Legislation, as well of voluntary service does not a as some not affilated with other groups. personswith higher education. Amendments to the Defense Depar- Other strategic points discuss tment Authorizing Bill now before the the group include setting up liter U.S. House would require persons who tables at Kerrytown Market an turn 18 after January 1, 1980 to register Diag, organizing high school and F for the draft. According to Michael ts' groups, and bringing the iss Pennanen, an intern at the Wesley people who normally are not Foundation, questions remain over politcally. A student of Pioneer whether the registration ruling would School, one of four high school stu apply to women or to persons such as present at the meeting, noted how college students, most of whom already that many students at Pioneer are are over 18. daze" and unaware of the CARD members say they feel the im- portant targets of their actions should PATERNO AWARDS include high school students, who will UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. be affected by the bill immediately, Coach Joe Paterno of the Penn should it pass. football team was disappointed CARD MEMBERS also said they dream of a national title last yea want to focus their attention on U.S. the Nittany Lions lost to Alabama Rep. Carl Pursell (R-Michigan). ACLU in the Sugar Bowl. member Howard Simon said, "Pursell But Paterno won a lot of other sees this as an issue where constituents ds. He was named Coach of the Y are ideologically split." Simon said the American Coaches Associatio there is a "swing vote" in the Ann Ar- by the Football Writers Associ bor area, that is the vote could go either Paterno wasbalso voted the Jose way. He noted that while the Ann Ar- Sheehan Award by the New York bor-Ypsilanti area probably is iden- ball Writes and Coach of the Y tified as being opposed to the bill, but NCAA Division 1-A by ABC-T more suburban areas, such as Livonia Chevrolet. Finally, Joe was and Monroe, are not identified that Coch of the er by the Washi way. Simon urged members to organize Touchdown Club. Livonia and identified that way. Simon Second ich is ork on on. He s write ints on to be th the n over draft think it step e draft ess is expose bers of ideas 's for- ystem ttract ed by rature nd the paren- ;ue to active High dents wever, "in a issue. (AP)- n State in his r when a, 14-7, awar- 'ear by on, and :iation. eph M. Foot- ear in V and amed ington I CHEENOS in a variety of colors Milliken orders study of steep beer price increase LANSING (UPI)-Gov. William Milliken yesterday ordered a group of top consumer protection advisors to in- vestigate the steep beer price in- creases that followed implementation of Michigan's throwaway bottle ban. Milliken also forwarded to the cabinet-level group a list of current liquor rules that could affect beer prices if modified. Earlier, Milliken had called for a full-scale review of the beer prices. "THERE HAVE been some problems associated with our new law-as with any dramatic innovation," Milliken said. "One of the biggest of those problems has been price increases in the area of malt beverages." Conducting the investigation will be Milliken's Consumer Protection and Regulatory Cabinet, made up of representatives of the departments of Licensing and Regulation, Labor, Commerce, Management and Budget, the attorney general's office and the Michigan Consumers Council. A joint legislative committee also is looking into beer pries and is con- sidering a full fledged audit of the price hikes and whether they were justified by the so-called bottle bill. MILLIKEN SAID easing some of Michian's currently stringent regulations on beer advertising and price posting may help lower prices by fostering competition. The state Liquor Control Com- mission, at Milliken's request, singled out current rules which could have an effect on prices, including one which prohibits bars, party stores and liquor stores from advertising the price of any alcoholic beverage. Another regulation pointed out in the review is a law which assigns exclusive sales territories to distributors, meaning no more than one distributor may serve a given area. "I will be standing by awaiting recommendations by my Consumer Protection and Regulatory Cabinet," Milliken said. "It is hoped that changes in this area will ease the burden placed on both consumers and retailers by spiraling prices," Milliken said. mron -sat9:3Q-5:3Q thur-fri 'til8 cn(ck de I