The Michiqan Daily-Saturdov, May 19. 1979-Page 5 Israel hits Palestinian base in Lebanon TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) - Israel prise, destroying two buildings and Civilian residents of Adloun and In- the bombing. renewed its war against Palestinian ammunition dumps. An unspecified sariyeh said their towns suffered no Israeli unleashed heavy air, sea and guerrillas yesterday, attacking what it number of guerrillas were killed, while shelling or damage because the fighting artillery attacks on Palestinian called a training base on the Lebanese there were no Israeli casualties, the was limited to the base. targets in Lebanon after a terrorist raid coast 60 hours after a terrorist bomb army said. Guerrilla commanders said more on Nahariya April 22 that"left four killed two Israelis in the resort town of "The raid was a good, precise ac- than 150 Israeli commandoes stormed Israelis dead. Tiberas. tion," Israeli .Defense Minister Ezer ashore, firing machine guns, grenades In announcing the latest raid, Israel Reports from Lebanon said the base Weizman told the newspaper Maariv. and armor-piercing rockets. They said blamed the Saiqa organization for a was demolished by the attack but that "We are adhering to a continuing policy a Palestinian and a Lebanese were series of attacks this spring. The in- no one was killed, of striking terrorists at every oppor- wounded in a two-hour battle, and said cidents included two bombings in Paris Israeli troops stormed ashore near tunity . . . We are trying not to hurt "many" Israelis were killed or woun- on March 20 that wounded more than 20 Adloun, 21 miles north of the Israel- civilians." ded and evacuated by helicopter. Jewish students, the bombings on Lebanon border, and destroyed a base Guerrilla spokespersons in Lebanon The Israeli spokesperson did not say Israel's embassy in Cyprus on April 15 belonging to the Syrian-backed Saiqa said Israel attacked schools and the the commando operation was in and an attack on a Jewish community guerrilla organization, the Israeli outskirts of the town of Insariyeh, an retaliation for Tuesday's bombing in building in Vienna on April 22. military command reported. allegation denied by Israel. Tiberas that killed two teen-aged boys Israel's last announced incursion into THE ARMY spokesperson gave few 'THE TARGETS were military," the and wounded 32 other persons. But Lebanon was May 9, when 400 troops details of the pre-dawn operation, but Israeli spokeserson said. "There were military action against Lebanese-bases crossed the border to chase a squad of said the Israelis took the camp by sur- no civilians." Palestinians had been expected after Arab guerrillas. 'U' officials to revamp new 'U' hospital plans (Contnue'd fom Page i )a ( otne rmPg ) . *claim the hospital has an educational " you know. We've got to focus on it. I -mthhopalasnedcinl yukw.W'egttfcs nt.I mission in addition to its function as au don't know if the University is trying to mo n itiostits functin a I R d community hospital or even a get two buildings in one, Rich said- specialized care hospital. Edward James, chief of the hospital DR. JAMES TAREN, head of the planning divison of the state health committee which assesses the amount department, said state officials and of educational space needed in the new University planners had come to "some hospital, said he views the hospital as a understanding" on the number of beds, much larger resource for the state than the amount of educational space, and even a specialized care hospital. "I see the amount of square footage in the it as a resource far beyond that. We are proposed hospital. not only taking care of patients, but we University officials stress the need are training professional for the for classroom and conference rooms, future," Taren said. The Week In Review t'(tjnnuet urom Pae 4e officials -and found the department's Assistant Director Charles Harris "very intimidating," the women were directed to meet with the same officials again. It is most unfortunate that these women exhausted every available channel to remedy the situation, and then the University's highest body tur- ned a deaf ear to their cries of discrimination. The spirit of affir- mative action has clearly not reached the boardroom, even though laws man- date compliance. It appears that these women will now be forced to pursue avenues outside the university to receive fair treatment if athletic department officials do not listen. The logical and fair response to Title IX should be a conscientious at- titude toward sexism and racism. Failure to adopt this frame of mind may invoke other units of government to respond with more restrictions. The Regents may then wish they had acted on these polite requests for parity. Divestment domino f'urte fo m Page 4 the Regents must insist that at least those standards are upheld. Information on South African policies of Black and Decker, and G.D. Searle, a pharmeceutical firm, has not indicated fulfillment of those principles. The Regents must also scrutinize reports on such policies to ensure responsible decisions. They must not swallow vague rhetoric, but instead question firms' commitments to non-discrimination. University Counsel Roderick Danne yesterday outlined alter- natives to divestment to the Regents. But Mr. Daane's suggestions are not acceptable because they do not extricate the' University from firms supporting apartheid in South Africa. They are nonetheless in the spirit of the type of close examination the Regents should follow. The Regents yesterday made an important move toward en- ding the University's ties to companies which sustain the deplorable apartheid system in South Africa. Advocates of South African divestment have been criticized for not supporting divestment from companies doing business in other countries where discrimination, overt or covert, exists. South Africa is just the first nation to be tackled by divest- ment supporters. Divestment from Black and Decker is just the first stage in the University's absolution of investments in firms contributing to the oppression of the black majority in the Republic of South Africa. AP Photo BILLY CARTER, the president's brother, leaves the federal courthouse in Atlanta yesterday, where he testified before a grand jury. The grand jury asked Carter about his family's peanut warehouse in Plains, Ga. Billy Carter testifies in peautfirm investigation ATLANTA (AP) - Billy Carter, Asked if he thought he would be indic- looking jovial and relaxed, testified for ted, Carter said, "If I'm indicted it will almost six hours yesterday before a be the greatest injustice done to one federal grand jury investigating the poor human being in the history of the financial dealings of his family's world." peanut warehouse. Carter's attorney, state Sen. Pierre He emerged calling the grand juros Howard of Decatur, Ga., said Friday he "real friendly" and "a bunch of real stood by his statement Thursday that nice folks." he had been told Carter was "not expec- Carter said the jury's questions ted to become a defendant as a result of covered loans to the Plains, Ga., the ongoing investigation." warehouse by the National Bank of BUT ASKED whether that meant Georgia when it was headed by Bert Carter would never be indicted, Lance, President Carter's former Howard responded, "That remains to budget director. be seen." "BASICALLY WE got into the struc- Attorney Paul Curran was appointed ture of the loan with NBG, how it came in March by Attorney General Griffin about," the president's brother said. Bell to investigate allegations of finan- He said he was asked if he diverted cial misconduct involving the any money from the warehouse to his warehouse, which was managed by brother's 1976 campaign and said he Billy Carter until 1977. answered, "Hell, no." Carter said he also was questioned about Jimmy Hayes, a former bonded warehouseman at the Carter business D'r. De faI h who was quoted in March as saying he i'-- l, YfW u~ helped Billy Carter falsify records to ever oda conceal peanut collateral. Hayese yM y testified before the jury earlier this 11:30 am to 12:30 am month. CARTER SAID he had been sum- moned to return for more testimony WNIA FREE GAME June 13. "Iy was pretty much background today," he said. "I gues we at the U N ION may get into the nitty-gritty part when I come back,"